Three 4-star hotels to close for winter months

Six hotels in St Paul's Bay to close for winter months, tourism minister says.

Six hotels, including three 4-star hotels in the St Paul's Bay area will shut down for the winter months ahead, tourism minister Karmenu Vella said in Parliament. 

In reply to a parliamentary question by Nationalist MP Censu Galea, the minister explained that six hotels had informed the Tourism Authority that they would be closing their doors for the winter months spanning over four months, between December and March. 

Vella however noted that this was among the lowest number of hotels shutting down in the last few years. 

The three 4-star hotels, San Antonio Hotel, which is temporarily closed since it is undergoing refurbishment, Gillieru Harbour Hotel and the Seashell Resort will reopen by March as will the 3-star Primera Hotel. 

The other 3-star hotel on the list, the Ambassador Hotel will however close doors this month and receive its first guests in May 2014. The 2-star White Dolphin Complex has already shut down last month and is planning to reopen in March.

Mhux bil-fors they close down if they are refurbishing? Ask the San Antonio owners and they will telly you so!
Are the employees of these hotels going to get paid during these months, when the hotels will be closed. As if not, that is why these industries do not find workers,. and not because no body want to work.