Ombudsman publishes proposal for national human rights institution

Ombudsman says office should be charged with monitoring of fundamental human rights in the country.

Ombudsman Joseph Said Pullicino
Ombudsman Joseph Said Pullicino

The Parliamentary Ombudsman has published a proposal for the setting up of a National Human Rights Institution (NHRI) in Malta, to monitor, promote and ensure the observance of fundamental human rights in the country.

NHRIs are considered as central players in national human rights protection systems and play a crucial part to promote and monitor the effective implementation of international human standards on a national level.

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The Office of the Ombudsman is informally considered to be Malta's NHRI by international authorities, including the European Ombudsman, the Commissioner for Human Rights of the European Union and the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe, the UNHCR and others.

For the past years the Parliamentary Ombudsman, Chief Justice Emeritus, Joseph Said Pullicino, has been proposing that the Office should act as a catalyst and focal point of other national institutions and authorities both public and private, having a specific human rights mandate to coordinate and converge their activities from a national perspective.

"This would provide the country with a comprehensive overview of the level of protection of individuals against violations of their fundamental rights," the office said.

The Ombudsman is proposing an autonomous commission headed by the Parliamentary Ombudsman composed of national bodies and representatives of NGOs having a strong human rights content in their functions. The proposed commission would be autonomous and not part of government and would carry out its duties in full independence and be accountable to Parliament.

"The proposed Commission would not substitute specific authorities and organisations that have a strong human rights element in their functions or hinder them in the proper exercise of their responsibilities. It is intended to act as an umbrella organisation keeping them together with the common purpose to oversee the level of human rights observance in a comprehensive and holistic manner," the Ombudsman's office said.

This proposal envisages the designation of the Office of the Ombudsman as the Maltese NHRI that would encompass and be required to work in consultation with other local authorities, entities, institutions and NGOs.

"It is the government's prerogative to choose the model of NHRI best suited to Malta's needs. In making this choice the government should endeavour not only to provide the individual with optimum protection for the enjoyment of his fundamental human rights, and this without unduly burdening the country with unnecessary additional expense... As a member of the European Union that should pride itself on the level of respect of fundamental rights and their observance, Malta deserves nothing less."

din veru sabiha ..... wara snin shah ma jaghmel xejn .... wara snin shah fejn inheba qisu bebbuxu gharwien ..... wara li qatt ma interessa ruhu tassew f'dak li jkun qed jigri madwaru li ma jmurx iwegga' lil gonzipn .... issa f'daqqa wahda said pullicino stenbah ..... u issa qed jilghabha ta' xi wiehed li qalbu taharqu ghax-xoghol ..... ara x'nambuh lil said pullicino bhala kummissarju ghad-drittijiet tal-bniedem ..... TINSEWX .... SAID PULLICINO INQABAD JAGHMEL XOGHOL TA' ARBITRU KONTRA L-LIGI U AVOLJA TWAQQAF MILL-ISPEAKER, BAQA' XORTA WAHDA GHADDEJ B'DAN IX-XOGHOL ...... TRESSAQ IL-QORTI MILL-IMHALLEF FARRUGIA SACCO ..... U DAN L-AHHAR RAJNA RITRATTI AWTENTICI TAL-KAROZZA TIEGHU TIGGERRA 'L HEMM U 'L HAWN .....HAGA LI HU KIEN JAF BIHA IZDA HU GHAZEL LI JHALLI LIL DAN IS-SERQ U ABBUZ BI FLUS PUBBLICI JIBQGHU GHADDEJJIN QISU MA GARA XEJN .... SAID PULLICINO AHJAR JAGHLAQ HALQU U JMUR JISTAHBA FLOK JILGHABHA TA' XI PALADIN TAD-DRITTIJIET TAL-BNIEDEM ..... DAN MHUX HOBZ GHAL SNIEN GHAZZENIN BHAL TIEGHU ....
Kif, kif ma jibqawx in-Nazzjonalisti fil GVERN kollox jinqala u mill-kull naha. L-Ombudsman issa irid it-drittijiet ? ghaliex ma qamx qabel ? kien marbut jaqaw ?