Government’s citizenship scheme aimed at making a ‘quick buck’ – de Marco

The government’s proposed Individual Investment Programme putting country’s reputation at risk, PN deputy leader Mario de Marco says.

The PN is opposed to the government's proposed Individual Investor Programme (IIP) because the scheme is not an investment programme but the sale of Maltese citizenship, "to make a quick buck," the party's deputy leader Mario de Marco said.

De Marco insisted that the Opposition was against the programme because it does not require a serious commitment by applicants.

He added that the Opposition had discussed the scheme with the government where it voiced its objections, however de Marco explained that the government was "adamant to ahead with the programme, without carrying out any changes."

Asked whether the Opposition would vote against the proposed legislation, de Marco said the PN would submit its amendments in Parliament, however he pointed out that the government had sufficient numbers in Parliament to approve the law without carrying out any changes. In that case, the Opposition would have no choice but to vote against the IIP, de Marco said.

The government's proposed programme will see applicants paying €650,000 for Maltese citizenship. This month, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat announced that the government hoped to generate €30m from the scheme in its first year.

"We are not against attracting foreign investment. However, we are against a scheme which puts Maltese citizenship up for sale," de Marco said, adding that no other EU country has introduced a scheme which does not require applicants from making serious commitments, such us taking up residency or investing money in the economy.

He said that the government's proposal compromised Malta's international reputation and called on the government to accept the Opposition proposals aimed at safeguarding Malta's reputation while attracting long-term investment.

"We cannot put at risk the country's reputation which took decades to build. We cannot put at risk a sector, which could attract boundless funds and create jobs," he said.

De Marco explained that the Opposition was suggesting that citizenship should only be granted to a restricted number of individuals who commit themselves to a long term investment in the country.

Wake up, all this fuss,we just need money because the PN left only debt that can never be paid.
'Its 'buck' to square one'? I can't understand the political morality of these people! Did they get moral qualms when they sold Mid Med, Airport, Gerita's lotto,Tug boat Malta, for a fistfull of dollars? Niet: they did not! Did they say mia culpa in the Enemalta oil scandal? And today they want us to believe that they are the future administarion we should trust again? Google, passports and citizenship, and you will get a slight idea of this new globilized world! Malta should be open not to those who want to make it here for economic reasons but do not add value to our collective wealth( political refugees should be given all the necessary help til their country stabilizises) but to those who bring in capital, knowhow,are willing to add value 50 times more than an ordinary Maltese would ever input in his life time! These new investors would be buying time, convenience and freedom that a tiny country (tiny tiny tiny country)like Malta could live upon and sustain its welfae and free hospital. Friends its time we'll wake up to the new reality and let yesterdays people-the SimonPN- rest in the slumber of mediocrity!
Now suddenly PN has become anti-business to score political points with those Maltese who want the cake and eat it? With no business come no wealth ; no jobs, no taxes no benefits. SimonPN is on the wrong footing even on this one!
This citizenship for money scheme calls for a referendum. This is our livelihood you are talking about, and I am sure that the majority do not want their pride of citizenship sold for 30 pieces of silver. This is a lot more grievous than the divorce initiative. I am proud to be born on this island and I am proud to call myself a Maltese Citizen by birth and now the PL wants to take that privilege away from all of us and put our born birth right on the selling block? No Mr De Marco I agree, our Pride is not for sale at any price. Shame on those who even thought of bringing on such a reckless proposal. Please let the public vote on how they feel about this obnoxious citizen for sale scheme, after all it is our citizenship you want to sell. At least the PN let the people choose on the EU proposition, now you can let us choose if we want to sell our souls to the devil. It is fine for you to sell your soul but please do not sell ours too.
Dear Mario, If the "quick buck" is intended to end up in the national "piggy bank" then let it be. Those who can think straight are aware (at least 55% of the nation) who were / are those people who did VERY good at "quick bucks"........they did not need to sell passports!!
Its an other step backwards for SimonPN? Creating wealth is now to be shunned? The only 'quick buck' I am against is like those EneMalta cronies who raided this entity loathsome and illegal manner! And you know what? SimonPN did not have a word against their offensive and degrading 'business' moral behaviour! They condoned them?
Jista Demarco jghidilna kemm tajna cittadinanzi Maltin fil-25 sena li ghamlu fil-gvern u x'hadna taghhom.
What has to stop is being stuck with undocumented immigrants whom the EU insists that we keep whatever our opinion to the contrary. Investor immigrants will be scrutinized for any security, criminal or other serious breaches. They'll have to prove financial independence so as to never become a drain on Malta's social services. Lastly, their investment will bring in new ideas and drive. Assets that we need in today's competitive global economy. Presently, anyone granted asylum can stay in Malta and has theoretically the chance to eventual citizenship.
Luke Camilleri
What is Dr. Demarco and his Party after , a slow buck or no bucks at all? Because that is what his Party left after being put on the Opposition Benches ~ NO BUCKS AT ALL !
Kmieni stenbhu dawn. Imma ghandhom ragun. Malta bizzejjed graw cucati u ghadhom isiru, emm bzonn li jitwaqqfu u nuzaw certu ideat biex nikkreaw xoghol u prosperita ghan-nies tal-pajjiz u mhux naghtu n-nazzjonalita lil min hu sinjur biss. Malta taghna l-Maltin!
Dr Demarco, our country's reputation has long since been eroded by illegal immigrants, and the PN didn't lift a finger to control their influx. It was in this issue where you should have shown your concern about Malta's reputation.