PL MEP candidate consultant to energy ministry

Labour MEP candidate Miriam Dalli has been engaged on a one-year contract by the Ministry for Energy and Conservation of Water.

Labour MEP candidate Miriam Dalli.
Labour MEP candidate Miriam Dalli.

Dalli, a former ONE journalist, is being paid €33,583 for her consultancy services in the areas of communications, corporate social responsibility and stakeholder management.

A spokesperson for Energy Minister Konrad Mizzi also confirmed that Dalli was entitled to a €2,000 expertise allowance, a €1,500 expense allowance, a car allowance of €4,659 and an ADSL connection capped at €815.

"This one-year contract is in line with the guidelines issued by the office of the Prime Minister," the spokesperson told MaltaToday.

"In contrast to the previous administration, these guidelines were formulated in order to set a limit on the number of advisors a ministry can have and also to set parameters for terms of contract."

The spokesperson said Dalli's areas of expertise were primarily communications, corporate social responsibility and sustainability together with stakeholder management.

"This is based on her past experience in these areas within the private sector," the energy ministry said.

The ministry added that Dalli's appointment was in line with the policy utilised in engaging advisers within a Ministry. 

Nixtieq inkun naf x`jiehu minnhom dawn l-hafna konsulenzi il-pajjiz....Sa fejn naf jien l-ebda imprenditur ta l-affari tieghu ma jimpjega konsulent fis-settur privat. Mela sewwa jigi il-ministru tal-finanzi u ghid li ghal kull 3 persuni li jispiccaw minn mall-gvern jimpjega 2 biss. Li forsi ma jghidx hu li dawk it-tnejn li jimpjega jiehdu l-paga ta 3 !!!
Taghna Lkoll was a lie... shameful
Good Choice,Good Team !! to much new voters again for PL! Viva il- brimm ghat jaghmel tieghu ghal- tal PN! an another PL wipe out approaching soon!
Nepotism rules, OK. I can't see me voting for the PL again, they have proved what they REALLY are.
More jobs for the red-eyed boys and girls! And if she is an expert, I ask, why is the contract for one year??? Maybe to provide her with a steady income until the MEP elections? Abuse, abuse and more abuse each and every day!
What is an expertise allowance? If you are engaged as a consultant, it presupposes that you have expertise in the field for which you are consulting. If the expertise requires an allowance what is the salary for?
Spiccat Oligarkijja u twielded ohra gdida. How nice!
Every day is like Christmas. But it is a bit messy. Why not just have every labour MP give 100,000 to the person next to him/her - much easier no?
Jeffrey Camilleri
Dan il-gvern se jiflina bit-taxxi. Naghtu lil dak u lil iehor, grazzi tal-vot u poplu hallas. Shame, imbasta kien jghid ghan-nazzjonalisti, u qed jaghmel id-doppju aghar. poplu stennew taxxi , taxxi u xita ta taxxi, nkella kif se jhllas dawn in-nies kollha!!! Nirrispettaw l'ghazla tal-poplu, mhux hekk ried. M'ghandi xejn kontra in-nies u flus li jaqallaw, imma meta dan il-gvern kien fl'oppozzizjoni kien jghid mod, u issa mod iehor. I WILL NEVER TRUST THIS GOVERNMENT.
"This one-year contract is in line with the guidelines issued by the office of the Prime Minister," the spokesperson told MaltaToday. "In contrast to the previous administration, these guidelines were formulated in order to set a limit on the number of advisors a ministry can have and also to set parameters for terms of contract." The ministry added that Dalli's appointment was in line with the policy utilised in engaging advisers within a Ministry. Over eager to justify or bad reporting. Probably the former.
Allow me to wish Miriam Dalli all that her heart desire. She is smart, able and pretty. Still, I must make a small observation Konrad Mizzi seem to be doing fine selecting pretty women that are one of a kind, the unfortunate thing is this again go on my tax not his to cover these expenses as his already is partly payed with my tax.