Muscat ‘with no solution’ on migration – PN

Nationalist Party says Prime Minister obtained ‘no concrete results’ during European Council.

According to the Nationalist Party, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat failed to obtain concrete results on irregular migration.

In a statement, the Opposition said the European Council's conclusion offered nothing new to previous Council meetings and said they were a step backwards on previous drafts.

"These conclusions fail to even make specific references to Malta, showing that Prime Minister Muscat did not succeed in influencing what was being discussed," the PN said.

The party insisted that Muscat had left Malta with promises of concrete solutions: "But Muscat is now playing with time that these concrete solutions have not been approved."

The PN noted that the Council conclusions also failed to refer to the relocation of migrants from Malta to other EU member states. According to the opposition, this meant that Muscat failed to convince the EU to express solidarity with Malta's plight and help in the relocation of irregular migrants.

The PN said that while member states in the past accepted to relocate some 700 irregular migrants from Malta, today the member states did not offer their support.

"How can the Prime Minister expect to achieve support for mandatory burden sharing if the Prime Minister failed to win support for voluntary burden sharing," it said.

kemm hu ghajur dan simon ghal joseph, kemm jixtieq qijet min floku, kif kollox hazin ghal simon, ibqa sejjer hekk simon ghax tkun ghat tinkonfinci iktar voti ghal ghal labour!
@fwarjahraq & gborgos7, you are both very, very correct. It bothers me a lot, because democracy DEMANDS a strong opposition. Local political opposition cannot suffice simply on the vengeful atrocities of a vicious, warped mind, hate b(l)gger!! XMUN and real nationlists, WAKE UP!!!
@fwarjahraq Simon-Gonzi PN ARE A BORE!!!!
"How can the Prime Minister expect to achieve support for mandatory burden sharing if the Prime Minister failed to win support for voluntary burden sharing," Tistu taqghu ghan-nej u misjur iktar sinjuri ghidulna fejn Dr Muscat talab ghal voluntary burden sharing. Li talab Dr Muscat ghadu jidwi f'widnejhom u jafu li mhux se jispicca jghidilhom yes sir, yes sir. kif taghmlu inthom. Partit tal=laqqizmu sfernat, ghidulna fejn EFA jew Gonzi ghamel il-hoss li ghamel il-Prim Ministru zaghzugh li ghandna l-lum. U jafu li ghalih qabel l-Ewropa tigi MALTA. Il-'Berqa' darba qaltilkom "PARTIT NAZZJONALISTA, PARTIT SAHTA TA MALTA" nahseb li minn kitibhom kien jaf minn x'hiex kien maghmul il-Partit Nazzjonalista u nistghu nghidu li ma inbidilx
NP = Negative Party as always. They criticize simply to try to hide their own failures.
Simon-Gonzi-PN, ARE BECOMING A BORE !!!!!
Simon will say that nothing has been achieved. Now that this government has got things moving Simon is looking rather silly, Having done nothing for the past ten years when in a few months this government woke a few people up. Simon does not want to support the government but now has a problem with his own supporters as they want something done about immigration.
Muscat ‘with no solution’ on migration – PN Ahseb u ara inthom. Laqizmu.
And where were you Dr. Busuttil when Dr Muscat was trying to win the support Malta needs for voluntary burden sharing? Licking European as>>>s no doubt! Remind us of the concrete results your previous government brought to our country on the same issue please
And where were you Dr. Busuttil when Dr Muscat was trying to win the support Malta needs for voluntary burden sharing? Licking European as>>>s no doubt! Remind us of the concrete results your previous government brought to our country on the same issue please
For once give us your views. Its very easy ti=o criticise but very hard to come up with alternatives especially aftyer the Dublin mighty flop
X'misthija ta oppozzizjoni. Kieku il Burden Sharing Volonatrju li tant ftahru biha tal PN kienet success, kieku ma kellniex ghalfejn nahlu il hin niddiskutu din l-iisue ta l-imigranti. Ghal PN l-ewwel il Partit u l-EU imbaghad Malta.
Joseph is determined to bring Simon'voluntary' burden sharing to one that binds all countries. Am I smelling a rat? SimonPN is really wishing that Malta would continue to be stuck with the 'voluntary burden'so that he wont end up with an other egg on his face? Always negative?
Rita Pizzuto
As always, now perhaps more than ever, the Nats under 'temporary leader' Simon Buzullotti, keep on showing that they would never learn their lessons after thrashings. One would have thought they are all square with the Maltese government and people in this situation. One would have thought they would go out of their way and seek the help of their conservative friends in the EU in order to push forward Malta's legitimate requests in regard to the irregular migrants situation. But no. They wring their hands in glee with the hope that the EU will not agree with Malta in this instance. These people, the opposition is only interested in hurting us Maltese with the hope of getting some mileage. Maybe there's some truth in what some have been saying, that they still soon ask to host some of the migrants currently at the Safi centre in their headquarters at Pieta. There is enough room there after vacating their premises from printers. despite their new cafeteria and tombola halls there is still room and can accommodate these migrants.
Veru, Simple Simon.
Opposition leader Simon Busuttil has apparently forgotten that it was him and former Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi who had unsuccessfully tried to achieve support for voluntary burden sharing. The memory of the Maltese population isn't so short, Simon Busuttil. Please don't try to blame your failures on the current government.
What a pity that we have such a destructive opposition. The more they talk, the more we expect negative results in the near future. Dr Simon Busuttil should realize the damage he is causing his country at this delicate time.
There they go again. Muscat must be making them defecate in their sleep! Will they learn to sit down, shut up and take lessons about how it's done?
The PN is behaving more like an opposition to the people and their interest than any other thing. Unbelieveable!