Sparks fly between Education Minister, Opposition leader over stipends

Evarist Bartolo ‘challenges’ Simon Busuttil to declare in public he ordered removal of stipends, declares intention to sue PN media for libel.

Education Minister Evarist Bartolo
Education Minister Evarist Bartolo

Education Minister Evarist Bartolo will be suing the PN media for libel and challenged Opposition leader Simon Busuttil to repeat outside parliament that he [Bartolo] had ordered the removal of stipends for students at the Higher Secondary sitting for 'O' level studies.

"I challenge Dr Busuttil to repeat his accusation outside parliament so I'll be able to slap him with a libel... just like I'll be slapping the Nationalist media," Bartolo said.

Bartolo this evening tabled a list of consultant employed by the Education Ministry.  The ministry has retained a number of consultants who served under the Nationalist administration but has also engaged new ones.

Questioned about the ministry's investigation into how a circular had been issued without "the minister's knowledge", which ordered the removal of stipends for sixth form 'O' level students, Bartolo said the investigation report will be published and available for public scrutiny.

At one point, Bartolo accused Busuttil of "being late as usual" after the leader of the Opposition asked about the ministry's investigation. "The investigation has already been concluded," the minister said.

Busuttil however was quick to quip that during Bartolo's previous tenure as minister, he had "been caught meddling with the stipends system".

This prompted a harsh reply by Bartolo who said that "as far as he knew he was speaking in Maltese and not in Chinese" and that the opposition should wait for what he assured was a fair and just report which his ministry conducted.

"Stipends will not be reduced... contrary to what former prime minister Lawrence Gonzi did when he effectively sliced the amount each student received," Bartolo said.

Be careful Mr Evarist Bartolo, do not push Simon too much as he might end up stamping his feet and march out of Parliament creating upheavals across the globe,affecting Dictators, Parliaments, Prime Minsters, Kings, Queens, and Popes.
Abdullah alhrbi
What a puerile performance by Simon Busutill. What's with that hoary chestnut? Is this the best he can muster? I see he discarded his consensual politics in Brussels aeons ago was it? What a poor performer. Here was me thinking he would at least have the decency to give that formula a try instead of going for outright common garden partisanship. Well I guess now we know where Simon's heart truly lies. Forever more think of colours and polorisation ay Simon?
Maureen Attard
Lil kumentaturi t'hawn taht: Haddiehor irripeta barra l-parlament meta kien sfidat?
Sa issa l-unika lingwa li tkellem biha Busutill hi dik xokkanti, tal-biza, ecc: kollha negativa. Ta SimonPN jitolbu minn fil-ghodu sa fil-ghaxija li jigri xi haga fid-dinja( jekk mhux fil-galassja taghna ukoll) biex ikunu jistghu juppuntaw subghajhom lejn il-Labour! Illejla smajt diskursata fuq in-Net fej kelliem Nazjonalista qal li lil Muscat mhux ta min jafah ghax il-programm eletorali(ta hames snin) mhux kollu imwettaw f'seba xhur!
Issa naraw kemm Simon "Buzullotti" se jilqa li sfida u jghid barra l-parlament dak li l-media nazzjonalista kient qalet dwar li l.ministru Evaist Bartolo kien involut fic-cirkolari li kienet harget dwar stipendji li suppost kienu se jitnehhew !
Simon , you have been challenged by the Minister to repeat these accusations outside Parliament so the Minister could have the opportunity to file a libel against Simon Busuttil. Come on Simon, either you repeat your accusation outside Parliament or you are a chicken.