Interviews with international media will get PM nowhere – Busuttil

Opposition leader says Joseph Muscat came back to Malta from Brussels empty-handed and without results.

Opposition leader Simon Busuttil.
Opposition leader Simon Busuttil.

Interviews with international media on irregular migration and the stamping of feet with the European Union will get the Prime Minister nowhere, Opposition leader Simon Busuttil said in a telephone interview on Radio 101.

Busuttil is currently in Brussels attending an EPP summit. The Prime Minister has meanwhile urged Busuttil to seek support from his "European family" to help Malta address the issue of irregular migration.

The Nationalist leader, and former MEP, said the Prime Minister returned to Malta empty-handed from the European Council - a "disappointing" council meeting that failed to deliver on concrete action and decisions.

"The Prime Minister has obtained absolutely nothing and the council conclusions themselves are actually a step backward because it fails to make specific reference to Malta's situation," Busuttil said.

Echoing comments given by European Council President Herman Van Rompuy after the summit, Busuttil said migratory flows were complex phenomena that could not be solved by telling irregular migrants not to leave their country.

"The results brought about by the Prime Minister so far are zero whereas decisions brought about by previous administrations had been effective," he said, referring to the relocation of some 700 migrants.

Criticising Muscat's negotiating styles, Busuttil reiterated that the stamping of feet will get the Prime Minister nowhere.

"Giving interviews to CNN will not help Malta find solutions either," Busuattil said, referring to the several interviews which the Prime Minister held with foreign media. A number of extensive features were also carried out by organisations such as euronews, Sky News, BBC and Al Jazeera.

On the Identity Investment Programme - a new citizenship scheme which will see foreigners buying Maltese citizenship at €650,000 - Busuttil said the scheme would not result in investment.

The Opposition has suggested that the scheme should be tied to long-term investment and granted to foreigners who would be ready to invest in Malta and generate jobs.

During the same programme, PN secretary general Chris Said refrained from going into detail on the amendments that the Opposition will be proposing on the civil unions bill.

He however said that adoption of children should not be based on the sexual orientation of the couple but on the best interest of the child.

Said also reassured that by next Wednesday, all PN employees will be receiving their salaries but admitted that there was still a problem with workers who are yet to be paid for work carried out in the previous months. This problem, he said, will take some time to be resolved.

proset simon ibqa sejjer hekk hanini ghax ghal gol hajt sejjer, kemm ha tpaxxina snin fil- gvern! j'alla tibqa kap tal pn!ghal oppozizjoni tirbah zgur!
Li kienet l-ghira tixghel, zgur li ma jkolniex bzonn ta'l-ebda power station biex indawlu l-Malta u Ghawdex daqs kemm jghiru tal-PN. Arroganti u ghajjurin u jahsbu li huwa kapaci jmmexxu l-pajjiz. Insew id-djun kbar li hallew warajhom, il-korruzzjoni, nfieq fil-vojt ta'flus il-poplu u pajjiz mimli drogi. Kif qal xi hadd hawn taht, il-kilba ghal poter li ghandhom mhux qieghda thallihom jirragunaw u kull ma qeghdin jaghmlu huwa li jintlew bin-neggattivita' fi sforz li jfixklu lill-gvern u jghamlu hsara lill-pajjiz.
U l-purcinell ikompli jdahhak.
After the false promises about the EU, Simon's credibility is down to nil. The PN should stop making obstacles in the foreign fora to the detriment of Malta, as it always does when in opposition. It started in Helsinki and it it has not changed since then!
Dr. Simon il-partit tieghek ghamel 25 fil-Gvern u qatt ma ghamel xejn fuq il-problema ta' l-immiganti llegali ghajr baghat ajruplan mimli lura lejn l-Eritrea jekk m'inhiex sejjer zball. Issa dan Jospeh ta' l-anqas qajjem daqsxejn ta' kuxjenza u hem il-weghda li se jitharku dawn ta' l-Ewropa u jekk le sa l-ahhar ta' Dicembru Joseph ha jiehu l-mizuli li hemm bzonn u ahna wara qeghdin u inti u shabek fejn ser tkunu bhas-soltu taqdfu kontra l-current? Nistennew u naraw.
dear simon do you think yourself are going to get anywhere with your stupid and more stupid comments.
Sour Grapes!!!!! Simple Simon makes one mistake after the other. Poor bloke - he is at his wits end!!
Paroli fil vojt. Ghax ma tippruvax tikkonvinci lil shabek tal EEP biex izommu maghna il Maltin. Kif qieghed taghmel int qieghed turi lajra li ghandek ghal Joseph u tahdem kontra linteressi taghna.
Bad loser? Ara biex se nghabbu! Why don't you thank Joseph that he is trying to clean the mess you have left behind: some 'voluntary' burden sharing indeed!
Now here is a good example of the pot calling the kettle black. Exactly what did ex PM Lawrence Gonzi accomplish with any of his agreements and false promises when it came to illegal immigration and burden sharing? Exactly nothing! All he got was a big fat nothing like Mr Joe is getting right now. The past administration was more concerned about looking nice with the EU than doing what is right for Malta and the Maltese. When it come to Mr Joe, we have to wait until the end of the year to see what his real plans are. Mr Joe should keep his promise that there is still the option of Push Back as a matter of fact, add to it Push Forward. Malta and the Maltese are tired of seeing their livelihood being slowly taken away by these illegal immigrants. When it comes to illegal immigration, except for the the few waa waa crying profitable NGOs I do believe that the people of Malta are behind our PM. Maybe a referendum on this subject should be discussed by Parliament and put it to the vote by the people through a referendum. After all the past administration wasted 4,000,000 Million euros of the Tax Payers money on the divorce initiative.
Luke Camilleri
Feeling jealous now and not just surprised? Maybe he and the Maltese Opposition he "leads" could help by doing some lobbying with his European counterparts! It's not the Labour Party that will be winning in the end but Malta! There is no pleasing Simon!
he he heh sour grapes !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kompli nfoska Simone. Tidher kemm int kuntent bid-Dublin II li wikkewlek u sfortunatament lilna wkoll. Forsi qed tinduna li hadd m'ghadu jaghti kasek.
Do us a favour and hide yourself together with your two deputy Leaders. I wish to know what else you can do apart from criticizing EVERYTHING others do. Il-Kilba ghal-POTER aktar ma jghaddi iz-zmien aktar qed tifferemtna. Ahjar tara kif taghmelu iggib xi haga int halli thalsu id-djun kbar li hajjejtu u tara ukoll kif sejjer taghmel u tirrangiail-hsara li ghamlu ta qablek Fenech adami u Gonzi