Updated | Forum accuses Social Dialogue minister of ‘insulting 11 unions’
Office of the Prime Minister says 'no objection to schedule other meetings with Forum'.
Adds comments by the Office of the Prime Minister
Social Dialgoue Minister Helena Dalli was "more intent" on finding excuses to justify her actions as minister than trying to address the serious discrimination issues, according to the 11-union confederation Forum.
Forum President Paul Pace reiterated his call for a meeting at the Office of the Prime Minister, "since the replies of the minister concerned not only do not address the discrimination claims being but also clearly show lack of insight on how to address and resolve the same issues".
"The Office of the Prime Minister has absolutely no objection to schedule other meetings with FORUM, or any other social partner, which requests the need for further communication," a spokesperson told MaltaToday when contacted to see whether the Office of the Prime Minister will uphold Forum's request.
The official said the Prime Minister was currently meeting all social partners, on a one-to-one basis, as part of the regular consultation process which will be held by the Government throughout this legislature.
The spokesperson confirmed that the most recent meeting between the Prime Minister and Forum was held at Castille in September.
"This Government believes in the equal participation of all social partners in the decision-making process. Labour in Opposition had strongly insisted, and succeeded, on the inclusion of Forum in the MCESD."
However Pace has insisted Forum was still being treated as a second class confederation and, consequently, its affiliate members treated as second class citizens by the present administration.
The confederation said that in the press releases issued by Forum on the finances given to trade unions and employers, Dalli "replied in three different ways". In her latest reply, the minister said that Forum is to submit its costs and receipts to MEUSAC.
"This reply is insulting to us and our affiliates since the minister is not placing Forum on an equal footing with other confederations. This position clearly demonstrates that the minster, instead of addressing the discrimination against Forum is actually endorsing the existing discriminatory practices," the confederation said.
Forum said it was "shameful" that the minister was ignoring the contribution which Forum could give on the local and European platform.
"Minister Dalli is well aware that Forum has EU commitments just as the GWU, UHM, MEA and GRTU, which commitments have always been honoured in the name of the Maltese workers it represents. Forum sustains that it should be availed of the entitlement of €58,000 on an equal footing with these confederations and organizations. Apparently, Minister Dalli does not have the courage to address this important issue."
Forum insisted Dalli was also misinformed on the issue of the employees relations board since in the latest e-mail communication on the subject, which was more than two months ago, its representative on this board was confirmed.
"Once again, the Minister seems to be resorting to excuses so as to justify discrimination against Forum."