Two foreigners arraigned in court

An Egyptian and a Somali national face separate charges of causing slight injuries and trafficking Cannabis.

Egyptian national Ali Mohamed Younes Mohamed, 31 and resident at Qawra was garnted bail over charges of slightly injuirng another person.

Prosecuting inspector Spiridione Zammit explained the incident happened on 10 October in Triq il-Mazzola, in Qawra. The Egyptian was also charged with illegally carrying a knife  and disturbing public peace.

Ali Mohamed Younes Mohamed pleaded not guilty and Magistrate Ian Farrugia released him on bail against a deposit of €700 and a personal guarantee of €10,000.

In a separate sitting 27-year-old Somali national Noor Ali Muse was remanded in custody over drug trafficking charges.

Muse, who resides in Gzira was apprehended by the police on the night between the 10 and 11 October. The police found cannabis in his possession. He pleaded not guilty and was subsequently escorted to prison.

Inspector Dennis Theuma prosecuted.




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