Muscat finally ‘talking politics’ - AD

Prime Minister Joseph Muscat finally moves away from populism and starts talking politics, Alternattiva Demokratika says.

AD chairperson Arnold Cassola
AD chairperson Arnold Cassola

The Green Party today praised Prime Minister Joseph Muscat for finally tackling the migration issue by talking politics and not by being populist. 

Following the death of around 50 persons at sea over the past 24 hours, Alternattiva Demokratika Chairperson, Arnold Cassola, said: "After witnessing first hand what dead migrants mean, the Prime Minister gets a reality check and, instead of playing the populistic macho, does the right thing and talks politics."

The Greens were highly critical of Muscat's attempt to illegally push back 45 migrants to Libya in July, however Cassola today congratulated the Prime Minister who said that the time for words is over and 'there must be changes to the Dublin II rules.'

Cassola said: "Well done Prime Minister Muscat. But the time for words is over for you too. We Greens have persuaded our Green European family that Dublin must change ages ago. Now follow us, Prime Minister Muscat. Persuade your ten socialist Prime Ministers to unanimously vote to change Dublin II."

AD Spokespeson for Social Policy Robert Callus added that Muscat's change of tack was "definitely a step forward" and welcomed the consensus within the whole political class that saving human lives and respecting human rights is a priority.  

"Unlike in the tense atmosphere created when Muscat flirted with illegal push backs, today we are in a better situation to deal with our European partners rationally in working towards concrete solidarity, including updating Dublin ll to address the issues faced by the countries at the borders of Europe."

So Cassola, the biggest political humbug ever anywhere finally passes a positive judgement on Malta's Prime Minister! Thank God for that. Cassola with his own personal interpretation of what's personal integrity and political viability considers that Joseph is FINALLY talking politics. This guy is a more vaudeville than real!
joseph mercieca
Prof. Joseph Muscat does not require your plaudits. What you suggest is more talk and hit air what we need is action and aid as of yesterday. So trying to safeguard the interest of the Maltese is Populist? No it is not it is the duty of our Prime Minister. Let me remind that the threat of pushbacks was that a threat and nothing else. Whoever says otherwise is a prevaricator who wants to gain some political advantage from the situation. With regard macho populism I would like to know what did you do, write or report to when Gonzi PN pushed back those Somalis. Do you remember those scenes of women and children crying being dragged to the plane? Their desperation was that on their arrival back home torture and death would be the welcoming committee. Let us tackle Italy now. For a time if I am not mistaken you were an Italian MP, good for you. I am referring to this because you have knowledge of the politics of the peninsula and you word could carry some influence. I would like to know what are your views about the Bossi Fini law of 2002. This law makes the status of illegal immigrant against the law and anybody caught without the necessary documentation is either pushed back to the border or else risks a 6 months to 5 years prison term. Anybody aiding illegal immigrants on land or sea is breaking the law. This law is still valid today and it is going to cause trouble in the coalition because PM Letta (PD) wants it abolished but his deputy Alfano of PDL (ex-Berlusconi) will oppose any abolition. So Prof did you air your views on this? I began by stating that Joseph Muscat does not need your plaudits. I end by adding that Joseph Muscat has a far lesser use of your lessons.
Luke Camilleri
Who is this Cassola to be given exposure on his opinion ? What has he ever done but take up a seat as a "leader" for a Party that no one wanted or contested? What has this Cassola ever done for the locals , except being pompous? Who made him a Profs and of what is he a "Profs"?
I call this ping-pong politics. One day you side with Simon, one day you side with Joseph. Ha tidher sabih mat-tnejn. Problem is that nobody will take you seriously, as if anybody has taken the AD seriously in the last 20 years.
The Tragedy of alternative that they appointed Cassola leader for second time because there was no one interested in this party. If Cassola remains leader till next election Alternative will be swiped from the Politics of Malta. There is no party in the World who appointed a leader for second time when his first turn was a disaster. Cassola open his mouth for nothing because he love publicity.
Cassola please note: Joseph Muscat cannot follow you. It was Joseph Muscat who managed to win the nation. IF EVER you manage to get in his boots, then that would be another story. But PLEASE mind your language.
I Hope Mr Cassola you will contribute to night by giving some clothes and food to these illegal Imigrants and not just words only
I am absolutely convinced that Joseph must be jumping for joy coz Kassola praised him. How lucky Joseph is to be appreciated by AD's shadow minister for foreign affairs. We look forward to see Arnold as foreign minister in a coalition government. Prosit Arnold! Keep it up!
David Bongailas
Sounds like AD falling in love with Muscat too.
It the A.D who did a massive U Turn not Muscat or the Maltese! The Maltese in their greater majority- were never against saving people and help them stay here unless their number, become too much of a strain for us and for them! Indeed, those who, like me, called the 'voluntary' burden sharing lumped on us by Simon Busutill, as unfair for us, were called 'racist' by the A.D. Finally, mainly because A.D was going to accelerate its speed towards oblivion and extinction, A.D changed tack! We will rescue people, we will shower on them all the dignity expected of human beings, but we will never let the Northern Europeans and their friends in Malta, lump on us alone and abandon us to face alone the migration tragedy! As for A.D you are part of the problem, like Malmstrom and her failed policies, and not part of the solution. The solution is coming up and being developed by the statesman Dr Joseph Muscat!
u hallina Cassola,ghadek ma fhimjtx x'ried jghid dak n nhar Joseph.Jew trid tidher gustuz.X hadna s issa bil politics li semmejt..Cimiterju fil mediterran Sur Cassola..u int frisk bhal hassa
The "Bahh" has spoken. No Maltese gives a hoot what you Dr Cassola, think about anything. You're irrelevant in Maltese politics. Always was and always will be.