John Rizzo’s ‘integrity and impartiality’ proven along the years – Busuttil

Opposition leader says former police commissioner John Rizzo’s ‘integrity and impartiality was well-known’.

Opposition leader Simon Busuttil (Photo: Audrey Lienard/MediaToday)
Opposition leader Simon Busuttil (Photo: Audrey Lienard/MediaToday)

Political interference had nothing to do with the former police commissioner John Rizzo's failure to arraign John Dalli, Opposition leader Simon Busuttil reiterated today.

Busuttil has stood by declarations made by Rizzo in court denying any political interference during the course of the John Dalli police investigation.

"John Rizzo is a person whose integrity and impartiality were proven along the years and no one had ever questioned his integrity," Busuttil said, insisting Rizzo had testified under oath.

Asked why therefore Rizzo never issued a European arrest warrant while Dalli was abroad, Busuttil said "the government should not insult people's intelligence".

"The facts are as is: the Attorney General agreed with Rizzo to arraign John Dalli and the new police commissioner decided to change course," Busuttil said, adding this left the Opposition no other option but to concluded political interference.

The Opposition leader, who on Monday walked out of the House of Representatives after the Speaker ruled against Busuttil in breach of privilege, rejected suggestions of overreaction.

"If you agree with me that the Opposition was being gagged and if you agree with me that it was an extraordinary case, then you will surely agree that our action necessitated the extraordinary in protest," he said.

While the Prime Minister alleged that some of the Opposition MPs might have not supported Busuttil's walkout, the leader of the Opposition claimed otherwise.

Referring to the motion tabled yesterday by the Opposition calling for a revision of the ruling, Busuttil said it was signed by the Nationalist parliamentary group showing he enjoyed their full support.

He also denied the motion was an attack against the Speaker.

"If anything, the attack was on us. We are simply making use of available parliamentary procedures. Contesting the Speaker's decision doesn't mean we do not trust him."

Busuttil also suggested the Police Commissioner, Peter Paul Zammit, should declare whether the Attorney General's advice to John Rizzo was given in a written statement.

Integrity has nothing to do with this. If in his believe he thought that he should indite Mr Dalli he should have done it there and then. After all that is his job. Now after all the waiting all hell broke loose. Veru sirna pajjiz tal pulcinelli. Laqqas temmen.
Simon Malta maqsuma f'zewgt kampijiet; daqqa jirbah naha bi ftit u daqqa jirbah ohra. Imma l-elezzjoni li ghaddiet ma kienitx tas-soltu-l-aktar ghax int kont wiehed mill-leaders ta GonziPN li dabbar telfa kbira. Il-Partit Nazzjonalista ma kienx jixraqlu leader imponut fuqu-xi hadd bhal Gonzi, u illum dan jghodd ghalik ukoll! Ahjar terga tonghos xi ftit ghax bi tejatrini li qed taghmel qed titfa l-gebla fuq saqgajk u tipperikola il-hobza ta kuljum taghna. Il-Maltin ifferocjaw kontra l-oghli tad-dawl u l-fuel......u int se ittelef biex dan ma jorhoss? Aktar ma ittellef aktar jaraw kemm intom bad losers!
Iddahhakniex Xmun, xbajt taqgha ghac-cajt. Integrita my foot!!
The only thing he has got right so far is... his hair cut. Well done Dr. Simon
Luke Camilleri
If Simon Says it. . . . I have my doubts :)
I suugest Dr Bussutil read the book by HIS Dione Borg and he will see what Dione had to say on John Rizzo. Dione had a much different opinion of Dr Busuttil.
Il-Giddieb oghmru qasir Simon!
This guy is fantastic... the more he talks the more enjoyable he becomes in order to break the monotony of the day.The stupid ones are the ones who talk seriously about him. He sssssure makes me smile. ..while his avvokatini make me hold on to my stomach with laughter
When a hard question requiring an honest answer is put to Xmun, then he turns into an artful political dodger. Go on Xmun, tell us why Rizzo did not charge Dalli if he was so sure of guilt!! Intelligent answers please. NO arty farty!
What a clown! If Rizzo's integrity is guaranteed, the integrity of the AG is now at sea. The implication here is that the Attorney General is a puppet of the administration. Is he going to take this lying down? Simon continues to be the PL's greatest asset.
Hbieb tieghi Nazzjonalisit qaluli li Simon ma kellux triq ohra li taparsi qe jaghmel xi haga f'Malta u telaq l- barra mill-Parlamnet: ghax inkell l-PN kien se itellaq lilu 'l barra. Hafna kitbu kontra ir-raqda ta Simon fi blogs tas-soltu irkejjen!