Muscat’s ‘satisfactory’ outcome raises serious doubts amongst Oppositon, Greens

Greens deplore postponement of Mediterranean migration issue • Simon Busuttil says Muscat lost out on mention of relocation system for migrants in Malta.

Not good enough, say PN and Greens on Friday conclusions to European Council
Not good enough, say PN and Greens on Friday conclusions to European Council

The Green Party has joined a chorus of disapproval on the postponement of 'concrete' action by the European Council, after the EU's heads of state pushed a decision on the steps to be taken on the Mediterranean migration issue to December.

"It is shameful," Alternattiva Demokratika deputy chairperson Carmel Cacopardo said. "This means that at the moment of truth the European Council was incapable of putting into practice the European values of respect towards life and human dignity.

"The EU has for years been postponing decisions on real and practical solidarity on the Mediterranean migration issue as an EU issue. Malta should publicly support the positions taken by the European Greens and recently reiterated by EU Parliament President Schultz on responsibility sharing and the reform of the Dublin II Convention as well as the creation of legal migration channels into the EU."

Yesterday Prime Minister Joseph Muscat said the achievement was positive, but Opposition leader Simon Busuttil said the outcome of the Council conclusions were disappointing.

"At this moment of truth, the Greens in Malta support the Maltese government's insistence, as supported by the Greek and Italian governments, that immigration on the Mediterranean border of the Union is an EU issue like any other," Cacopardo said. "AD understands that it is necessary that the Maltese government uses strong language in its criticism of the EU position, yet it hopes that its decisions are such that the human dignity of the immigrants is respected at all times."

Yesterday PN leader Simon Busuttil said Muscat had emerged from the European Council without any concrete solutions after having repeatedly stated he would not emerge from the Council room if he was not satisfied with the outcome.

"He's simply playing for time. The new conclusions add nothing to what was already said in the past years or in preceding Council meetings. Actually, they are a step back because it does not even make a specific reference to Malta's actual situation, as happened in recent years. The Prime Minister did not manage to influence what was discussed in the Council," Busuttil said.

The PN leader said the conclusions do not even mention "relocation of migrants" towards other EU member states, "putting paid to Muscat's stamping of feet," Busuttil added.

"As Opposition leader he criticised the relocation of some 700 migrant from Malta to the EU because this was not a mandatory burden sharing system. Now he has not even managed to win the support for a voluntary burden sharing system. This shows it is only persuasion and reason that can convince other EU states to take concrete action."

The two green parties in Malta (one green for environment and one green for pure Maltese hdura) were expected to find something to criticise in the PM's stand in Brussels. Both Cassola and Busuttil had their chance in the past to put a good word for Malta, but both had other interests at heart.
Despite what the opposition is pretending, this problem goes way back. The then PN government did nothing but talk while Malta became the dumping ground for the EU's unwanted. To expect immediate results now is hypocritical, disingenuous and presumes that the populace has an extremely short memory. It will be resolved to Malta's satisfaction but we must take into account that we are up against an entrenched bloc who is quite happy with the status quo. This bloc will do anything to frustrate redress for our genuine grievances. If we persevere right will be done.
Kieku mar Busutill flok Muscat konna nispiccaw bid-Dublin 3 jekk mhux 4 ukoll; u kien jghajjat 'vittorja' Simon! Mhux ahjar ma ikomplix jidher ta bad loser u jaghti daqqa ta idt lill- Maltin biex nehilsu mir-rizultat tal-laqghizmu (Dublin 2) li wikkielna hu?
Why all this hurry now!!? Whatever Dr Joseph Muscat tried to do to contain the influx of these illegal immigrants he has always found spokes in his wheels put by those who are criticizing him to-day. Dr Muscat already said that he is not prepared to wait beyond December for a policy to be established. After that he declared that will act and take any steps, even if they hurt, that will be in the interests of Malta. One hopes that if that is going to be the case these who are criticising him to-day would not come out to condemn him.
So, for once, all the major news agencies (BBC, CNN, SKY) consider our PM as a major player in this issue. He has worked relentlessly to find backing from 18 out of the 28 EU countries. Meantime, back home, the good old PN, who were forever ignored by all and sundry on the issue when they were in government, belittle all achievements in the field. They are backed by those other brilliantly successful politicians, good old AD.
In my opinion Busuttil can say nothing due to the incompetence PN have shown regarding illegal migration.Now,on the other hand Muscat will have to stick to his guns and be strong with the EU and bear in mind that Malta and the Maltese are waiting for concrete action and relocation of illegal immigrants.We supported other countries when needed,now its up to all EU member states to support us,otherwise its better to be out of EU.
Dr.Simmon can can you please tell us where did you relocate the thousands of illigal imabrants you managed to get through Frontex,maybe Dr. Muscat will follow your path.
'Reallocation' jigiefirei l- voluntary burden sharing' li blajna ahna imhabba Simon Busutill li min jaf kemm il-darba hareg idoqq it-tromba tal-vittorja u imbaghad ittendejna li flok iddoq muzika helwa, din it-tromba ta Simon tistona kontra l-interesssi taghna? Oqghod cicci kwiet u tghallem xi haga minghand id-diplomatikeu Joseph Muscat! Int ghamilt froga u Joseph qed jipprova innaddaf warajk-jekk ma tfixklux ukoll!!!
Reading what Simon Busuttil has to say on this issue and i cant beleive what im reading he leaves me speechless.i surrender, no comments.pls someone wake him up.
It is a certainty that whatever the outcome in the December meeting, Simon Busuttil will not be backing our prime minister. After all, he has already made a name for himself as DR. NO !
Our prime minister couldn't have been clearer with the EU. If the EU does not come up with concrete solutions in December - which they said they would - then Malta would be taking its own steps to protect Malta's interest ! How about Simon telling us what solutions had been found by GonziPN ?? That JOKE of "voluntary burden-sharing agreement" ???