'EU has abandoned us' - PM
Prime Minister Joseph Muscat lashes out at the European Union for helping Greece in its financial crisis but abandoning Malta and Italy in their humanitarian tragedies.
Malta and Italy have been abandoned and are facing the migration tragedy alone; a tragedy that is constantly changing and gaining momentum, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat said this morning.
Addressing the annual general meeting at the Ghaxaq PL Club, Dr Muscat observed a minute’s silence for the victims of the latest Lampedusa tragedy.
The Prime Minister accused the European union of choosing money over life, saying that money is more important than people. “While all European countries including Malta reached out and helped in the Greek financial crisis, Malta and Italy’s are left alone to face this humanitarian crisis”, Muscat said, adding that peace in Europe can only happen through peace in the Mediterranean which will stay out of reach without a clear and concrete strategy.
“At first it was Africans who took to rickety boats and look for a better future, but now people from Syria, are attempting the same trip to fleeing from war,” Muscat said. Unless action is taken our seas will witness further deaths
The Prime Minister quoted the Italian premier’s praise for the Armed Forces of Malta, whose rescue operation saved the life of hundreds of people. An AFM helicopter spotted the migrants moments prior to the incident and dropped a life raft over their position. Without the AFM’s intervention more lives would have been lost. The 143 survivors who yesterday landed at HayWharf included 10 doctors and a neurosurgeon.
The rescue operation was a concerted effort between Malta and Italy without any involvement of other EU countries, Muscat argued. Furthermore the EU must understand the Mediterranean is not just Malta’s border but that of Europe.
Dr Muscat went on to say that discussing the issue at the next European summit would be in vain if no action plan is drawn. Malta would be putting forward a number of proposals on the matter but while not brushing aside its humanitarian duties, the country would not allow others to abuse its position.
This morning’s award of the purchase and supply bid for the running of a gas fueled power-station is a step forward in the right direction, leading to utility bills being reduced by March 2014. “Another promise will be delivered even if the former administration had stated it could not be done, Muscat said, adding, “Alice Wonderland is here” as the PL supporters erupted in applause.
20 consortia from around the world had applied for the bid, which was allocated to Electro Gas Malta. “We are not just going to reduce tariffs but we are going to remove the ugly Delimara chimney,” Muscat said.
He also expressed his hope that the Opposition will support the idea of selling citizenship. An idea he described as avant garde and one through which Malta could develop further.
Referring to the upcoming budget, Muscat promised this will include measures to raise the standard of living. Other proposals will incentivise women to work, help generate jobs and address issues faced by people earning slightly more than the minimum wage.
Tomorrow will see the publishing of a bill allowing civil unions to same sex couples, the Prime Minister announced. While stopping short of marriage this bill will give gay couples more rights.
“The bill bears witness to the social values of the PL movement and will be the most revolutionary proposals of this legislature”, Muscat held. Through such measures the PL led government will attack all forms of discrimination against homosexuality.
Muscat concluded his address demanding if Richard Cachia Caruana was appointed after a public call. More over, PN Leader Simon Busuttil himself was employed as a consultant to the PN led government without a public call. Busuttil’s post was paid a salary double to that of the Head of the Civil Service. “The Opposition Leader cannot be trusted”, Dr Muscat said.