Nurses to remain at Boffa Hospital unless new oncology hospital provides parking

With the new oncology hospital opening in eight months’ time, MUMN says nurses will remain at Boffa Hospital if parking spaces will not be provided.

Health Minister Godfrey Farrugia visiting the oncology hospital.
Health Minister Godfrey Farrugia visiting the oncology hospital.

Parking problems at Mater Dei Hospital were not restricted to patients and families visiting the hospital but also for the nurses working there. According to MUMN president Paul Pace, nurses were not provided with parking spaces.

To make matters worse, the new oncology hospital to be opened had no dedicated parking space neither for the nurses nor for the patients.

"Malta is indeed a Mickey Mouse country [sic]. Because while MEPA imposes heavy fines when parking spaces are not provided with terraced houses, it allowed the development of an acute hospital without parking facilities," Pace said.

He said that matters had been further complicated because the current administration had now proposed a mental health hospital next and a blood transfusion department next to MDH.

"The previous administration's mistake has now been made worse," Pace said.

According to recent correspondence between MUMN, FMS and the Ministry for Health, proposals being made were not acceptable to the nurses and MUMN.

A proposal was made to use the filed across the Birkirkara bypass: "Can anyone imagine the nurses crossing the B'kara bypass with the heavy traffic during rush hour?"

A second suggestion included one of the fields around Mater Dei Hospital, which according to Pace was "ridiculous because nurses would have to jump over the rubble wall".

Much to the MUMN's indignation, the nurses were advised to start using public transport to lessen the congestion of traffic around Mater Dei and to contribute the better air quality around Mater Dei Hospital.

"MUMN has just organised a meeting with all nurses working at Boffa hospital. It was clear that such replies from the government were unacceptable, especially with the oncology hospital opening in eight months."

Pace said that while nurses and other health care workers were giving a sterling service to patients, they were being taken for a ride.

"MUMN would like to inform the public, that if NO satisfactory parking spaces are provided to the nurses and the patients, which have to be adjacent to the new oncology hospital, the nurses will have no other choice but to remain rendering their services in Boffa Hospital in Floriana," MUMN warned.

Pace said the directive was being issued no to avoid any surprises.

"MUMN has been ignored by the Nationalist government and is now being ignored by the Labour government," Pace said.

He insisted that bad decisions taken by politicians will not be accepted by the nurses, "who should be treated by any minister with respect and dignity".


(1) "Can anyone imagine the nurses crossing the B'kara bypass with the heavy traffic during rush hour?" Perhaps Government/nurses would consider an underground car park constructed in these proposed fields complementary to existing Mater Dei parking facilities and an underground connection. (2) "the nurses were advised to start using public transport", what is so wrong with this suggestion? (3) "ridiculous because nurses would have to jump over the rubble wall", obviously if this suggestion is taken up, there would have to be a complete ban on skirts (lol)!!
so the patients can jump over rubble walls, cross a busy street or take public transport! but all mighty nurses cannot??? ridiculous! why dont you work directly from home without taking the strain of going to work?! why haven't you spoken when permits were still to be issued mr. pace? you are riciculous!you are saying that you were ignored by the PN however we have never saw an article or saw you speaking about this mr pace!
Luke Camilleri
Qatt ma hsibt li ha nasal biex nghid lil Union tan-Nurses jew min qieghed imexxiha "IMISSKOM TISTHU TAGHMLU THEDID u TALBIET BIL hal dawn! Issa bir-rikatti wkoll? Minn min tahsbu li qedin tithallsu intkom mill PL, jew forsi mill Ministru? QEDIN TITHALLSU MIT-TAXXI TAL-PAZJENTI MORDA BIL-CANCER U TAL-FAMILJI TAGHHOM li edukawkom ukoll y tawkhom impjieg ghal ghomorkom! GHANDKOM GHALFEJN TISTHU TGHAMLU DAWN IR-RIKATTI! Kieku
That Gvern Nazzjonalista hekk ghamlu dawn li jippretendu li l-ewwel jigi il-pazzjent? Mela ghan nurses nipprovdu il-parking u ghal pazzjent nipprovdu parking bi hlass. Hekk sewwa u nies ta malta Kattolika. Hawnxi dipartiment jipprovdi il-parking ghal haddiema tieghu. Inthom jaqaw parti mis superior RACE? Mhux ahjar taraw x'taghmlu halli il-pazzjent jinqeda ahjar?