Updated | ‘No state can face this problem alone’ - Muscat on Lampedusa tragedy

Many feared dead as only 150 immigrants have been saved from around 450.

Joseph Muscat (centre) flanked by home affairs minister Manuel Mallia (left) and foreign minister George Vella.
Joseph Muscat (centre) flanked by home affairs minister Manuel Mallia (left) and foreign minister George Vella.

Prime Minister Joseph Muscat convened an impromptu press conference at the Auberge de Castille to convey his government's solidarity to the relatives of the dead asylum seekers that had been travelling on a boat before it was shipwrecked.

"We hope this serves as a wake-up call for the EU. We are conveying our solidarity to the Italian government as well - we cannot let just one country deal with migration, even though Malta is not involved in this case," Muscat said.

"All we have seen so far from the EU are only words," Muscat remarked. "The EU must not limit itself to statements but extend its intentions in a perceptible manner with long-term solutions."

Muscat referred to the forthcoming EU conference on relocation and said that Malta will not be satisfied with just statements.  The Prime Minister said there were high level contacts going on with the Italian and Greek Prime Ministers and announced that the "migrant exodus issue" and the Mediterranean will be on the EU agenda for the next twelve months. Greece and Italy are due for the 2014 EU presidencies.

"Today's incident should not remain just a headline but it should lead to EU solidarity," Muscat said, welcoming the Italian government's intention to push for changes in the EU's asylum legislation. "The Maltese government is in favour of amendments to regulations governing the way asylum applications are processed. Malta is honouring its international obligations and upholding the provisions of international treaties. During the past hours, the Armed Forces of Malta, in conjunction with Italian naval authorities, were involved in yet another two rescue operations on the high seas."

A boat carrying migrants was shipwrecked off Lampedusa, about half a mile from Isola dei Conigli. Lampedusa Mayor Giusi Nicolini confirmed that rescuers had recovered the bodies of 82 migrants after a boat wreck near the Sicilian island. Nicolini was in tears as she gave the news.

Muscat said he would not be drawn into commenting on claims by Italian senator Roberto Formigoni (see below). "Comments made by sole politicians will definitely not impinge on the excellent relations between Malta and Italy," he said.

VIDEO: Lampedusa Mayor Giusi Nicolini comments on the tragedy

According to Italian media, a pregnant woman and around 30 children were among the bodies recovered. However, many more are feared dead as the boat was carrying around 500 people and so far only around 150 have been saved.

The crews of two fishing boats transiting the area alerted the Coast Guard after seeing the shipwreck about half a mile from Isola dei Conigli.

Rescue workers say that about 150 migrants have been rescued and taken to the Lampedusa port thus far. Two patrol boats are at the scene of the shipwreck, one from the Coast Guard and one from the Guardia di Finanza.

It is being reported that the boat caught fire and capsized.

Meanwhile, after the news surfaced Italian Senator Roberto Formigoni blamed Malta and Spain, even though both countries were not involved in this operation.

In comments given to RAI 24, he alleged that the two countries were pushing back immigrants to their point of departure, resulting in their deaths.

Lil Antoine Vella - il-mod fjakk ta' kif tikritika lill-gvern Malti u b'mod specjali li PM tieghek huwa, kif taqbad tghid.....vojt u sajjem mill-irgulija.
Il-kumment tighek hu razzist kontra-(bhas-soltu)- kull min hu Laburist!
PN, the EU,theJesuits, and others, should stop passing on comments to encourage human traffickrs. They are the blame for this tradegy.
Malmstrom is a USELESS politician, as yet she has proven to be able to accomplish NOTHING but words and unfair criticism towards Malta and Italy. Is it useful for the EU to hold an incapable in this post, perhaps yes according to their interests!!!! Shame on you EU!!!! These souls are on YOUR CONSCIOUS!!!!
Malmstrom is a USELESS politician, as yet she has proven to be able to accomplish NOTHING but words and unfair criticism towards Malta and Italy. Is it useful for the EU to hold an incapable in this post, perhaps yes according to their interests!!!! Shame on you EU!!!! These souls are on YOUR CONSCIOUS!!!!
The coldness with which Joseph Muscat speaks of these deaths is . . . well, chilling.
@inhobb lil malta. do u think that our PM is any better. Both statements by Formigioni & our PM are full of recriminations & hollow preachings but void of compassion or solidarity for the plight of these human beings. And if you look at the previous remarks, you will probably recognize the same trademarks of our PM. Have we become so calloused that this tragedy leaves our nation cold.
Dr. Muscat Two days ago on RAI Storia they showed naked Eritrean showing their private parts on Italian sponsored filming, while the Italians had airplanes and modern weapons at that time their enemy used javelins and weapons that they captured from the Italians. It seem this is what make them cookie when going to war against less equipped people. Today's problems are derived from past policy that occupiers like Germany, Italy, France and Britain tried to adopt. In this case the Italian ideas of expansion and leaving occupied land worse then when they occupied, now it is payback time. Unfortunately we are caught in between. If it was for the Italians they came with a handful of gunboats to take us like they did in Eritrea. I said it once and I repeat this coming election I will only vote for that individual who want us out of this Exclusive Union were only Germany seem to have gained.
It is all the fault of the EU, PN UNHCR and all others who with their comments have been and still are sending signals to traffickers to continue human trafficking !
There is nothing worse than when a political charlatan like Formigoni has a bit of power.
Italian Senator Roberto Formigoni is trying to blame others for their incompetence. Nothing new here. Wasn't it the Italian Government that had made a deal with Gaddafi about keeping off illegal immigrants? The Italian government paid a handsome price. This man must be some kind of an idiot to blame Malta and Spain for these awful drownings. I know it is not going to happen but it is the responsibility of the EU to find out where these illegal immigrants are originating their journey from and try stop them before they start. Joseph Muscat said what every other EU State wanted to say but are afraid to. PUSHBACK to discourage others from making this perilous journey. The EU must insist that the profitable NGOs stop encouraging these people from making this trip and stop co-ordinating such dangerous trips. Where are all these POOr people getting their boats? Somebody is providing their transportation at a very good price. Rome should stay out of this madness.
Priscilla Darmenia
"Italian senator criticises Malta" - as usual with the Italians - they take credit even when it is not due on something positive, but blame others for something negative.
Its all the fault of Malmstrom: she should order European cruise liners to dock at Tripoli to ferry over immigrants wanting to come to Europe-without the danger of crossing the Med in derelict boats. She should also let them choose the country of their choice :that's humanity! Hopefully this comment wont be censored: if Europeans organize migration from Africa and elsewhere in a more tangible,sustainable and safer way there wont be any more human tragedies at sea.
Its all the fault of Malmstrom: she should order European cruise liners to dock at Tripoli to ferry over immigrants wanting to come to Europe-without the danger of crossing the Med in derelict boats. She should also let them choose the country of their choice :that's humanity! Hopefully this comment wont be censored: if Europeans organize migration from Africa and elsewhere in a more tangible,sustainable and safer way there wont be any more human tragedies at sea.
Kemm qeghdin sew: kulhadd jippriedkalna u jordnawlna: qisna ergajna sirna kolonja wara l-Indipendenza. Jidher car ukoll li f'dawn l-ahhar snin certi Maltin kabbru ilsien laghqi twil mhux hazin: ezatt bhal qabel l-Indipendenza!
Jekk mhux giddieb dan min hu?
Controversial Formigoni should be made to apologize for his unfounded and slanderous allegations to the Maltese Government and the Maltese people. He has been involved in alleged corruption, criticized by his own Ministers and was one of the foreigners brought to Malta to aid the PN in the 1980s. This is this slanderous Formigoni. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roberto_Formigoni On October 3, 2013, following the tragic drowning of scores of irregular immigrants off the coast of Lampedusa [6] Senator Formigioni was reported to have made a controversial reference to the so-called "pushback policy" as the underlying cause of these tragic deaths. [7] This is in direct contrast to comments made by the Minister of Infrastructure Maurizio Lupi who blamed the tragedy on "traffickers of death who exploit the hope of the poor" and reiterated a commitment to bring pressure on the international community and the European Union in particular, to rectify the situation. Speaker of the House Gianluca Pini, Vice President of the right wing Northern League party placed political responsibility of the tragedy on policies promoted by Cécile Kyenge the Congolese-born politician who is currently serving as Minister for Integration in the Lette government and Laura Boldrini, President of the Chamber of Deputies of Italy since 16 March 2013 and former spokesperson for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees: "Spreading unfiltered messages of welcome you can only expect to harvest more victims of a war. Both Boldrini as Kyenge have on their conscience all those illegal immigrants who died in recent months".[8]
This particular senator can have them all or better still civilize and educate their former colony how to run their own country not on at the expance of others.Malta and Europe has done enough for these people.