Good response from public in school uniform consultation
Minister says any changes will take place over time
The public consultation regarding school uniforms has had a good response, according to the Ministry of Education.
The consultation, which was launched in July by means of a questionnaire, was sent to students, parents and educators. The question asked was whether uniforms should be simplified, abolished or whether they should be kept as they are.
The Ministry said that involving students in the consultation process was a new means of empowering them in decision-making.
"Allowing students to have their say on important decisions in their education is a relatively new concept," a statement from the Ministry said.
"It is part of a new policy of empowering school management and students themselves in decision-making processes," it said.
In a separate issue, the same public was also consulted about college line-up reforms. In that questionnaire, the question asked was whether or not a different formulation of the school colleges could lead to a more dynamic and balanced line-up.
At the time that the questionnaires were distributed, Evarist Bartolo, the minister for education, stressed that should any changes to school uniforms take place they would be phased in over a period of time. He also said that he did not want parents to face additional costs should any changes take place.