Government has lost its sense of shame - Dr Busuttil

Opposition leader Simon Busuttil attacks the government's way of running the country with lack of moral fibre and no sense of shame.

The government led by Joseph Muscat lacks moral fibre and had lost the sense of shame; Opposition leader Simon Busuttil said this morning in Zebbug.

Addressing the regular Sunday press conference Dr Busuttil said the people are on the look out for the government's move in view of events, which unfolded after a Gozo Ferry, was asked to return to Cirkewwa to pick the Minister for Gozo and other passengers. "A local newspaper, has called for the minister's resignation as standards continue to spiral down below any understandable level", the leader of the Opposition said.

Dr Busuttil then targeted Energy Minister Konrad Mizzi, accusing him of lying when stating that his wife's job carries a salary of €33,000. "What we were not told was that she was engages on the same terms as ambassadors. When one filters in her allowances, the salary package would reach €155,000", he said. Addressing Minister Mizzi with his own chant of 'shame on you, minister', the PN leader continued that the engagement of Sai Mizzi cheated the local population as no a call for applications was issued for the €3,000 a week job. Yet the government complained of shortage of funds for out of stock medicinals, Dr Busuttil stated.

The Opposition leader then went through a list of people the government blamed for its shortcomings. Disciplinary proceedings were taken against a police officer who arraigned the correct person, another civil servant was blamed for saying that certain students would no longer be eligible for stipends and other were framed for the Gozo Ferry polemic. However the PN has information that Minister Refalo himself phoned the devil and not the Gozo Channel duty officer. Dr Busuttil was referring to a PL Canvasser and Gozo Ferry employee, nicknamed 'ix-Xitan'.

Fast tracked promotions in the Armed Forces were next on Busuttil's Sunday agenda. The PN leader accused the government of attempting to clamp down the opposition's voice in parliament. "We will neither be intimidated nor coerced into shutting up by a ruling. We will contest the Speaker's ruling in Parliament, and will take it to the law courts and the European Court for Human rights should we deem it necessary", he said.

Dr Busuttil also mentioned the case of former Commissioner John Dalli. He said that the evidence given in court by John Rizzo substantiates the opposition's claims in view of Dalli and the Labour Party. Rizzo and two other investigators, Anglu Gafa and Michael Cassar were removed from the police after the March elections. The newly appointed Commissioner is close to the newly elected government. Following this change, Dalli who till then claimed to be unfit for travel, returned to Malta and made a consultant for the government.

The government has to stop taking citizens for a ride and find its sense of shame and responsibility, the Opposition leader concluded.



Vintage Simon Buzullotti! Il-giddieb ghomru qasir Simon.
Luke Camilleri
AND Simon should know his PARTY RULED with no sense of shame and arrogance for years and IF HE WAS NOT HERE AT THE TIME, he did come over twice to write and scribble the PN Electoral Program in Gonzi's times !
Xmun, insejt is-Semmi l€6oo li hadu l-Ministri inkluz il- Prim Ministru u s-segretarji Parlamentari, l-eluf li naghtaw lill ex-Raprezentant fl-EU RCC he skuzi dawn mhux dal-gvern ghhamilhom imma ta qablu. Skuzani Xmun
mela ma ghandekx argumenti ohra sur simon?!
Tal pn iridu bil fors isallbu lill dalli u fl istess waqt jiddefendu bil qawwa kollha lill austin gatt li kien ministru super arroganti u faqqar pajjiz bil frejjeg u il buzullotti!! Halluna.
Intom ma tisthux imma. Ma nafx kif ghandkom il-wicc tidhru quddiem in-nies Sur Simon. Min jahdem mal-Gvern jaf kif kienu jinghataw il-promozzjonijiet fi zmienkom. Ghandek xorti issib 5 fil-mija li huma ta tendenzi Laburista fil-gradi manigerjali fic-Civil. Anki Nazzjonalisti moderati kienu jinqabzu ahseb u ara. X'qed jistenna issa li minn kien ilu 25 sena jinqabez jibqa hekk? Vera jrid ikollok wiccek u qieh ta` landa taz-zibel xorta wahda. Ma qlajtux tkaxkira papali ta xejn Sur Simon. Ghandkom ma ghamiltux il homework sew ghalfejn qlajtu dik id-damdima kollha fid 9 ta' Marzu. Kompli sejjer hekk halli tkompli tkabbar id deficit.
Kompli hambaq Xmun u ghid il-hmerijiet. In-nies jinteressa fic-Childrens Allowance moghtija qabel iz-zmien halli jigu mghejuna. Fli-stabilta ta feul u gas ghal perjodu ta tlett xhur u mhux jistennew l-ewwel tax-xahar b'qalbhom ittaqtaq. Marzu ghar-rohs tal eletriku u mhux jisimghu minn jghid li hu kburi li ghollih. Moody jgholilna ir Rata (he bil-haqq insejt dan grazzi ghal Toni ta l-arlogg tal-lira). Ghalaq halqhek u taqta figura ahjar Milli taghmel bhal Hmar ta l-istorja
Of course, the PN were NEVER guilty of anything like this, ha ha ha!