Muscat, Zammit must take responsibility for ‘abuse of power’ - Opposition

Commissioner of Police: ‘Immigration officials should not be taking photos inside the airport’

Peter Paul Zammit is once again under pressure by the Opposition’s criticism
Peter Paul Zammit is once again under pressure by the Opposition’s criticism

The Opposition has called on the Prime Minister and Commissioner of Police to take responsibility for the unlawful seizure of a mobile phone device and iPad belonging to an immigration official who was questioned under arrest over allegedly taking pictures of two government officials while passing through passport control.

Norman Vella, a former TV presenter, was arrested on Sunday on suspicion of having taken photos of government chief communications coordinator Kurt Farrugia and home affairs spokesperson Ramona Attard on their way to catch a flight to London Heathrow. The officials were part of a delegation to London on a government communications training programme.

Yesterday, the law courts ordered the police to return to Vella a confiscated mobile phone and tablet after finding no reasonable suspicion that Vella could have snapped the photos in what was said to be a restricted area.

"This latest decision has again reconfirmed a case of abuse of power by the Commissioner of Police and the Muscat government... Peter Paul Zammit appeared personally in court to defend the police's illegal and abusive action, and without having any evidence insisted that the devices stay in police custody. This was solely an attempt at intimidation and abuse of power," the PN said in a statement.

The PN said the case was redolent of the "abuse of power" in the disciplinary proceedings against police inspector Elton Taliana, over the wrongful prosecution of an innocent person. "The PN is insisting that the Commissioner of Police and the prime minister who appointed him, must take responsibility for these abuses of power."

Police Commissioner Peter Paul Zammit yesterday told The Malta Independent that taking photographs of individuals in places such as airports, was "liable to put one in breach of all acts imaginable" due to Schengen regulations, the Official Secrets Act and the Data Protection Act.

Zammit was quoted as saying that a public officer who photographed people was not suited to the role of officers who entrusted with airport security. "One doesn't normally see a photo journalist taking random photos of others at the airport unless he or she has special permission to do so," Zammit said.

On Wednesday night, former TVHemm presenter Norman Vella demanded that an investigation is opened into an alleged abuse of power over his arrest, in a press conference outside the Office of the Prime Minister where Vella paraded for the media by leaving yesterday's court sentence at the door of the Auberge de Castille.

The court found no reasonable suspicion that the immigration official had committed any crime by allegedly using his smartphone to snap pictures of passengers passing through MIA. In parliament, Opposition leader Simon Busuttil described the ruling as "a victory for freedom and the country".

Soon after the court's ruling, Vella - flanked by his lawyers Karol Aquilina and Therese Commodini Cachia - addressed a press conference. "This sentence proves the abuse of power by the police that took place and I am asking the Prime Minister to see who was responsible for this abuse," he said.

None of the photos that were allegedly taken were found on either his mobile phone and iPad that were seized by arresting officers.

On their part, both Kurt Farrugia and Ramona Attard denied having filed police reports against Vella and said they did not speak to anyone from the police. However, Vella's lawyer Karol Aquilina told the court that it was police inspector Maria Stella Attard who had told him that Farrugia and Attard reported Norman Vella to the police.

Another of DC G 's babies crying foul. The Police would have done well granting him a baby bottle and a pacifier along with his mobile and i pad.
joseph mercieca
This has been a farce from start to finish. Now it has been established that the photos were not taken. They appeared and then disappeared from the blog of the lady from Bidnija so much for her bravado. Who took the pictures? Her honour the magistrate decided that it was not Norman Vella presumably because no pictures were found on his phone and I Pad. If the decision of her honour was based on this simple fact than with all due respect to her honour I say that her judgement was naïve. One need not be and IT expert to know that when one erases files (and photos are files) these remain embedded in the hard disk and won’t disappear. Thus if her honour wanted to really know if there were photos she should have asked any computer buff to check the hard disk. In fact I am surprised that the police did not do it themselves. In this way there would there have been irrefutable proof whether Mr. Vella took the photos or not. Her honour the magistrate said he had no photos he is innocent end of story. I do not the reason why he is soliciting the PM on whether he suffered police harassment. It does not make sense if I am stopped at say 3.00am in a road block and the police search my car and I for illicit things such a drugs is that harassment surely not. So it is even more not harassment when the police act on a report. One thing we can learn from this panto is that anyone in the network of our lady of Bidnija can get away with murder. But really is Simon Busuttil going to build his opposition on such trivialities. How sad for Malta. The Commissioner under pressure. Sure and Bob's your uncle.
Suppost lil l-PN huwa mizghud bl-avukati. Mela jistghu jghidulna min ghandu l-poter jiddeciedi jekk il-pulizija abbuzatx mill-poter li ghandha ? Mhux il-Qorti tista taghmel dan u mhux Simon Busuttil, Beppe u Mario (ghalkemm nahseb Mario joqghod pass lura ) ? Ghaliex mela ma tghidux lil-Norman Vella jiehu azzjonimlegali kontra lpulizija, jekk konvinti li l-pulizija abbuzat mill-poter ??? TAHSBU LI KULLHAD F'PAJJIZNA CUC bhal ma kien qal Tonio fenech ! Mur gib kieku sarlu kif kien sar lil-perit Martin Debono ghax kien ghamel uzu minn laptop tal-Kunsill ? Kienu zammewh arrestat id-depot, nezzghuh gharwien biex jumiljawh etc.. IPOKRITI ! Nispera li l-prim ministru jfakkar lillàpoku dwar dawk il-kazi !
Even if photos were actually taken, what were these two doing that they didn't want to uncover?
Luke Camilleri
Whilst on the subject of RESPONSIBILITY which in this case is just for a frivolous has been that wants to be in again..... WHO WILL TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR RCC'S golden handshake for which we are still paying for, ran into a quarter of a million ? THAT WAS AN ABUSE OF POWER SINCE RCC WAS ALREADY VOTED OUT BY A PARLIAMENTARY VOTE when this OBSCENe AGREEMENT WAS DRAWN UP!
Dawn kollha teatrini. Li jinteressana hu min huma dawk il-HALLELIN (pulitikanti u mhux) li ghal snin shah serqulna flusna minn butna - petrol, diesel, gass, dawl u ilma. Dak li rridu nkunu nafu. Mela jekk Norm il-Bekkej hax ritratt jew le!
@ furjaniz...mela mhux bhall pulizijja ghax ma kienu efficjenti xejn ghax fi 3 tijiem ma irnexilhom jaraw kienx ittiehed rittrat min fuq mobile!
If it's about the use of a mobile phone on duty, they can very well arrest EVERYONE! I for one prefer to be informed of what others want to hide. What was there to hide?
xi tridu tgergru, ax kien ix xitwa ghax kieku sajf ma kontx isibhom, ghax ikunu qed jixemxu fuq id dinghy
Who was lying you can not trust the police to investigate Inspector said she had a phone call By Farrugia and Attard and all swore under Oath the Magistrate should have confronted the witnesses
You wait The police somehow will fiddle with Vella Mobial and Tablet and will come up with something
Kemm saret efficjenti il Qorti. Pero Charles Mangion kien ilu jistenna snin twal
Commissioner of Police: ‘Immigration officials should not be taking photos inside the airport’And which law states that? ....anyway, in fact he did NOT , and you proved that yourself by not finding any pictures on both of his devices..
Ahna mill-kontijiet tad-dawl li ghabbejtuna bihom jimportana u mill-iskandli taz-zejt minn nies li poggejtu intom; mhux mill-pantomini ta min hu bad loser!