Update 3 | Ministers attack conflict of interest over PN threat to withdraw citizenship

Opposition says it will repeal passports issued under the IIP if returned to power

Edward Zammit Lewis, Manuel Mallia and Owen Bonnici
Edward Zammit Lewis, Manuel Mallia and Owen Bonnici

Home Affairs minister Manuel Mallia has attacked the Nationalist opposition's stand on the citizenship-by-investment scheme, claiming the party's position has vacillated between a principled stand to one of disagreement on the specifics of the Individual Investor Programme.

"We've heard various interpretations," Mallia said, flanked by parliamentary secretary for justice Owen Bonnici, and parliamentary secretary for the economy Edward Zammit Lewis. "Today the PN's statement shows the Opposition wants to discuss amendments to the law we are putting forward."

The PN today said it would repeal passports issued under the IIP, if it is returned to power. Prime Minister Joseph Muscat has already promoted the programme in London to sell Maltese citizenship at €650,000 - he claims the scheme could reap €30 million in revenues that will be ring-fenced into a 'national development fund'.

Mallia today said the revenue from the IIP, by attracting wealthy persons, would have a multiplier effect on the economy through additional investment, the purchase of property, and the creation of jobs.

"The Opposition is scaremongering in the same manner as it did during the elections. But seven months in, this government has proved it wrong. The PN has learned nothing from the negativity it displayed in the last elections," Mallia said.

He accused the Opposition of wanting to delay the IIP. "We are not steamrolling this issue over anybody: how can the Opposition be in principle against the IIP and at the same time demanding that it discusses amendments."

Mallia also pointed out that Nationalist MP Francis Zammit Dimech's legal firm had represented citizenship firm Arton Capital, in an appeal on the home affairs ministry's decision to award Henley & Partners an exclusive concession to promote the IIP. "Would the PN have been positive about the IIP had this company won the tender?" Mallia asked.

"The Opposition is harming the country's reputation by scaring off potential investors. I urge it to stop doing so," Mallia said.

On his part, parliamentary secretary for justice Owen Bonnici said that concessionaries Henley will be paid a commission equivalent to 4% of the applicants' fees, and not €140,000 as alleged by Nationalist MP Jason Azzopardi. 90% of the 'donation' towards the IIP will be poured into a national fund.

In the meantime, Arton Capital is contesting the concession tender in court through the legal counsel of Nationalist candidate Therese Commodini Cachia.

"Having two PN members representing this company leads me to wonder whether the PN has members who favour the IIP, and whether it would have had no problem with the scheme had Arton won the concession," Bonnici said.

Bonnici also insisted that Opposition leader Simon Busuttil's intention to repeal any passport issued under the IIP, if returned to power, was unconstitutional.

"I would understand a position in which he says he would stop the IIP. But repealing citizenship? It's worrying that someone aspiring to be prime minister declares that he will just withdraw citizenship at the stroke of the pen."

In reaction to this afternoon's press conference, the PN reiterated that the government was adamant on selling passports at a discounted price.

"In the Prime Minister's absence, three members of the Cabinet tried to justify the sale of passports with weak arguments which go against the country's interests," the PN said.

The opposition accused the prime minister of "stubbornly insisting on a wrong decision which will damage the country's reputation, not only in Europe but in the rest of the world."

Muscat, according to the Opposition, is also ignoring objections flagged by financial services professionals which have warned the government on a number of shortcomings in the draft law.

"It is now evident that the prime minister is not ready to listen to anyone as long as he gets what he wants."

PN threatens IIP withdrawal

Joseph Muscat's plan to sell citizenship for €650,000 has become politically charged after the Opposition declared it will repeal all passports issued under the new scheme.

The Labour Party today said that the PN and leader Simon Busuttil were damaging the country's reputation and playing into the hands of a financial advisory company that had not won a tender to be the Individual Investor Programme's exclusive concessionaire. Nationalist MP Francis Zammit Dimech's legal firm represented Arton Capital in its appeal on a tender decision, and Nationalist candidate Therese Commodini Cachia is now representing the company in a legal challenge to have the concessionaire's contract repealed.

The Nationalist Party is insisting that its intention to repeal citizenships acquired through naturalisation under the Individual Investor Programm, if returned to power, is constitutional and according to law.

Labour claims Busuttil's intention to repeal IIP passports is informed by his own party members' conflicts of interest.

The Attorney General this week told MaltaToday that repealing citizenship, unless according to the Citizenship Act's provisos, was unconstitutional.

The Attorney General said no minister can repeal citizenship acquired by naturalisation, unless "specific acts" are committed by the naturalised citizen. "Deprivation of citizenship acquired by naturalisation is provided for by law on the basis of specific acts attributable to the naturalised citizen and is subject to procedural safeguards in each individual case. The wholesale deprivation of citizenship of a particular class of naturalised citizens irrespective of their conduct is not possible under our Constitutional and legal system," Peter Grech said.

The Citizenship Act allows a minister to deprive citizenship if naturalisation is obtained by means of fraud, false representation or the concealment of material fact.

Ministers can also deprive citizenship to: who shows himself to be "disloyal or disaffected" towards the President or the government of Malta; engages in acts of treason with an enemy in a war in which Malta is engaged; is jailed in any country for more than 12 months, within seven years of becoming a citizen; never sets foot in Malta over a period of seven years.

"The citizenship-by-investment scheme as proposed by Prime Minister Joseph Muscat puts Maltese identity on sale, lacks transparency, and opens up the doors to abuse of power," the PN said in a statement.

The scheme, which Muscat yesterday promoted to a London audience of financial services practitioners, will sell citizenship for €650,000. On its part, the Opposition does not agree with the way in which the IIP will work, which gives a concessionaire, Henley & Partners, the exclusive right to promote the scheme and forward applicants to government agency Identity Malta. The PN says Henley will be carrying out the bulk of due diligence on applicants that it will itself promote.

"Despite our appeal to review the scheme, as well as offering to find consensus, Muscat is promoting the scheme overseas and riding roughshod over the House of Representatives, which has not yet approved this scheme," the PN said.

Muscat will be in Miami in November to attend a Henley conference on global residence and citizenship.

"We are warning that when returned to power, we will repeal every citizenship sold by the present government, and this is in line with the Constitution and the Citizenship Act, which give the government the right to repeal citizenship. Muscat should stop being stubborn in trying to sell our citizenship at a cut price."

This proposal is only about giving someone power. If i was a serious investor would I be swayed by having or not having the opportunity to buy a Maltese citizenship? I very much doubt. They will only be interested in making a profit even against the interests of Malta and its real citizens.
Ma jinbidlu qatt tal pn, qed jghamlu l istess bhall ma kienu jghamlu fis 70s u fl 80s, ibezzghu lill barranin biex igerrxu l investiment lejn malta. Shame on you, il poplu malti qed jinduna min huma vera tal pn. Tkaxkira ikbar fl elezzjoni li imiss.
X'gharukaza ta' livell waqaw fih tal-PN. Issa anki qed jeddu - jew nilghab inkella inhassar, atteggjament tat-tfal zghar, isabbtu saqajhom. It-tajba hi li Simon Busuttil ma jista qatt jirtira c-cittadinanzi li se jinghataw ghax mhux se jitla fil-gvern. Bih jien mohhi mistrieh li l-PN fl-Opposizzjoni se jibqa. Ga gieh ic-cans l-ahhar elezzjoni u n-nazzjonalista hadu tkaxxkira storika. Il-PL ghandu jiftakar li ghandu maggoranza ta' 9 u ghalhekk ghandu jixxpruna il-programm elettorali tieghu u jkompli jattwa l-progetti ta' gid li qed u se naraw jitwettqu.
Simom buzullotti said that when he is in power he will take away any citizinship that is paid for.HA HA HA what a joke,like that simon is ever going to be prime minister.HA HA HA.(in your dreams)
Do I get this right... PN candidates (lawyers) happy to represent a firmwho applied for promotion of IIP but then same PN candidates against the scheme? WEhat about conflict of interest? The quicker they ditch reference to Christian Democracy from their statute the better.. so that they are shown for what they really are .......crocodiles shedding tears.
Mark Fenech
Aktar mal-PN isabbat saqajh u jgħedded aktar nikkonvinċi lili nnifsi li din hija ħaġa tajba għal dan il-pajjiż għażiż tagħna. Dawn imisshom jistħu b'daqs dawk voti differenza u jridu li tgħaddi tagħhom, din fejn hija d-demokrazija li jiftakru fiha, u PL għamel 5 snin jistenna meta l-gvern kellu biss 1500 aktar, u qatt ma għeddidna lil ħadd. Imma kif ma għandkomx mistħija?
Ma jinbidlux. Johorgu verzjoni ohra ta Malta is Burning Jonqoshom. Shame on them. Tal PN l-ewwel il-Partit imbaghad il-Pajjiz.
Looks like Simon has rattled the cage. This is an ill conceived 'fast buck' scheme that shows what a total lack of creativity this government possesses. The PL managed to win the election handsomely and proceeded to enact several schemes that were not in its manifesto. It has run roughshod over parliament and over us citizens. Pre EU accession the MLP fought a campaign to defend our sovereignty and now the very same people are selling my passport to high bidders without any concession for investment in the country. You are simply a bunch of hypocrites!
The Citizenship Act allows a minister to deprive citizenship if naturalisation is obtained by means of fraud, false representation or the concealment of material fact. Your boastful talk is only intended to dirty Malta,s name, same as when your pn invented the Malta file for the same reason.
Mela Simone l-ewwel qal li ir-rohs tal-kontijiet tad-dawl hi fairy tale, nhar it-tnejn se jismaghha sew din il-fairy tale. Imbaghad mar gass down ghal gol-hajt, u issa iz-zejt tiela fil-wicc.
Simon Busutill-jew Dr No kif qed jigi maghruf illum-jaf li m'ghadnux cans jitla fil-Gvern hames snin ohra , allura jipprova itellef! Imma dan jippretendi li 9 siggijiet maggoranza qishom ma jiswew xejn? Bad loser!
I would love to hear your beloved mintoff speak on the subject. If labour really wants to be transparent and "open government" as promised in election campaign than the names of those buying citizenship should be published. Then I would accept this programme.
Jekk dan il-gvern se jaqla 30 miljun euro kull sena minn din l-iskema, allura se jkun dahhal 150 miljun euro sa l-ahhar ta' din il-legislatura. Kif se jsib dawn il-flus Dr. Busuttil, biex jirrifondilu flusu lura lil min se johodlu il-passaport li jkun xtara?
Mela Simone l-ewwel qal li ir-rohs tal-kontijiet tad-dawl hi fairy tale, nhar it-tnejn se jismaghha sew din il-fairy tale. Imbaghad mar gass down ghal gol-hajt, u issa iz-zejt tiela fil-wicc.
I'm not sure why PL bothers to reply to this sort of nonsense.It is obvious that the PN hasn't come to terms with the fact that they are now in opposition, and do not control anything. the least that poor Simon can do is to dream. Meanwhile, Joseph, keep up the good work. 5 years like these first few months, and i doubt if we will have an opposition to speak of, come next election.
Fiz-zminijiet tat tmeninijiet kelna nies prominenti fil-Partit sic. Nazzjonalista li marru l-Germanja jappellaw lill Industrijalisti ma jigux jinvestu f'Malta. Kellna wkoll il ktieb mahmug ta 'Malta is Burning'. Fis-sebinijiet kellna l-flotta Amerikana lesta biex tintervieni jekk jitla l-Partit Laburista fil-gvern ghax kienu ghaddewlhom informazzjoni lio bil-Partit Laburista fil-gvern Malta issir bazi Russa. Issa ghadna dan il-geru tal-but jinbah u jghid li jirtira ic-cittadinanza li tkun inattat. Dan juri haga wahda li ghal Partit sic Nazzjonalista l-interessi tal-KLIKKA jigu qabel kull interess ta Malta. Jaghdulna fejn il-Partit Laburista meta kien fl-oppozzzizjoni qatt ghamel xi haga kontra l-interessi ta Malta. Ntenni dak li dartba qalet ilgazzetta 'Il-berqa' PARTIT NAZZJONALISTA, PARTIT SAHTA TA MALTA
No matter how one looks at it. This Passport for money Scheme is a pure insult to each and every Maltese born Citizen and the PL should not go on with the sale. It does not matter if Simon Busuttil and Company agree or do not agree with the scheme. Our Nationality and livelihood should never be put on the selling block for thirty pieces of silver. If Malta needs the money that bad, Mr Joe can always reduce the paycheck of our beloved overpaid Meps and maybe even reduce the pay of Ministers. This is not a PL or PN problem this is a Malta problem and that includes every Maltese Born Citizen. You cannot justify committing murder or stealing because one is hard on cash. We are very proud of our Nationality Mr Mallia, even if some of you are not.
haga wahda tista taghmel Joseph Muscat. Lil min irid ic-cittadinza bieghhu ghal 100 sena. wara li jaghaddi iz-zmien Xmun tal bsaten fir-Roti Zgur li inkunx hawn. Huma mhux hekk ghamlu il-kuntratti? jaghmlu kuntratt biex meta jinbidel il-Gvern ikomplu iggawdu in-nies taghhom? Meta ha jitghalmu ta Malta Taghna Ilkoll??????????
Ma nistax nifhem alfejn min qed jikkumenta qed jehodha daqsekk bi kbira. Hemm bzonn li din tal-IIP ma tghaddiex ax kif inhi bhalissa emm lok ta hafna abbuz b'nuqqas ta trasparenza u kollox mamul biex jiddahlu l-flus ta malajr u minajr ebda qies al futur. Ahsbu naqra qabel ma tikkundannaw lill-oppozizzjoni. Forsi mhuwiex jghid l-affarijiet b'l-ahjar mod possibli izda kollox hu minnu dak li qed jghidu l-PN. Il-PL ghandu bzonn jinduna li imbilli ghandu 9 siggijiet maggoranza ma jistax jghaddi minn fuq il-poplu ax ghandu jinduna li l-poplu fid-9 ta Marzu biss ivvutah fil-poter, il-bqija ma hu xejn kuntent bit-tmexxija s'issa.
Cont - Dr Busuttil accuses Dr Muscat of riding rough shod over Parliament, which is not the case because when the time comes the Prime Minister shall present the Act and Regulations to Parliament for discussion and approval. Does this mean that if Dr Busuttil be E V E R Prime Minister, he will ride rough shod over Parliament to repeal the Act governing the IIP???
Then, let Xmun, and his "sta bene" compatriots, (outrageously-made-it-over-25-years-of corruption and sleaze-therefore-can-now-afford-to-waste-time-obstructing-and damaging-economy) lash out with their legal opinions (declaring their private interests, as well EH!) Of course, these legal opinions must be seconded by accepted legal beagles, thank you very much!! The Attorney General has already pronounced his opinion about the illegality of this action, unless certain factors kick in. It is now the "bravi"s' turn to provide actual legal opinion. Now if Xmun wants to kill a golden goose (by repealing this act) in that far away time when he (or his rich compatriots) are allowed to, by UNBIASED voters, than that is something else. BUT he cannot touch what would have been awarded by that time. But doesn't this foolish man/boy/or.. realise that he is alienating any potentially approachable voters by hurling bravados to his converted, whilst causing widespread harm to the local financial services sector, so assiduously promoted by even his hawkish party??? What a time waster he has proven to be. Just right for those vicious, venomous b(l)oggers to manipulate between their small finger and thumb and mash between their rotten, black teeth!!!!
What compromise does Dr Simon Busuttil want to reach with the PL if he is all out against the Individual Investors Programme being promoted by Dr Joseph Muscat??? Dr Busuttil also says that when returned to power, if ever " W H E N " arrives in the immediate future, he will repeal every citizenship obtained under the scheme; even though the AG q
Paul Sammut
So Simon says that the government "should stop being stubborn in trying to sell our citizenship at a cut price." Oh how sweet! So now the issue is the price. This man lands with his foot in his mouth with every step he takes.
Paul Sammut
Simon, De Marco, Beppe and Jason have now dragged down the PN to its lowest ebb. Same as when EFA went rushing to conspire with Ghaddafi against Malta's interest in oil exploration '8os. Like Kunserva some never change. They can only go sour. Kunserva qarsa.
So does Simon and Co want to see those that may be interested to buy Maltese citizenship to buy an Austrian one instead? Malta's loss could be Austria's (another EU country) gain. Have the USA or the EU protested to Austria about it's scheme? No. http://edition.cnn.com/2013/06/28/business/world-overlooked-countries-second-citizenship/
In the light of these continuing threats by the PN aimed to scare potential applicants away and harm our economy government must reassure and provide watertight security to prospective applicants. I suggest that gov engages the best legal brains both local and international (of the level of the late Edgar Mizzi) to draw a watertight contract incorporating a range of guarantees for chosen applicants to ensure that if the PN were to ever dare revoke citizenship the financial guarantees would be such that they would bankrupt a future PN government.
Dawn kemm huma arroganti in-nazzjonalisti. Tidher cara li dak li qeghdin jaghmlu huwa sforz l-ghira u l-hdura li ghandhom ghall-labour. Kilba ennormi ghall-poter li juru li huma jikmandaw wkoll jekk il-maggoranza stragrande tal-polplu warbithom. Qeghdin jeddu li jirtiraw kull cittadinza f'din l-iskema wkoll jekk min ikun applika jkun ta'integrita' u qieghed igib ruhhu sewwa. Ukoll jekk min ikun applika jkun gab xi investiment, kbir jew zghir mieghu go pajjizna. Din id-dikjarazzjoni hi perikoluza hafna u turi kemm huwa mportanti li n-nazzjonalisti jaghmlu hafna zmien fl-oppozizzjoni ha jitnadfu wahda tajba.
Simple simon, minfejn se ggib il-flus biex tirrifondihom. Lil min se tintaxxa? Dawn ikollhom kull dritt ifittxuk ghax m'ghamlu xejn hazin.
Dr Busuttil qed jghamel plejtu biex inehhi l-attenzjoni min fuq li Skandlu tas seklu ix xiri taz zejt. Bhal ma ghamlu kapital fuq norman Vella. Il PN dejjem hadem kontra l-interess ta Malta. Xejn mhu gdid. Fadallek ftit Dr Busuttil biex tiehu azzjoni