Labour MP employed as minister’s consultant

Labour MP Silvio Schembri gets €33,000 on political appointment

Labour MP Silvio Schembri
Labour MP Silvio Schembri

Newly-elected Labour MP Silvio Schembri has been appointed as a consultant to the minister for the economy, Chris Cardona, since 9 March 2013 on a €33,853 salary.

A parliamentary question by Nationalist MP Charlò Bonnici revealed that Schembri, who is also paid an MP's honorarium, was appointed on a full-time basis together with Dr Nadine Sant and David Borg.

Schembri is also paid a €4,659 car allowance.

Nadine Sant is paid an additional €2,000 expense allowance and a €20,000 "expertise allowance", apart from a €33,000 salary.

The same PQ shows Dr Helen Borg was appointed by junior minister Edward Zammit Lewis as a consultant on a €16,927 salary and part-time basis.

I am baffled !!!!!
So Schembri earns circa 60,000 euros **ON TOP OF** his MP's honorarium! All animals are equal, but of course some animals are more equal than others!!!
It's all about money isn't it! A 20,000 euro 'expertise allowance' indeed! So it's not really a 33,853 euro salary at all -- but a 53,853 euro salary. Besides the car allowance, expense allowance, phone, etc etc. Vote Labour, get hnizrijiet!
How low can Dr Cardona stoop?
There goes my parrot again......'Taghna lkoll; taghna lkoll; taghna lkoll.....!!!!
I know the new administration is pursuing "jobs for the boys" policy, but this idea of hiring fellow MPs as consultants is bordering on the absurd.
Jeffrey Camilleri
The most ever expensive cabinet always growing from the outside too. The past returned 500€ is peanuts to what we have today. Shame on Labour, imagine if PN made this??? I am happy I never trusted labour.In May, Europe MEPS election, PN will get back the majority I believe.
Jobs for the boys? Money, no problem? History appears to be repeating itself.
Maureen Attard
€60,512 fis-sena li jiġu £302,560 f'Ħames snin.Li jiġu 170,060 aktar mill-onorarja li kien għamel Gonzi. U dan skond l-artiklu t'hawn fuq ma hemmx l-onorarja ta' membru Parlamentari li titla ferm iktar. Kollox minn fuq darna ħaddiem.