Mother remains homeless despite electoral promises
A woman who applied for government housing four years ago is still homeless, despite being promised help "should Labour be elected."
A mother of two boys, aged 5 and 18 months respectively, is still homeless despite filing an application for government housing almost four years ago.
She originally applied for housing after the house she was living in with her parents had parts of the roof condemned. Her situation changed for worse after she was kicked out of the house.
She laments the fact that several MPs and Party officials promised to help her should the Labour Party be elected, but after the 9th March she was continuously ignored.
In comments given to Illum newspaper, she says she was kept from attending a public meeting with the Prime Minister last June to voice her problems. The meeting was part of the ‘Government that listens’ campaign in which members of the cabinet heard what the public had to say.
Read more in today’s issue of ‘Illum’.