Updated | ‘Government prostituting country’, says Puli on golden passport

House of Representatives continues its discussion on the Individual Investor Programme with further interventions from the Opposition.

Nationalist MP Clyde Puli
Nationalist MP Clyde Puli

Opposition MP Clyde Puli likened the citizenship scheme to the "buying of second-hand cars or a can of peas from the supermarket".

Addressing Parliament, Puli said the citizenship scheme was "an indecent proposal, with government giving a price to everything and value to nothing".

Parliament reconvened early this morning for its third session discussion the citizenship scheme, referred to by the government as the "citizenship by investment".

On the other hand, the Opposition insists the scheme was tantamount to "the selling" of citizenship or passports.

In an impassioned speech, at times verging on the patriotic, Puli accused the government of "prostituting" Malta.

"And now the government wants to give discounts as well... as if we were dealing at a discount store," Puli said.

In his onslaught against the citizenship scheme, Puli said Henley & Partners, the exclusive concessionaire for the IIP scheme, had an interest to ensure that the highest number of Maltese passports should be sold.

This, Puli said, would result in an interest that went against Malta.

At one point, the Nationalist MP started citing Mary Spiteri's Tema 79 from rock opera Gensna - a song often sung during Labour Party events as it commemorates Freedom Day. He argued that Labour's position was now "contradictory".

Like previous speakers from the Opposition side, Puli referred to government consultant Shiv Nair, blacklisted by the World Bank. "How can government expect us to believe in the due diligence which is being promised, when they didn't even realise that Shiv Nair had been blacklisted?" he said.

Puli went on to describe Nair as "a fraud, corrupted and without credibility".

"The government is now opening its doors to opportunists and corrupted people," he said.

Earlier, Nationalist MP Kristy Debono asked why the government had not included the citizenship programme as part of its electoral programme.

She insisted that citizenship was in itself a concept that gave a sense of belonging, "and therefore it should not be put up for sale".

The Opposition, Debono said, met Henley & Partners during which the exclusive IIP concessionaire was asked why the scheme was not tied to investment.

"And Henley said that the government had been in a rush," she said.

Debono also asked what government planned to do with the funds generated by the fees. She said that the government had not been clear in his plans.

Prime Minister Joseph Muscat - who envisages a €30 million income next year - has said that €15 million will go towards the budget and the rest injected in a national development fund.

The Opposition is yet to take a stand on the proposed Individual Investor Programme (IIP) as it is still looking into the details of the draft legal notice.

Even though the leader of the Opposition declared that the party was "against the selling of citizenship in principle", MPs have urged government to seek consensus on the law.

The Nationalist Party is adamant that the programme should serve to attract persons who invest and create jobs in Malta, beyond the funds generated by the fees paid by applicants.

The speakers from the Opposition side insisted that the PN was not against investment, but against awarding citizenship without doing enough to attract long-term investment. The requirements, the PN argued, are non-existent and should at least include a residential period.

Thanks God! Not all is lost in the PN. This morning I've heard Alber Fenech talking on this investment scheme: he agrees with it like many other well travelled Maltese busniss people! Compare and contrast this with the pomposity and unbelievable adjectives that Puli came out with! What is good for the UK, Belgium,Portugal, Bulgaria, the US, and Canada; is good for us! Puli talked as if he is teaching a 'nuna' class! Mela ahna stupidi. Mela sew SimonPN qed jghid li jaqbel li jigu 22,000 elf immigrant bla karti li ma se jaghtuna xejn: ahna naghtuhom: imma ma jaqbilx li naghtu passoport 'Ewropew' lil 60 high worth individual li igibu kapital investiment, knowhow u job opportunities. Jekk se tibqghu hekk fl-oppozizzjoni se tibqghu! Ghandkom ma fihmtu xejn mill-ahhar elezzjoni?
Ara sew jghid il-proverbju Malti Sur Puli - IlQahba milli jkollha ttik!!!
@Guzep. I am an ex factory worker, ex RAF and an ex Civil servant. The Corruption I have seen is rampant. I have tried all my best to bring to the attention of the higher authorities but I am sorry to say it was to no avail, Every time I got some kind of blessing like, not allowed to do ANY overtime whatsoever, received vindictive transfer and even threatened at the place of work. Presently I feel that those people who crushed others are being promoted and given everything, even though during the Nationalist Regime they were hardcore Nationalist. I have always said once a politician, you always a politician. In Maltese we say Hanzin taqtghalu dendu hanzin jibqa. U hekk il-politikanti. Ghandi habib tieghi jghid "Dak siggu tal Bellus u tahtu hemmhafna flus" u Povru il-poplu.
A cynic knows the price of everything but the value of nothing: Oscar Whild qalha. U liema politiku ma hux ciniku fi kliemu sur Puli specjalment qabel kull elezzjoni meta jasal iz-zmien tal-wieghdi bla razan;Hadd ma jnehhijhom il-kmamar bla permessi l-Armier u bnadi ohra jew il-kacca fir-rebbijgha ghax jafu l-prezz tal-vot imma ma jafux il-valuri ta' l-ambjent naturali.
@ Xifajk , You are so very right. The PN sold our nationality and our Livelihood to the EU for 80,000,000 Million euros so we have to keep the illegal immigrants here, on this island. We can see the results of that sale by selling our souls to the devil on that one.. These illegal immigrants are stealing our Nationality and our Livelihood right from under our noses. Xifajk you should have written that "Two wrongs do not make a right" and that Mr Joe should stay away from the IIP Scheme. If you agree that Mr Joe can sell your Nationality and your Livelihood to the devil for thirty pieces of silver, then so be it. Mr Joe is doing the same thing that the PN did selling our Nationality and our Livelihood to the EU for thirty pieces of silver. Malta is not for sale to anybody, for any price. Now you know why I do not hold much faith in our politicians. Anything for a vote and anything for money. Some are willing to sell their own mother for a price.
This IIP scheme of selling our Nationality and our Livelihood for 650,000 euros to any rich rogue who can afford to pay the 650,000 euros is absurd. Mr Joe is willing to sell the Nationality and Livelihood of every Maltese born citizen and that includes that of his children and grandchildren. This is not a PL, PN or a Church decision, this must be an every Maltese Born Citizen decision and every Maltese Born citizen has a right to oppose the sale of our dignity to the rich and may be not so famous. Our Nationality and Livelihood should not be sold to any rich rogue that can afford the price. Thirty pieces of silver is a small price to pay for our beloved Nationality and our livelihood. It is enough that we have already sold our Nationality and our Livelihood to the EU for 80,000,000 Million euros so we'll keep the illegal immigrants here on this little overcrowded island. Every Maltese citizen PL or PN know what that is doing to us already. Money is the root of all evil and it seems we are specialists in that department. Please do not let Mr Joe and Company sell our souls to the devil for thirty pieces of silver. The only people that will profit from this IIP scheme is Henley and pardners who will be laughing all the way to the bank.
In an ideal world it would be best if one attracted investors who would set up shop here and create hundreds of jobs without demanding anything else. However how many times in the past few years have we seen Malta Enterprise launch with great fanfare and ministers cut ribbons of companies promising hundred of jobs in schemes which never realized their promises. After a few months many folded up leaving behind a string of debts and the few employees that joined them ruing the day they joined. At least in this scheme prospective citizens have to put money upfront. Also as collateral benefit I am sure that many who settle here will in a short time contemplate adding business operations from Malta to their activities. Some of the most successful local companies by german investors were started by entrepreneurs purchasing a home here and then loving it.
very funny PULI !!!! Malta was already prostituted by GONZIPN when they sold Mid-Med Sea Malta Lottery MIA Gas These companies are still Milking hundreds of millions a year. What's wrong in getting €30 million by negotiating 60 citizenships. Today the Times not on line publish a list of countries friends in EU that offer their citizenship for investment. PN in government were working on same scheme but as always did not close it down.
Il-hmerijiet li qed jghidu l-kelliema tal-Opposizzjoni huma tal-biza
Kieku jahasra s-sur Clyde Puli gab dawk il-mijiet ta miljuni li qal li se jgib fl-investiment sportiv tal-White Rocks ma kienx ikollna bzonn li niprostitwixxu lil pajjizna. X'tahseb sur paroli Puli?
Kieku jahasra s-sur Clyde Puli gab dawk il-mijiet ta miljuni li qal li se jgib fl-investiment sportiv tal-White Rocks ma kienx ikollna bzonn li niprostitwixxu lil pajjizna. X'tahseb sur paroli Puli?
Please for once PN support the Maltese GOV.
A political party aspiring to be the alternative Government must be prepared and have a programme on which to act before being elected. If the Individual Investor Programme was already in Dr Joseph Muscat's mind, one says that he did well in not exposing it before the elections. The PL learnt the lessons at his own expense. For those with a short memory they should recall what happened to Dr Alfred Sant when during the election campaign of 1998 he revealed that he wanted to reorganize the the kindergarten system. The PN maliciously interpreted the idea that Dr Sant had in mind to add another year of schooling, which was not the case. Everyone knows who won the election in 1988.
OMG. The soot calling the kettle black.
OMG. The soot calling the kettle black.
OMG. The soot calling the kettle black.
OMG. The soot calling the kettle black.
OMG. The soot calling the kettle black.
Ghax tghid, tal-PN dejjem juzaw ezempji li jdeffsu fin-nofs tal-grocer. Ghadhom jahsbu li l-poplu bahnan. Jaghmlu ahjar kieku "they get their act together" ghax ghadhom ma xebawx ighidu c-cucati.
Ahjar tajt kas lin-nazzjonalisti tad-distrett Sur Puli. Kemm hu facli meta ttellaq wahdek. Hallina mill-hmerijiet tieghek.
Kos kemm ihobbu igiebu paraguni mal tal tal grocer tal PN.