Busuttil stand on Lampedusa shipwreck ‘hypocritical’ - Labour

The Labour Party has accused Opposition leader Simon Busuttil of hypocrisy over his standon the Lampedusa shipwreck, when he claimed in parliament on Monday that rescued migrants should have been taken to the nearest port of call and not Malta.

156 migrants were brought to Malta by the Armed Forces, while 50 were taken to Lampedusa by the Italian navy.

"Apart from isolating himself with his negative politics, Simon Busuttil is embracing the worst type of hypocricy," Labour said in a statement. "While trying to posture as some defender of human rights, Busuttil was of the opinion that Malta should have not risen to the situation and instead of saving families and children, had to be embroiled in legal quibbles... he chooses to be strong with politicians when it suits him most."

Tara xejn ghax bhal Busllotti m'hawnx pulcinelli. Dan lanqas jaf x'jrid u meta tasal f'dik l-estremita ahjar jwarrab milli jibqa kap ta' partit li kien glorjuz. Negattiv f'kollox anke f'affarijiet posittivi,