PN whip defends promotions received after becoming MP

PN whip David Agius defends three successive promotions and a salary increase received a year after he was first elected to parliament.

Three promotions and a salary increase received a year after he was first elected to parliament had nothing to do with his political role, Opposition whip David Agius has insisted.

The Nationalist MP, first elected to parliament in 2003, works at the Malta Freeport as a manager with a €34,800 salary and a 10% performance bonus. 

Agius also receives an honoraria of €28,638 as the opposition's whip.

According to information received by this newspaper, Agius joined the Malta Freeport Corporation in 1990 at clerical level but his first promotion came in 2004, a year after he became a member of parliament.

In 2004 he was appointed assistant manager and in 2006 he was promoted to manager at level 3.

In 2010, he was given another promotion, this time to a level 1 manager with an annual salary of €25,029, a €4,472 allowance and a 10% performance bonus.

In 2012, his salary package was reviewed upwards to €30,000 salary, €4,800 allowance and a 10% performance bonus.

Contacted by MaltaToday, Agius however insisted, "there was absolutely no political interference" in the promotions.

"I have been there for 24 years and it's normal that one moves up in his career over such a long period of time," he said.

Agius insisted that if there had been any political interference, he would have served as "a chairman or consultant".

Asked to explain why his first promotion came after having worked at the Freeport for at least 14 years, the Nationalist MP said that he had spent some years studying at the University of Malta as a B.Com student.

Between 1995 and 1996, Agius was seconded to work with Louis Galea, then Minister for Social Development. Before his secondment, Aguis acted as the personal assistant to the general manager of the MaltaFreeport Terminal.

Following the 1996 PN electoral defeat, Agius returned to the Freeport.

Some years later, he joined the B.Com University course where he studied economics and management.

Until recently, Agius was responsible of the corporation's human resources and administration but has now been entrusted with EU funds.

dan ikkwalifikat iktar minnha u ghandu id-dritt jiehu il-promotions u jahdem u jaqla l-flus ghax nazzjoanlist! ara haddiehor ma jistax jekk mux blu!
Tinsewx l-ahwa li dan ghandu kwalifika li hadd m'ghandu bhala. Ghalhekk ha dawk il-promotions u ziediet kolla. Heq x'taghmel . Dan ghandu il-kapacita li jikkoppja fl-ezamijiet izda tant hu batut li inqabad kull darba. Ghalhekk gie mlaqqam PHOTOCOPIER.
L-eluf li jaqla haddiehor jitkazaw bih u hu hazin u l-eluf li jaqalaw huma tal-PN hu tajjeb. Dak ragunar, eh? U halluna!!!
Taf tisthi David?wicckhom u s*****m xorta.
I don't understand how you can hold ANY full time job while being an MP. We have supposedly elected these individuals to run the country, and if that isn't a full time job, then there is something fundamentally wrong with the system.
Did the Queen of bile say anything about the triple promotions? Of course not!
Dawn dejjem hekk kienu u jibqghu, ghalihom ma jimpurtax li tlaqqat tliet promotions f'sena basta tkunb Nazzjonalist. Ara ghax fl-Armata kien hemm min ha zewg poromotions jew tlieta dak ma jixtax, dak skandlu ghax forsi hu Laburist u li kieni ilu jigi negat lilu promotion li verament kien haqqu meta kien hemm Gvern tal-PN. Tal-PN minn dejjem ridu jaraw lilna l-Laburisti kkastigati u dal li hu tana bi dritt ma nohduhx u ghalihom m'hemmx kantunieri, kollox ghad-dritt haqqek jew ma haqqekx promotion tehodha basta tku b'ghajnejk blu u Nazzjonalist u naf x'qed nghid ghax meta kont fil-kamp taghhom jiena hekk sar hadt zewg promotions wara xulxin imma x'hin qsamt u gejt wit red eyes lanqas dak li kelli dritt ghalih ma hadt. Hekk jafu jaghmlu dawn isammruk jekk ma tkunx fil-kamp taghhom imma llum xorta sodisfatt li dan ir-regim tal-PN warrabnieh u kwazi qtilnih ghax jahasra ghadu agunija.
Wow, good for you Mr. David Agius and may your fortunes keep growing from good to better to best! Would you consider giving me a push up with my pension. Thanks to one anti-social PN government after another for no less than 26 years, my pension has been stiff for the last 14 years.
3 promotions and a salary increase in one year! And a 10% performance bonus! Thank god he is working in parliament as well and cannot dedicate himself full-time to the job at the freeport, otherwise Malta could not afford the performance bonus of this obvious genius.
3 promotions and a salary increase in one year! And a 10% performance bonus! Thank god he is working in parliament as well and cannot dedicate himself full-time to the job at the freeport, otherwise Malta could not afford the performance bonus of this obvious genius.
Luke Camilleri
This MP knows no shame , he should not even be in Paliament having been caught copying three times in exams whenhe was already a Member of Parliement ! He is certainly no role model ~ on what basis did he get his promotions and what dos he manage ?
Vergni daqs iz zejt taz zebbuga !!!!!!!!!!!!