Cana Movement: MPs must not exceed mandate on civil unions bill

Cana Movement says civil unions is gay marriage in all but name, calls MPs to care for children’s interests in adoption row

The Maltese archdiocese's marriage preparation organisation Cana Movement has echoed a bishops' letter to its faithful, to call on MPs to consider the effects of gay marriage on children who will be adopted by two same-sex parents.

The Labour government is pushing a civil unions bill that will regulate gay marriage or civil union contracts for cohabiting partners.

"Members of Parliament are duty bound to regulate the rights and obligations of persons who choose to cohabit, partner in a civil union or marry but different forms of relationships cannot be equated. Equality should not be invoked as a pretext to redefine marriage and eliminate diversity," the movement said of gay marriage.

"Laws which distinguish between different realities are not discriminatory. In a society which celebrates pluralism, what is needed is fairness which respects diversity and not pseudo equality which destroys differentiation."

The Cana movement said the bill also refers adoption by same sex parents, and claimed that no "fundamental right" existed for parents "to bear, bring up or adopt children".

"Children, on the other hand, do have a fundamental right to family life. The institute of adoption is not intended to address or satisfy the wishes of adoptive parents, be they homosexual or heterosexual, but to safeguard the best interest of the child. That principle should remain paramount."

The Cana Movement said MPs should continue introducing measures to strengthen families and not "exceed their electoral mandate".

"They should seek to enact a just law, which treats all persons with dignity and promotes the good of society."


Dear Cana Movement, following further discussions and consultations, the government will introduce measures according to the people's wishes, and not according to what you want. Next topic please!
X'differenza hemm li t-tfal ikunu mharsa minn koppja gay jew minn kunvent sorijiet jew brothers?
Cana still exist? haven't heard their voice for ages. I cannot understand why they never made a statement when utility bills went sky high and families were suffering because of this.