Labour MP employed as minister’s consultant
Labour MP Silvio Schembri gets €33,000 on political appointment
Newly-elected Labour MP Silvio Schembri has been appointed as a consultant to the minister for the economy, Chris Cardona, since 9 March 2013 on a €33,853 salary.
A parliamentary question by Nationalist MP Charlò Bonnici revealed that Schembri, who is also paid an MP's honorarium, was appointed on a full-time basis together with Dr Nadine Sant and David Borg.
Schembri is also paid a €4,659 car allowance.
Nadine Sant is paid an additional €2,000 expense allowance and a €20,000 "expertise allowance", apart from a €33,000 salary.
The same PQ shows Dr Helen Borg was appointed by junior minister Edward Zammit Lewis as a consultant on a €16,927 salary and part-time basis.
I am baffled !!!!!
So Schembri earns circa 60,000 euros **ON TOP OF** his MP's honorarium!
All animals are equal, but of course some animals are more equal than others!!!
It's all about money isn't it!
A 20,000 euro 'expertise allowance' indeed! So it's not really a 33,853 euro salary at all -- but a 53,853 euro salary. Besides the car allowance, expense allowance, phone, etc etc.
Vote Labour, get hnizrijiet!
How low can Dr Cardona stoop?
There goes my parrot again......'Taghna lkoll; taghna lkoll; taghna lkoll.....!!!!
I know the new administration is pursuing "jobs for the boys" policy, but this idea of hiring fellow MPs as consultants is bordering on the absurd.
Jeffrey Camilleri •
The most ever expensive cabinet always growing from the outside too. The past returned 500€ is peanuts to what we have today. Shame on Labour, imagine if PN made this??? I am happy I never trusted labour.In May, Europe MEPS election, PN will get back the majority I believe.
Jobs for the boys?
Money, no problem?
History appears to be repeating itself.
Maureen Attard •
€60,512 fis-sena li jiġu £302,560 f'Ħames snin.Li jiġu 170,060 aktar mill-onorarja li kien għamel Gonzi. U dan skond l-artiklu t'hawn fuq ma hemmx l-onorarja ta' membru Parlamentari li titla ferm iktar. Kollox minn fuq darna ħaddiem.