A call for Europe to rise to the ‘solidarity’ challenge

Home Affairs Commissioner Cecilia Malmström says EU must show it is able to find answers after recent tragedies.

European Commissioner Cecilia Malmström
European Commissioner Cecilia Malmström

Home Affairs Commissioner Cecilia Malmström has described the migratory pressures faced by Malta, Italy and Greece as a "European problem" requiring a sound management of migratory and asylum flows at national level, supported by initiatives at EU level.

Next Thursday and Friday, EU leaders will discuss migration and asylum policies in the aftermath of Lampedusa in an effort to try to find answers on how to prevent further tragedies.

According to Malmström, this should serve as an opportunity to the European leaders to show that the "EU is based on the principle of solidarity and mutual support".

Writing in The Sunday Times, Malmström said the European Commission had already identified some elements for discussion which the Commission hopes would taken into consideration by the heads of state and governments next week.

"The recent joint Italy-Malta rescue efforts have saved hundreds of lives, and prove that increased and coordinated surveillance efforts are key to prevent deaths in the Mediterranean waters," she said.

For this purpose, the European Commission has propped an extensive Frontex search and rescue operation the Mediterranean, a move welcomed by Maltese Prime Minister Joseph Muscat.

But as Malmström herself concedes, such as operation can only work if all member states are ready to make additional financial and technical resources available.

"Such an operation, together with the state-of-the-art technology provided by Eurosur, will allow us to better detect, track and identify boats and vessels, rescuing them earlier and saving lives."

The Commission and Frontex experts were already assessing the needs and assets required for such an operation: "But this cannot be done without additional and urgent contributions by member states."

Again, the European Council is being urged to look an increasing cooperation and dialogue with the countries of origin and transit of migrants and asylum seekers, in particular Libya.

"The EU needs to open more channels for regular migration and to fight more effectively against irregular migration and the criminals behind these deadly journeys exploiting people's despair," Malmström said.

"A clear commitment from all EU countries will certainly have a positive impact on the possibility to negotiate mobility partnerships, as well as on efforts for stability and democracy-building in countries like Libya."

The European Commission is also pushing for clearer commitments by member states in carrying out resettlements in cooperation with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, in order to create safe channels to Europe for people in need of international protection.

"The EU and especially the countries currently under less migratory and asylum pressure should engage more actively in resettling them to their territory. A truly European effort with all member states taking up their responsibilities can make a serious contribution in avoiding that people put their lives in the hands of death merchants," Malmström said. 

This HYPOCRITE said "Such an operation, together with the state-of-the-art technology provided by Eurosur, will allow us to better detect, track and identify boats and vessels, rescuing them earlier and saving lives." Of course, and then you bvring them to Malta and the EU Southern member countries because the Northern European countries do not want them. They don't want Africans Malmstrom. That's why Sweden, YOUR country accepted Syrians but sent back 550 Africans to Malta. Now it's you and your coutry's turn to be called racist Malmstrom. Apart from this when you mentioned "boats and vessels" you are now accepting that there are motherships delivering the illegal immigrants and lower them in smaller boats when they are near their destination.
Hold your breath! A Syrian surgeon who lost his kids and wife at the Lempedusa tragedy was reported on TVM that he had applied for asylum at the Swedish Embassy; but his request was refused. He also said that indirectly, these told him that if he wants to make it to Europe he had to go on the rickety boats; that what he did and we all know what happened! And yet the hypocrites overseas, and the naive in Malta have the temerity to call us racist and that we lack humanity! Yep Malta should be blamed for all the deaths of those crossing the cruel sea!
Parts of paragraphs that need amending so that Ms Malmstrom will be taken seriously. 2nd Para.'effort to try to find' to read 'must find' 3rd Para.'serve as an opportunity' to read 'must serve' 11th para'needs to open' to read 'must open' 12th para 'will certainly have a positive' to read 'must have a positive' last para 'should engage more actively' to read must engage etc. This is the only way that the E.U, will show that it is UNITED with the motto of ONE FOR ALL, ALL FOR ONE. Don't you agree Ms Malmstrom?
Luke Camilleri
AND ABOUT TIME TIME! What has this Malmstrom been doing all along ? Passing on the buck, sleeping it off and cashing in her salary cheque BEFORE being wakened up by the RECENT TRAGEDIES?