Ministers reveal €240,000 in direct orders in PQs on party activist

Direct orders on event organisation to former PN employee accumulated to €240,432

The direct orders were used for government events hosted by the former administration.
The direct orders were used for government events hosted by the former administration.

An entrepreneur described as a Nationalist party activist was the subject of numerous parliamentary questions last week, tabled by Labour MP Chris Agius to each individual government ministry.

Karl Borg was awarded over 100 contracts in direct orders between 2008 and 2013, amounting to almost a quarter of a million euros.

Borg, owner at Karl Borg Events and a former PN employee, was awarded the contracts by former Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi's secretariat.

The services were mostly related to logistics, often including the renting of equipment for various events such as Christmas activities, Independence Day, Notte Bianca, receptions at Girgenti Palace, events held at Castille and so forth.

At the same time, the Office of the Prime Minister had a person employed whose responsibility was to take care of logistics.

Although the figures may appear to be relatively low when compared to other direct orders - ranging between as low as €35 to as high as €27,534 - the 108 direct orders accumulated the princely sum of €240,432.

Only six direct orders, amounting to €3,347, were not issued by the OPM.

The highest number of direct orders, 35, were awarded in 2010 amounting to €60,485. In 2012, Borg received €96,635 for 22 direct orders while in 2011 he received €52,659 for 27 contracts.

Formerly employed by the Nationalist Party, Borg used to take care of logistics during electoral campaigns and other political activities. 

Ax ma jurux kemm qala Nair minkejja li kien debarred? Alfejn ma jurux kemm qeda taqla Sai Mizzi mela? Il-maggoranza awnekk tikkritika lil PN tal-passat li ma kien xejn sabih, pero imbad ma jifthux l-icken rokna ta halqhom all-bazozli tal-Gvern Lejburist. Vera hasra li awn Malta ftit huma n-nies li "they call a spade a spade." X'injoranza!
This is obviously only the tip of the iceberg. More of this should see the light of day so that the voter will get to know what was going on behind the holy doors at Castille and Pieta. That's why they are creating so much fuss about even the most trivial of things..... il-q milli jkollha ittik!
Dan l-attivist xi wiehed minn dawk li jghid li m'hawnx demokrazija u li jikteb ukoll xi kocc hdura fil-blogs tal-Queen of Bile? Hemm cans ta xi konferenza stampa minn Jason Azzopardi fuq l-valuri u l-platitudnijiet?
Isthi jekk taf kif PN .. dak uzu sincier tat-taxxi taghna? Jien hallast it-taxxa biex IL-PAJJIZ igawdi minnha u mhux individwu maghzul
Only God knows how many else are involved. However, one is bound by professional secrecy and therefore cannot talk freely. A proper audit (which has absolutely NOT been carried out yet) of GonziPN's administration would suffice to.........
Ara tat TIMES OF MALTA.COM ma jghidu xejn fuq dawn !!!! meta nghamel intervent jien dejjem iccensurat ghax naqbez ghal Gvern. Salvu biss bla kantunieri.
well at least we all know that Gonzi did not care about the people of Malta but just his packet.
Tghid l-esponenti tal PN ser jaghmlu xi konferenza stampa quddiem l-istamperija, fejn jikkundannaw dawn il direct orders u jitolbu lil xi hadd biex jirrezenja?
istra! haq sentejn paga ta Sai Mizzi
Please please Simon, can you please explain away this massive corruption scandal. As Party Head the buck stops with you. You cannot say you did not know. You were part of the Clikka as otherwise you would have been circumvented for leadership. So the buck really stops with you. You find pittance against everything this government is trying to do to unravel the massive debts, corruption and nepotism perpetrated by your team. No please explain this.!!! How many more scandals need to be revealed? But most important for all, the 157000 voters who voted PL want not only revelations but arraignments in Court. Only then it could possibly be said that corruption would be curtailed. Without arraignments these people might, just might, get red in the face and keep on going.