AD hits out at ‘hypocritical’ prime minister

Show real solidarity and not crocodile tears after death, says AD on migration tragedy in Lampedusa.

AD chairperson Arnold Cassola condemned the hypocrisy of those 'who today show solidarity but yesterday were the foremost proponents of pushback policies.'
AD chairperson Arnold Cassola condemned the hypocrisy of those 'who today show solidarity but yesterday were the foremost proponents of pushback policies.'

In the wake of the recent Lampedusa tragedy where hundreds of migrants died at sea, Alternattiva Demokratika chairperson Arnold Cassola, said "The death of so many people in one go again highlights the inhumanity of pushback policies and of those who propose them."  

"Expressing solidarity after death is no substitute for showing solidarity during life and we condemn the hypocrisy of those who today show solidarity but yesterday were the foremost proponents of pushback policies," Cassola said in clear reference to Prime Minister Joseph Muscat.

In July, Muscat attempted to push back 45 migrants to Libya without allowing them to make a claim for asylum, however the European Court of Human Rights thwarted his attempt.

Later, Muscat defended his actions by claiming that he was only stamping his feet to attract attention to the migration phenomenon. Following the tragedy in Lampedusa, Muscat renewed his calls for further EU solidarity, saying "All we have seen so far from the EU are only words."

Italian emergency services recovered 111 bodies so far and rescued 155 survivors from a boat, which caught fire and capsized with an estimated 450 to 500 people on board.

"European political leaders should put their actions where their mouth is, forget national egoisms and ensure that they adopt the concept of solidarity and responsibility sharing in practice, whilst revising the Dublin convention accordingly, to allow refugee status seekers to move within the EU and thus relieve the disproportionate burden carried by smaller member states," Cassola said.

AD spokesperson for social policy, REobert Callus added: "The simple fact the immigrants know beforehand the huge risk of perishing in the Mediterranean is a clear indication that the majority are not simply looking for job opportunities but actually fleeing persecution."

He also noted that the fact that most immigrants hail from Somalia and Eritrea is further proof of this fact.

"It is for the same reason that policies such as long-term detention do not act as deterrents but are nothing more than an inhumane practice and a burden on the taxpayer that only serves to make politicians look tough."

Jekk Dr Cassola jigi elett bhal MEP nibda nivvotalu; jekk le, jaghmlilna pjacir u jisparixxi(politikamament) : ghax on a social level he is a very jovial person.
`Foremost proponents of pushback policy?' Dr. Cassola is out of touch with reality. These poor people were not in reality pushed back. The government kept them temporarily at sea on their ship and provided food, water and medical help. The immigrants were then disembarked in Malta and thereafter we kept receiving other immigrants. So why does he accuse the PM of hypocrisy? These is cheap talk and does little to help AD gain any votes at all.
Dan Dr. Arnold Cassola qisu xi Prima Donna. Qieghed ic-Chairperson tal-AD ghax ma kien hemm hadd li jiehu post Michael Briguglio. Imissu jikkritika l-pajjiz li dawn il-povri imigranti qeghdin jaharbu minnu. Imissu jikkritika lill-Unjoni Ewropea talli mhi qeghda taghmel xejn dwar din il-problema enormi li Malta u Lampedusa qeghdin jiffaccjaw. Imissu jikkritika lill-pajjizi li fil-passat sfruttaw lil dawn il-pajjizi minn fejn l-imigranti illegali qeghdin jaharbu, u issa ma jridux jaghtu ghajnuna. Faccli ghal Cassola li m’ghandu ebda risponsabbilità fuq spallejh x’jerfgha johrog jikkritika. Qed jikkritika biex jidher helu forsi jekk johrog ghall-elezzjoni tal-MEPs idabbar xi ftit voti, pero in-nies jafu xi jsarraf u ga tawh risposta. Taf xi jmisshom jaghmlu tal-AD bhala ezempju ta’ qlubija, kull membru jdahhal familja minn dawn l-imsieken klandestini jghixu maghhom f’darhom. Cassola jista’ almenu jghidilna kemm Malta tiflah ghal din il-mewga ta’ klandestini?
A.D. stands for Another Dinosaur and these kind of creatures have been extent for ages. You can find them only in history books, like the Alternattiva Demokratik is only history, with no present or future.
In his book:'Exodus:How Migration is Changing Our World' Paul Collier. Oxford Univesity Press USA;Allen Lane, Mr Collier-who is plainly not a bigot- proposes the following solutions:peg the number of immigrants until the previous lot has integrated;welcome skilled workers but curb family reunion;allow in assylum seekers from war but send them back when peace returns to their homeland. Illegal immigrants would register as guest worker who pay taxes but receive no social benefits. Paul says that large unasimilated diasporas will be impossible to assimilate. it is easier not to assimilate when you eat the same food, hear the same music, have the same friends at home and if you do not work you will still receive social benefits. Mr Collier asks one important questions NGos never ask: how much 'migration' in our case a tiny overpopulated island would be beneficial, and to whom. These are just a few thoughts on a new book about migration. It is different from the usual comments of racism, do gooders and charity workers.
Dr Cassola, qed taqa' l-maskra ta' x'idejal veru thaddnu. Ghax ma tergghux tinghaqdu mal-PN li bhalissa tant ghandu bzonn nies bhalkom, forsi jibda' jwarrab lil min hamgu u gabu fl-istat li jinsab illum. Almenu nkunu nafu min intom tassew, u ma tibqghux intom l-ipokriti.
Mark Fenech
Dan Dr. Cassola, timmaġina li l-partit tieghu ġab xi 60,000 vot mhux 6,000 vot. Jippretendi li jmexxi lil Malta. Jitkellem minghajr responsabilita ta' xejn. Għax ma jgħidx li NGOs immisshom jistħu. Meta xi kaċċatur injorant u jispara għall-tajr protett, tarhom kollha ħerġin bi staqrijiet kontra l-kaċċa, imbagħad disgrazzja bħal dik, li jidher li l-forzi taljani kellhom tort għax damu ma ħarġu jagħtu l-għajnuna u kulħadd jibqa qiesu ma ġara xejn. Imbagħad jiġi dan il-baħbuħ (flok baħnan) ta' Dr. Cassola u flok idur fuq l-EU għax ma qiegħda tagħmel xejn, idur fuq il-PM Joseph Muscat. Xi tridu jagħmel il-PM tagħna, ma ġibietx l-attenzjoni tal-EU u inthom ħadtuha kontra tiegħu, għax inthom bravi ħafna u ara ma tmurx tmaqdar lil Brussels, għax tridu lil Malta tkun kolonja tagħhom. Istħi u neħħi dik il-pruzunzjoni li għandek Dr. Cassola.
By the same yardstick measurement as detailed by Dr Cassola and AD spokesperson Robert Callus vide illegal immigrants escaping persecution when can we expect luzzu-loads of Maltese PN supporters to head for Sicily to affect illegal entry into the Italian mainland? According to Dr Simon Busuttil and his colleagues, Malta is the "worst" country in Europe, democracy has come to an end, Opposition spokespersons are being "muzzled" etc. Surely these are enough justifications to start this latest migration move! By the way, one modest-sized luzzu would be enough to transport Dr Cassola and Co together with "all" their supporters. ALBERT FENECH
Mr Cassola you say one nice thing one day and the next day you manage to stick your foot in your mouth again. Why is that? Mr Cassola this is no way to have people listen to you because most of the time all that comes out of your mouth is gas, hot air. You are entitled to your opinion of course but why is it you keep making a fool of yourself every time you open your mouth? Most Maltese citizens, PN or PL will back Joseph Muscat on the Pushback or Pushforward option and only those trying to make a name for themselves think otherwise. I for one do not agree with Joseph Muscat too often but on this one, I as a Maltese citizen agree with what he says about illegal immigration which is splitting Malta and the Maltese apart. We have the profitable NGOs doing enough talking and we do not need you as the leader of an ignored AD Party to criticize our government just to make points. You have very little credibility as it is..
Dr Cassola Thallatx il Hass mal Bass X.ghandu x'jaqsam li jiddispjacik ghalmewt ta iktar minn 200 persuna f'disgrazzja u li tipprova tigbed l-attenzjoni ma stati li suppost qedin maghhqudin ma Malta f'Unjoni wahda. Jew Malta tajba biex tislef flus pro rata aktar minn kull pajjiz iehor biex tghin lill Grecja u lill Malta hadd ma jghina, ghidilna fejn hi l-Unjoni Ewrpoja? Ma tghid xejn ghal Francizi li qeddin ikeccu u ir-'Roma People' minn pajjizhom u jwaquhlom il-kmamar fejn kienu jghixu, jew dawn ghax Zingari ma humiex nies? Kompli sejjer hekk biex minghalik tigbed is-simpatija as-sena d-diehla. U dan kif komtu lkoll issa dwar il Push Backs. Fejn kont meta saru l-Push Backs qabel Dr Cassola kont qieghed tiehu xi naghsa. Jekk trid tara fejn huma l-ipokriti nahseb li ma taghmilx hazin jekk tmur quddiem mera.
Quem deus vult perdere, dementat prius
By the same yardstick measurement as detailed by Dr Cassola and AD spokesperson Robert Callus vide illegal immigrants escaping persecution when can we expect luzzu-loads of Maltese PN supporters to head for Sicily to affect illegal entry into the Italian mainland? According to Dr Simon Busuttil and his colleagues, Malta is the "worst" country in Europe, democracy has come to an end, Opposition spokespersons are being "muzzled" etc. Surely these are enough justifications to start this latest migration move! By the way, one modest-sized luzzu would be enough to transport Dr Cassola and Co together with "all" their supporters. ALBERT FENECH
What title can be given to a political dwarf who uses tragedy and loss of life on a large scale to maliciously attack, both politically and personally, a young, brilliantly and amazingly successful politician and prim minister? Hypocrite is too mild, certainly!
What title can be given to a political dwarf who uses tragedy and loss of life on a large scale to maliciously attack, both politically and personally, a young, brilliantly and amazingly successful politician and prim minister? Hypocrite is too mild, certainly!
AD???? Dawn min huma jew xínhuma? Mhux ahjar jaraw min hu l-ipokrita dawn in-nonentities?
MISKIN. Miskin. miskin.
I can go at great lengths to amply explain to some apparent simpletons the reason why AD has been denied appropriate representation in parliament by the PLPN duopoly..... however the focus should remain on this umpteenth tragedy and more importantly effective action to avoid it.
Dr. Cassola instead of his cheap talk and digs at the PM should suggests tangible ways to solve Malta's Illegal Immigration problem. The least he should address his cheap talk towards his friends in the EU and if he has to call someone hypocritical it is them he should call!
L-arroganza kielitek !!!!! tipprova tghamel hoss ta zghir biex tibqa fil wick. Mhux tinduna li tiga kont kap u tliftu ahseb u ara b'din l-attitudni?
Ma nistax nifhem kif l-gurnali jahlu l-ispazju fuqkom. Dan x'diskors hu Dr Cassola? X'ghandu x'jaqsam mal-'push backs' u dawk l-imsieken li gherqu Pantellerija. Allura ghax Muscat wera s-sobghba tal-poplu Malti x'fiha hazin? Mela biex ma nkunux ipokriti nmorru l-Libja jew minn kull fejn gejjin l-imigranti llegali bi cruise liner u ngibuhom kollha Malta. Hekk trid inti?
The problem with some people who have never managed to get any mileage on the local political scene is just like the problem with the other Italian MP who blamed Malta & Spain for this tragedy. They try to use such situations to gain some political mileage.I have never seen any one of these humanitarian front liners take any one of these migrants and shelter them. No they just moan and never come up with some form of solution. I believe that if the push back policy has been left to work we would have avoided so many deaths now and in the future as word would spread out that if caught they would be returned back. This with other measures would have been a deterrent of some form. but by whining we never got anywhere except for verbal solidarity and a phantom burden sharing if and when I feel like it program.
Arnold why don't you show a nice gesture to our friends the animals. Go to an animal actuary and take a dog for a walk. It will do you a lot of good instead talking nonsense.
I always wanted to believe that Malta Today was read by intelligent and mature people with left wing leanings. However, reading the two comments posted on item as well as the comments posted on the Rachael Tua article, I have come to the conclusion that Malta today is read by a bunch racists and fascists who are only interested i8n propagating racial hatred and echoing their master's voice. Whilst Joseph Muscat's xenophobia could be attributed - but not excused - to "political mileage", the venom issuing from the comments posted makes me ashamed to be Maltese!
This was a huge tragedy. Many of the migrants coming from Africa are economic migrants unlike say people coming from Syria where there is war. What needs to happen and what newspapers should not encourage is illegal crossing to Euroep from Libya. NGOs and human rights organizations should also be investigated to determine if they are also involved in human trafficking. Human trafficking is illegal and the EU will do well to start investigating and bringing to justice these human traffickers for murder as well as stealing the little money these migrants have. Time for the EU to take action. Malta is doing it's part already given it's size. It is time for the EU to act once and for all on this issue. And it would be nice if AD stop talking nonsense. The vast majority of the maltese and gozitans - whether PN or PL are behind our prime minister on this issue. Malta did nothing wrong here.
I am one of those that seem to not agree with anything going on in Malta and I write so. But for Christ sake, get out of your University job, get out of your club, see what is happening to Malta and if you have Maltese blood running inside you will join what they are saying in Britain, France, Germany, Greece, Italy and elsewhere this system is not working, it is only making money to Arabs organizing this illegal emigration that in the end my government have no money for my medicine, have on place in hospital to a follow up on Maltese patients, so he feed these illegals. Arnold I agree on this one 100 per cent with Joseph, after all America did it and it slowed down the illegals, Australia and Spain did it and others do it. Were are we going to keep placing them have all they not only took our dear island with their numbers. Now they want cemeteries, Mosques, schools. Thanks to people like you. I prefer harder action then that of Joseph but at this time it is a better choice then yours.
Ibqa sejjer hekk u kazzola nivvutawlek Cassola.
What is keeping Malmstrom from organizing ferries and planes from Somalia, Eritrea and other places in Africa to migrate to mainland Europe in a sustainable safe and decent manner? The truth is that the Europeans don't want these extra communities migrants without a proper papers; so they devise Dublin 1 Dublin 2 and possibly Dublin 3 to filter them according to their skills. Remember Dr Cassola they interview and select migrants from Malta; they do not want and will not agree to an open door policy like you are proclaiming. Is it not time that you give us some practical and viable solutions; rather than thaw the line of those Europeans who are hiding behind Dublin 2?
Ghalejn Cassola ma jghidilniex ftit x'ghamel meta kien deputat fil-parlament Taljan biex jghin lil dawm l-imsekna u x'qed jaghmel issa bix-jghinhom, minflok ma joqghod iparla fil-vojt! Kulhadd bravu iparla minn fuq il-putruna.
persecution ( pr ' s-ky ' shn ) n. The act or practice of persecuting on the basis of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or beliefs that differ. So if they are running away from persecution as per the above definition are you saying that Somalis are racist ? Also please note that the present Somali government is on the good books of the UN and the West so how is it that they are being persecuted? The most hypocritically "politician" on the local scene is in fact Cassola himself who managed to bluff his way into italian politics. What AD should be saying if they wanted to help refugees is why are there a dozen EU warships off the coast of Somalia but no such ships off the coast of Libya? The answer is simple that the EU wants to protect the shipping lanes from Somali pirates but couldn't care less about human trafficking and people dying at sea. He attacks Muscat but says nothing about the fact that other countries in the EU don't want to help out. Then we got the brainwave from the AD sidekick that the fact that they cross over in such danger shows they are persecuted. OK so why come all the way to Malta? They pass through various free countries on their way here so why not stop there? OH and how about AD buying a map of the world. THey could cross over to saudi or One of the rich Gulf states where they would be more in their environment. get a life AD
Luke Camilleri
If there is anyone that is a HYPOCRITE it is ARNOLD who as a "MLATESE" should defend Malta's interests and put MALTA first on his agenda! It was PRIME MINISTER JOSEPH MUSCAT that has put MALTA's plight on the agenda and charity does start at home and don't be hypocrites! Even Cecilia Malmstrom has now woken up after this tragedy AFTER not before whit our Prime Minister's WAKE UP CALL to the E.U.!
ARNOID i quite agree you have become more pathetic trying to score points when JM was doing his best to make Europe listen.My mind tells me you are wasteing your time to gain 1 seat in Parlament. Would suggest you write to European head of States so they help with this huge problem.If there was no JM you maybe be blaming God for what has happened.
joseph mercieca
Dr. Cassaola you should be ashamed of yourself using this tragedy as a political weapon to browbeat Joseph Muscat! The Leader of the opposition at least has the grace and charity to act according to the sitaution. But you never miss a beat to spew your bile against Joseph Muscat. By the way where were you whem GonziPN actually pushed back immigrants? No wonder you are a politiical none entity without any credibility. Again I repeat SHAME ON YOU!!!!!!
What a pathetic person Arnold has become, as if Joseph was the one who sank the boats.Get a life Arnold, AD never was, isn't and will never be in parliament. Give it up and do some voluntary work that is of some use instead of opening up your gob like a darned gold fish.
Ma tistennijiex minn politikant ta (suppost) certu intellett li jhallat pushback-policy fejn l-immigranti kienu safe fuq vapur ma hafna mwiet li sehhew b'incident (u by the way, xi bravu minnhom holqu lincident). Ma tistennijex minn politikant li ma jgharafx li il-pushback policy kienet ghajta cara ghall-ghajnuna minn pajjizi suppost hbieb imma fil-verita egoisti kbar.