'PN government interfered in my case' - John Dalli

Former EU Commissioner John Dalli says PN administration had pressured police to arraign him, despite there was no case against him.

Former EU commissioner John Dalli today reiterated that there was clear political interference in his case, "not from the current administration not to have him arraigned, but by the previous government to have me arraigned, although there was no case against me."

Last week, PN leader Simon Busuttil called for the resignation of Commissioner of Police Peter Paul Zammit, after his predecessor, John Rizzo told a court that both the police and the Attorney General had agreed some time between late 2012 and early 2013 that former European commissioner John Dalli should be charged on allegations of bribery.

Former police commissioner John Rizzo told a court during the compilation of evidence against Silvio Zammit, who stands accused of bribery, that both his investigative team and the Attorney General Peter Grech had agreed to issue charges against Dalli.

It is however unclear why Rizzo failed to arraign Dalli.

In a statement issued today, Dalli said that Busuttil was basing these accusations "on a lie." Dalli said that Busuttil was basing his attack on a report published by The Times of Malta on 12 April, even though he [Dalli] had arrived to Malta before.

Dalli said that he had returned to Malta before the appointment of the new police commissioner and asked whether there was any "coincidence" or whether there was a plan behind the fact that the Times of Malta had reported the Zammit's appointment and the former EU Commissioner's return to the island on same day.

"I will not allow Busuttil to turn me into a political football. I served the country and the Nationalist Party for long years and I will not allow anyone to make use of me to cover his failures," Dalli said, adding that he hoped Busuttil would not hide behind the party to do so.

Moreover, Dalli asked whether Busuttil was acting out of "superficiality or malice?" adding that since the leader of the Opposition was standing by what Dalli dubbed as "lies," he was acting out of spite.

"I hope that Busuttil now doesn't hide behind his party. Because I will rebut him not the party. Only he knows why he has embarked on this campaign against me. What is certain is that Busuttil's arguments are supporting Barroso in my case against the Commission in the Europe Court of Justice."

He also pointed out that according to reports in the media former police Commissioner John Rizzo admitted that he was under immense pressure from Parliament and the media.

"During the electoral campaign earlier this year, huge efforts were made to have me tried by the media without respecting my right of presumption of innocence."

Dalli said these efforts begun with the press conference held by the head of the EU's anti-fraud agency, Giovanni Kessler, "one day after Commission President Barroso forced" his resignation.

The former EU commissioner added that these efforts continued in the local media, and persist up to this day in certain sections of the media, which Dalli said coincidently happen to be the same that attacked him ferociously when he was asked to resign by former Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi in 2004.

"Biased reports which appeared and still do in certain sections of the press, include repeated claims that the police wanted to proceed against me.  We therefore can assume who was behind this pressure. This exposes the fact that PN leader Simon Busuttil is falsely claiming that he was unaware that the police wanted to arraign me before Rizzo testified in court."

Dalli also explained that Rizzo did not take any action on information he had provided the police and said that the former police commissioner could have arraigned him before being replaced by Zammit in April. 

"I always cooperated with the Police. I had given Rizzo information on attacks through the internet which I had suffered and also contacts which were going on between people in Malta and other individuals, including one referred to as Dr GK. What has he done with this information?" Dalli asked.

He also said it would be interesting to know whether the pressure had been made from parliament on 10 December 2012 - the same evening which saw the toppling of the Nationalist government. "They were obsessed that I was pushing Franco Debono to vote against government... something which I repeatedly categorically denied."

With his press statement, the former European Commissioner also included a recorded interview with EPP MEP Ingeborg Graessle who declared that the OLAF investigation was "false and incorrect".

sur dalli l unika problema ta simon and co hija li int nazzjonalist u li qed tahdem ma dan il gvern ghal gid tal pajjiz biex forsi l affarijiet imfarkin li huma hallew warajhom jitrangaw! inti mux bhal ohrajn li qed jaghmlu l bsaten fir roti! jien qatt ma qbilt politikament mieghek imma urejt li inti imbdilt u trid tahdem ikun hemm min ikun fil gvern! il buzullotta taf x inhi li meta kien hemm il pn fil gvern min ma irnexxilkomx tqactuh il barra ghaqlaq halqu u kien jahdem u jistinka ghal pajjiz! huwa l mument li tgiddeb lil simon u lil rizzo.... hemm bzonn li tippublika l ittra li l avukati tieghek baghtu lil rizzo fejn gie mgharraf lilhom li int kont ser torritorna lura lejn malta, flimkien mal boarding tickets ta met gejt lura! kieku ghandom ragun u ghandom il provi kieku digu tellawk jew tellaw lil jospeh il qorti imma ma ghadom xejn ghalhekk qeghdin jaghmlu dawn it tearini kolla! parole si fatti no!
I don`t believe John Dalli, he must be paranoid the PN are such nice people, look at all the middle management stooges and accolytes they left behind in the Government service doing their utmost to suffocate the democratically elected Government.
If Phillipp Morris, the tobacco giant has spent half a million euros in presents to MEPs to vote against the Tobacco Directive that John Dalli was championing, is it a wonder that they would spend money to bribe OLAF and members of the Commission to get rid of Dalli? This is proof, if there was need of any, that Dalli was saying the truth and OLAF, with the implant from Malta receiving instructions from the PN KLIKKA, were embroiled in the perpetration of the most heinious crime they could stoop to - framing an EU Commissioner. Money comes before everything else, even if millions of young (700,000 EU citizens every year) die of tobacco-related causes. The campaign of the PN now is equally revolting because all they care is political mileage at any cost, at all costs, truth or no truth.
On this case I am confused as are all Maltese. This situation is exactly what Simon wants. No truth but confusion which is increased by innuendos, and underhand tactics, to destroy the reputation of all authority, and hence undermine the state. For the PN this tactic is bread and butter since the days of Terinu, pushed by the Nationalists to take a false oath that he saw Lord Strickland take part in Freemason activities.So all who attacked the PN during the last election are in Simon-PN black book and will be rest assured that they will pay in personal attacks, hatemongering, and down right violence via internet in order to support their fetish that the dismantled PN have divine rights to govern
John Dalli is playing a very dirty game. How is it he has never taken any against this accuser? http://ec-eu-john-dalli.blogspot.com/
L-istorja tghallimna li setghat barranin xtraw membri parlamentari biex ifixxklu gvern li kien qed jahdem ghall-poplu, kif gara fl-Iran kontra Mossadegh u fil-pajjizi kollha tal-Amerika Latina, tista' tghid. Ma ninsewx ukoll li Mountbatten ftahar li xtara membru parlamentari Malti biex iwaqqa' l-Gvern ta' Gorg Borg Olivier. U ghadni ma bdejtx insemmi l-mazunerija. Imma li xi hadd, f'artna, jahdem ma barroso biex ihammeg lil cittadin Malti, tkexkixni; et tu Brute.
L-istorja tghallimna li setghat barranin xtraw membri parlamentari biex ifixxklu gvern li kien qed jahdem ghall-poplu, kif gara fl-Iran kontra Mossadegh u fil-pajjizi kollha tal-Amerika Latina tista' tghid. Ma ninsewx ukoll li Mountbatten ftahar li xtara membru parlamentari Malti biex iwaqqa' l-Gvern ta' Gorg Borg Olivier. U ghadni ma bdejtx insemmi l-mazunerija. Imma li xi hadd f'artna jahdem ma barroso biex ihammeg lil cittadin Maltitkexkixni, et tu Brute.
John Dalli sfida lit Times of Malta, lil eks kummisarju u lil Simon li hu dahal Malta fis-6 t'April meta l-eks kien ghadu kummissarju. Jekk Simon ma jippruvax dak li qal hu, allura ghandu jirrizenja. It-Times ghanda titlob skuza u l-eks jispjega ghalhiex m'ghamilx xoghlu u ressaq lil Dalli il-qorti. Come on boys challenge John Dalli on this.
Years ago the Nationalist partners of John Dalli did what they knew best - frame him to get him out of the race for leader of the PN. Years later, when John Dalli, appointed as EU Commissioner for Health by his own Government, became a threat to the PN KLIKKA for speaking the truth about certain PN corrupt practices, they used their contacts in OLAF, having planted one of their siblings there, to again resort to framing him to remove him from the scene in time for the upcoming election. The uproar that ensued backfired on them and on those who perpetrated this vile act and the whole mob was swept away by the masses who voted overwhelmingly to remove the rot that had engulfed the Country. What Simon Busuttil is doing now is still attacking his old partner, if not Master, because he knows that he is too weak to be noticed, and the only way he can be noticed is to attack and continue to perpetrate the lie referred to by his ex-Master and mentor John Dalli.
That's right John! Sock it to them, right and proper. Xmun is turning into the worst politico ever.
Luke Camilleri
Issa ahjar MIN GHANDHU JIRREZENJA issa li hemm l'allegazzjoni li l'PN indahal ? ;)