[WATCH] Despite harsher penalties, eagle massacre continues

BirdLife - ‘We haven’t seen the wanton slaughter of this many protected birds by this many hunters in Malta for a long time.’

At least 10 eagles are known to have been shot down and many more targeted by dozens of hunters in locations around Buskett.
At least 10 eagles are known to have been shot down and many more targeted by dozens of hunters in locations around Buskett.

The confirmed body count of eagles shot down by hunters in Malta and Gozo reached 12 this morning, after two of these rare and highly protected birds of prey were killed in front of watching BirdLife Malta volunteers.

Despite the presence of six BirdLife teams and as many police Administrative Law Enforcement (ALE) units in the Buskett area this morning, at least one Booted Eagle, Ajkla tal-Kalzetti, was shot down inside Buskett Gardens as it left its roost this morning.

Several others, including Short-toed and Booted Eagles, were shot at and many more were seen carrying injuries after last night's shooting spree by hunters in Dingli, Buskett, Girgenti, Siġġiewi and Zebbuġ.

This morning's second confirmed victim was a Short-toed Eagle, Ajkla Bajda, shot down in Gozo, BirdLife said. 

"The shootings follow what can only be described as a massacre yesterday evening, after more than 50 eagles were seen by birdwatchers counting passing migrating birds in their regular watch-point above the wooded valley of Buskett," BirdLife said in a statement.

At least 10 eagles are known to have been shot down and many more targeted by dozens of hunters in locations around Buskett. Several as yet unconfirmed reports were also received from members of public who saw eagles and other large birds of prey being shot at and shot down.

BirdLife Malta's Conservation Manager, Nicholas Barbara, described the events as a tragic wake-up call.

"We haven't seen the wanton slaughter of this many protected birds by this many hunters in Malta for a long time. It is difficult to see this as anything other than a complete catastrophe and the descriptions of the scale of killing we have seen in the last 24 hours as an 'isolated incident' and the scenario that only a few rogue bad apples are responsible for killing protected birds is not consistent with reality.

"We can only hope that these events serve as a serious wake-up call to the government that the current enforcement of hunting is not doing the job and things need to change for the situation to improve."

Criminal acts lead to harsher penalties

The parliamentary secretary for animal rights, under whose remit falls the Wild Birds Regulation Unit which monitors the application of hunting laws, condemned the barbaric act.

Parliamentary Secretary Roderick Galdes said that the criminal act was being investigated using all available resources. "Any perpetrators will be brought to face the full brunt of the law."

The government will tomorrow publish an amendment to Conservation of Wild Birds Regulations, which will result in the introduction of considerably harsher penalties for all forms of serious hunting-related offences.

"The traditional socio-cultural practice of hunting and live-capturing of wild birds in Malta must respect the principle of sustainability if it is to persist. This is why zero-tolerance policy in relation to wildlife crime is the only way forward. Barbaric criminal acts, such as the one that occurred today have no place in the modern society. This is why a more effective legal deterrent against illegalities is not an end in itself, but a means to guarantee not only the protection of wildlife, but also sustainability of legitimate hunting activities," Galdes said.

Minimum fines for serious hunting offences such as for shooting protected birds or poaching in a bird sanctuary have been doubled, both for first and subsequent convictions, whilst the maximum fines have also been considerably increased, with €15,000 being the maximum applicable fine for repeat offenders. The new regime also envisages imprisonment for a period of between 6 months and up to two years, suspension of hunting license for a period of between 2 and 5 years (with the possibility for permanent revocation), as well as confiscation, and the possibility of mandatory community service. 

Having read in The Malta Today newspaper about the massacre of the birds of prey, I am outraged that these cowards could carry out such atrocities. Maybe if they are so trigger happy they should join an army and fight in Afghanistan instead of killing defenseless innocent animals. We will be passing on our comments to The RSPB and the BBC for their investigations into this despicable act.
I wonder why these mad, attrocious massacre, only annoy the general public,and why these do not annoy the politicians, for me the politicians are not annoyed, as they do nothing, always the same, imagining and proposing but no concrete issues from them, could we make pressure on the politicians, if they do not listen we the birdlover, should use our votes like the hunters are doing
Mark A. Sammut
They should reduce the number of hunting permits, link the permit to a specific location and make sure the deployed police officers/licensed hunters ratio is acceptable if they seriously want to persuade the EU that they can monitor all hunting activity and abide by the derogation...
Penali ghandhom ikunu, l-ewwel -zball 5 sena habs u €250,000 multa, it-tieni zball €1000,000 multa u 10 snin habs u it-tielet zball Ghajn ghal ghajn u sinna ghal sinna, nitfa lil min jinqabad fuq il-fosos tal-Furjana u haddiehor jispara fuqu. L-ahhar haga il-KACCA ghandha tigi ILLEGALI. Biex ikollok sneter wiehed irrid ihallas daq €250,000 licenzja. Dan il-Pajjiz kien tal QAMEL taht in Nazzjonalisti u tal-Qamel taht Malta Taghna ikoll. Malta ta ftit nies ghaliex min qed joqtol dawn l-ghasafar lil qed iccahhadni mill naqbadtomba u noqod nitpaxxa bil holqien ta Allla. Fejn jihdlu il-mishutin VOTI had ma sejjer jaghmel Xejn. Siehbi jghid ghall-Politikanti KOLLha kemm huma "Siggu tal-Bellus li tahtu fih hafna flus" FKNK should be held responsible for their members action, and should be outlawed
Paul Sammut
Either FKNK gets its act together and ropes in these beastly renegade "hunters" or the country goes for a two year hunting moratorium. Fines are not working.
No one in power has the courage, they are all cowards, hiding behind the EU ......COWARDS !!!
The government is not interested in birds. Unfortunately birds have no vote. And votes are the only thing the PL government was after when they made a deal with the hunters.
After this massacre, the recent boasts and the media splash of our animal rights secretary about the unprecedented controls & the capability of this government to control hunting have turned out to be nothing more than hot air. At least the embarrassed faces of those who gave the hunters more leeway to commit these barbaric acts are now pretty synonymous with their own party colors.
Dan hu ir-rizultat tal-konguri u laqghat bil-mohbi li ghamel Muscat u Il-Pl lejliet l-elezzjoni biex jiehu l-voti tal-kaccaturi. L-ghaqdiet favur l-ghasafar ghandhom bzonn jibdew iwassllu dawn il-massakri barbari fejn l-iktar iweggghu lil Gvern u iva lil pajjiz ghax huwa l-pajjiz li elegga lil dan il-gvern u lil ta qablu. Malta saret qesha l-Aavganistan.
We need urgent action by the police to stop this brutal massacre enough words have been said, this need to come to an end now since this only confirm that we are a lawless people who shot anything that either flies in our sky or swims in our seas.
It is patently obvious that the government has no real intention at all of reigning in these thugs. Even troglodytes vote.
When, please when, is the Government going to stop this senseless massacre? There is only one way to stop this and this is to close the season NOW. I APPEAL TO THE GOVERNMENT TO CALL A REFERENDUM ON THE ISSUE AND LET THE PEOPLE DECIDE. IN THIS WAY if the Government feels too weak to address the issue of these crazy blood thirsty hunters, the issue will be decided by public vote on the matter. I am more than sure that the referendum will pass with over 80% majority against bird hunting.