Outbound tourist trips up by 1.9% in August

Outbound tourist trips during August amounted to 38,580, an increase of 1.9% over the corresponding month last year.

The National Statistics Offic said outbound tourist trips in August totaled 38,580, an increase of 1.9% over the same period last year.

86% of outbound tourists travelled to EU destinations, with Italy and the UK being the most popular, making up 22% and 19% of the total respectively.

Almost all main European markets recorded decreases, with the exception of the British market, which advanced 13% over last year.

The majority of outbound tourists were males, and most outbound tourists fell in the 25-44 age bracket (34%) and were followed by those in the 45-64 age bracket (32%).

Out of 43,100 outbound visitor trips, same-day visitors stood at 4,520.

Outbound tourism throughout between January and August stood at 229,738 - an increase of 10% when compared to the previous year.

Nearly 87% of these outbound tourists chose EU destinations. Both tourist trips towards EU and Non-EU countries increased when compared to last year, reaching 200,421 and 29,317 respectively.

Italy and the UK remained the two most popular destinations, and shared between them 54% of the total outbound tourism market.

Almost all European markets exhibited upward shifts, except for the German market, which decreased by 6% when compared to 2012.

At 39%, the largest share of outbound tourists fell within the 25-44 age group, and were followed by the 45-64 age bracket, at 32%. Male tourists stood at 130,660 and were in the majority.

Out of 257,500 outbound visitor trips, same-day visitors were estimated at 27,762.