AD satisfied with civil unions bill
The Green Party remarked that the bill contained most of the proposals that AD presented in its electoral manifesto.
Alternattiva Demokratika expressed its satisfaction at the civil unions bill, which was published yesterday as was presented to the Government by the LGBT Consultative Council.
In a press statement, AD said it was satisfied with its active contribution to the formulation of the civil unions bill, being a member of the same Council.
The Green Party remarked that the bill contained most of the proposals that Alternattiva Demokratika presented in its electoral manifesto.
"This is a great achievement for the LGBT community and for democracy. When the bill becomes law, this will be a great step forward for LGBT couples, who have suffered disadvantage and discrimination for too long,” the AD-LGBT representative said.
However, she noted how despite all the provisions in the bill which ensure that LGBT couples enjoy the same rights as married couples, LGBT couples are still prohibited from getting married.
“AD believes that true equality will be achieved when LGBT couples will be able to marry like heterosexual couples. Therefore we hope that this very positive step will eventually lead to true equality."