Updated | Malta and Israel to collaborate on energy and water projects

Prime Minister Joseph Muscat announces further collaboration between Malta and Israel during meeting with Israeli energy minister.

Prime Minister Joseph Muscat today met the Israeli energy minister and Silvan Shalom, prior to a Business Forum organised by Malta Enterprise.

Muscat stated that Malta and Israel share many similarities and both countries are looking beyond their limited natural resources to create economic growth.  

Muscat and Shalom discussed energy and water conservation projects, making particular reference to desalination projects and the use of other technologies.  

The Prime Minister also remarked that the his energy minister Konrad Mizzi is expected to visit Israel next week to hold talks with his Israeli counterpart Silvan Shalom and discuss how the two countries can further their collaboration in energy and water projects.

Talking about trade between Israel and Malta, Shalom said that the visit of Muscat will take bilateral cooperation to another level.  

"We want to increase the mutual trade between countries and we want to have better relations with Malta to do progress together and share ideas for innovation in both countries," Shalom said.

Meanwhile, during a separate vist to the Israeli Parliament - the Knesset - the Muscat met the Speaker Yuli-Yoel Edelstein.

During the meeting, Muscat emphasised the areas of common interest that exist between Malta and Israel.

While underlining the key areas where Malta can give support to Israel, Muscat said: "we can be honest-brokers within the EU."

The current situation in the Middle East was also highlighted during the meeting.  Referring to the Israeli-Palestinian peace talks, the Prime Minister reaffirmed Malta's position in favor of a two-state solution.

Referring to the relations between Israel and Malta, the Speaker of the Knesset Yuli-Yoel Edelstein said that Muscat's visit will enhance the relationship between both countries.

Edelstein remarked that "Malta is a good friend, represented in the European Union and we are happy to work in cooperation together".

Muscat was accompanied Foreign Affairs Minister George Vella, Tourism Minister Karmenu Vella and MP Charles Buhagiar.

Malta has finally found the best ambassador that has ever existed, the PM Dr. JM with his never ending search to bring business and investments from other countries. Thank you Dr. JM for your incessant search. Malta should be grateful to you. Yes, Malta is a member of the EU, but it still remains one of the nations of the world and therefore should not close its frontiers to other countries which wish to co-operate both politically and economically for their mutual interest as long as these countries abide by international laws. Mr. PM you have attained in this short period in government what the ex-government never even dreamt of doing in 25 years of PN administration.