Opposition leader extends 'hand of friendship' but finds a hawkish Tony Zarb

GWU secretary-general Tony Zarb takes Opposition leader's call for cooperation with a pinch of salt.

GWU secretary general Tony Zarb
GWU secretary general Tony Zarb

The icy relations between the Nationalist Party and the General Workers' Union have been going on for years and it appears they will not thaw any time soon.

Because while Opposition leader Simon Busuttil attempted to extend a hand of friendship, this invitation was taken with a pinch of salt by union secretary-general Tony Zarb.

This evening, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat and Opposition leader Simon Busuttil addressed the opening of the GWU national conference, marking 70 years of GWU.

Busuttil, who insisted on the importance of "independent trade unions", described the Nationalist Party as the workers' party and said he looked forward to working with the union.

"Unions should operate independently. I am well aware of GWU's history and its roots but I also believe history shouldn't push GWU away from its trade unionistic role. I also know that the PN and the GWU didn't see eye-to-eye but this shouldn't stop us from respecting each other's role and work together on issues," Busuttil said.

But Zarb's reaction may have come as a surprise to Busuttil: because while the PN leader very much lauded the GWU's work, the union's secretary-general did not hold back from lashing out at the PN.

"Yes we are ready to work with everyone, but out of conviction and not convenience. We always offered our help but the past administration repeatedly refused us. Because while Dr Busuttil talks about job creation, I would like to remind how the Nationalist government turned down our proposals to save jobs, one after the other," Zarb said.

"We are also ready to extend our cooperation with other trade unions. Dr Busuttil said he was ready to work with us. Well, I wish I had a positive reply to that but before we move there I want evidence and proof that you [Busuttil] genuinely want to work with us."

During his 30-minute speech, Zarb also pointedly declared it was "time to end the hypocrisy". Explaining that plans to privatise Air Malta dated as far back as 1994, Zarb said one should keep this in mind "before picturing oneself as some defender of the workers".

On his part, Joseph Muscat said the government had taken a very cautious approach in the restructuring process at Air Malta, making sure that the management appointed by the Nationalist administration would remain until their contract expired.

"At no point did we want to jeopardise Air Malta's restructuring and the management was retained. We inherited a management with clear and well-defined targets and I hope that by the time it reaches its mandate in a few months' time, all targets set by the European Union would have been met," the Prime Minister said.

Whilst reassuring that Budget 2014 will include measures to create employment and training opportunities, Muscat said the Labour government did have a plan.

"I understand the Opposition's call for a plan on job creation. I personally would have wished to find an existing plan on which to build... but we didn't find any and we built everything from scratch," Muscat said.

The government, he added, would not be offering any magic formulas but measures such as the Youth Guarantee programme.

The Prime Minister once again called on the trade unions to set up a unions' council. "I wish to see the day when all unions come together in this one council. This should be the next step in industrial relations and I urge the GWU to be open for dialogue," he said.

Speaking on government's plans to combat precarious employment condition, the Prime Minister said he had been "shocked" to find out that workers subcontracted by Wasterserv had poor working conditions because "of their skin colour".

"I could not believe it when the Environment Minister revealed the matter. As a government, I will not allow any form of discrimination," he declared.

Its nice to hear them talking about helping out Air Malta,,but not only air Malta war hurt by bad decisions with the later government,who not only gave away company like the dry-docks and shipbuilding for nothing but destroyed the worker that worked there,,let there be justice please ,Mr Zarb and Mr Muscat, don't forget them and give something back for they were made redundant for a political reason and not because it was absolutely important financially.
Oh how Simon and his still Gonzi PN is crawling to win votes simply and only to have power without plans. But they are such a bunch of hypocrites that when they crawl, they crawl like a snake. So be careful Labour and GWU, do not let them crawl in your boots as they can only do one thing....BITE WITH VENOM
When governing, the PN shunned every attempt of the GWU for dialogue and even went further by demonising Tony Zarb, including doubtful, genuine, out of context, mobile recordings. Why the sudden change of attitude? SB should know that actions speak better than words. Reflecting on the gist of the speeches by the able Prime Minister and the weak leader of the Opposition, one understands perfectly why they occupy their respective positions!
How can the GWU trust Simon, his party called it names in the past and had its side kick the UHM do the same.Can't forget when the GWU together with others organised a protest against stiff electricity bills and PM gonzi disparaged them. You have to be more sincere Simon before anyone in the union would take you seriously.
A union, any union anywhere, doesn't feel the need to suck-up to a political leader. It's obligations are mainly to the working class in general and its members in particular. So nobody should feel surprised at Tony Zarb's attitude towards the PN leader's approach towards the GWU. After 70 years of constant attacks and hate campaigns it takes much more than cheap and easy talk by a PN leader, let alone one with Simon Busuttil's background in the EU and the Malta political scene.
If there is anyone in Malta who contributed nothing to Maltas GDP this is undoubtedly Tony Zarb!!! Cannot recall him ever doing something positive or fruitful!
toni zarb irid ikun biex lil dan il-pulcinell li twieled il-bierah ..... li qed jahseb li hu xi haga minkejja d-damdima li ghadu kif qala' .... toni zarb irid ikun biex lil dan ix-xejn gdid ipoggih f'postu .... toni zarb irid ikun biex jurih kif il-poplu jistmah lil dan busuttil ... kollu arja u gel u jahseb li se jkaxkar lil malta warajh ....
Mhux Malta kollha taf li l-PN ilu s-snin twal jorkestra kampanja harxa kontra il-GWU? Il-qawl Malti jghid li l-hanzir taqtalu dembu hanzir jibqa.
Xjipretendi Simon, mhux ovja. Wara 25 years jipersegwitaw il GWU ghax kellhom il power. Issa ha jibda jilaq ghax qijghad f loppozizzioni. Wera li ragel Toni ghax taf fejn qijghad mijhaw mhux ipokrita bhal tal PN.