‘Start making cuts at the top’ AD tells government

Start saving money by travelling in economy class, The Green Party tells ministers and MPs.

Alternattiva Demokratika called on ministers and MPs to save money by travelling in economy class following the government's decision to stop heating the national diving pool in Tal-Qroqq in its bid to cut spending.

"Blocking funds for deserving entities seems to have become the order of the day," AD chairperson Arnold Cassola said.

The Greens also hit out at the social dialogue minister Helena Dalli's decision to cut over €300,000 from the financial aid previously given to social partners and a number of non-governmental organisations.

Cassola said: "Following the blocking of funds for NGOs and Civil society by MEUSAC and the blocking of the 400,000 euros voted by the government for 2013 so that Local Councils could participate in European projects, we now learn that there is no money to heat the national diving pool in winter, thus depriving senior citizens of the possibility of making use of it."

He added that if there is no money, the country must first of all start making cuts at the top.

"AD suggests that all Ministers and MPs on official business abroad should from now on travel exclusively in economic class and frequent four star hotels and under. The money saved on flights and lodging can go towards the heating of the diving pool," Cassola said.

AD spokesperson on sports and disability Claire Azzopardi Lane pointed out that not heating, and closing down the 25 metre diving pool in winter will deprive both competitive and non-competitive swimmers, including senior citizens and whoever practices swimming for health related reasons, including physical impairments, of the possibility of using it.  

"This will mean that they will have a restricted space in the main pool, which is normally occupied by Malta's professional swimmers and athletes and other persons who require to swim in an Olympic size 50m pool.  Government must ensure that the pool remains heated all the year round, since our pensioners and people with a disability or impairment deserve the best treatment possible," Azzopardi Lane added.  

Mr Cassola. since it seems that you woke up from a very long slumber, you should have mentioned the use of private jets too, dont you agree?
Luke Camilleri
And you call yourself GREENS.... CUTS ARE NEVER DONE FROM THE TOP ;) . . . anyone with GREEN FINGERS knows this ! If one should make cuts from the top , one can start with Arnold :)
Inti tqajt il-perks tieghek u parti mis-salarju ta MP Taljan Dr Cassola meta l-Italja kienet u ghadha ghaddejja mill krizi A1? Ghandkex pensjoni tajba hafna ukoll mill-Italja waqt li l-pensjonati taljani qed jiftaqru kull siegha. Min ghaliha Mps taljani kellhom 50,000 euro fix-xahar salarji u perks u travelling. Forsi zbaljat : qed biss insaqsi.
Now Mr Cassola that is the best statement I have heard coming out of your mouth ever since you took over. Except for the PM all politicians should travel in economy class with the rest of the, what they call second class citizens. That would give them the chance to mingle with their constituents. Most of their travel consists of less than a three hour flight and should be no strain on their mental capacities. Kudos for you Mr Cassola but don't bet your life on it becoming a reality. Sometimes even their families get to travel Business Class for free, official business of course. Now you can pull the other one.
Politicians will NEVER make cuts that affect their own lives of luxury. Screw them all- after all, they are screwing the taxpayer
I agree with A D in that cuts in spending should not always have to be done at the man in the street's expense