Government gives blessing to private beach at Qui Si Sana

MaltaToday’s questions on when and why the lands department issued its consent for this development remained unanswered for the past three weeks.

The planning application presented to the Malta Environment and Planning Authority for the development of a private beach on 800 square metres of coastline at Qui-Si-Sana carries the stamp of approval of the Lands Department.

The planning application seen by MaltaToday states that the developer has notified the owner of his intention to apply and that the owner has "granted consent to such a proposal".

Since the development is set to take place on public land, the owner in question is the Maltese government.

Questions addressed to MEPA and to parliamentary secretary Michael Farrugia who is responsible for both MEPA and government property remained unanswered for the past three weeks.

MaltaToday's questions on when and why the lands department issued its consent for this development remained unanswered for the past three weeks.

The planning application, which included the seal of government approval, was presented just two days after the appointment of the new Labour government on 13 March.

The Sliema Local Council is objecting to the development of leisure facilities on 800 square metres of pristine rocky shoreline in Qui-Si-Sana just below the Qui-Si-Sana public garden.

The development is earmarked for "leisure development" which consists in lavatories, showers, an attendant's area and rows of sun beds, which are set to cover the rocky shoreline. The application was presented by hotelier Michael Stivala on 15 March and was published in newspapers on 21 September.

"Such a project will deny full public access on to what is presently public land," the Sliema council said in an official objection letter sent to the Malta Environment and Planning Authority.

The Sliema council described the site in question as a "stretch of pristine rocky coastline" made up of globerigina limestone and characterised by rocky pools, which are rich in marine flora and fauna.

The council also points out that a World War II structure known as the coastal Artillery Search Light overlooks the site. Although the application does not impact on this recently restored historical monument, it would result in the destruction of its context.

Moreover the Heritage Advisory committee - MEPA's own internal heritage watchdog - is not objecting to the development, but has asked the applicant to confirm that all interventions will be reversible and no rock cutting or trimming will be permitted.

we are being careless with our environment in the name of economy,that's a mistake observer
Adrian Busuttil
This is very, very wrong. As in the UK, the "Labour" party seems to be leaning further right than the conservatives.
Any1 surprised that nothing's been done 2 reopen any of Cottonera's public shores & bays while yet another public sliema bay is 2b privatised? Jajaja! Malta taghna lkoll got many votes 4a change but sadly, we're only witnessing more of the same! Pls join & share! This is just one public bay at Cottonera rendered inaccessible for no feasible reason for the past 7 years!
X'fiha hazin li ikun hemm utilities civilizzati bit-toilets u showers u kumditajiet ohra. Jien pattati delikat, mhux bhal tieghek James. Wara kollox l-idea ta hlas ghal servizzi hi haga normali issa li l-komunizmu gie mitfugh fir-rubbish dump ta l-istorja. Sqallija u l-Grecja u Franza u Spanja mimlijin bihom!
PRIVATE BEACH ???? Mela issa ha tispicca "malta taghna ikoll" ? Jien min tas-Sliema u le ma ghandux ikun hemm l-ebda private beach. Insejtu x'kontu tghid tal-Labour fuq dik li konna nghidula "il-Marsa ta L-inglizi" u halluna.
mela l-proprjeta li l-poplu malti kollu fada f'idejn il-gvern, hu min hu, jaħseb li jista' jagħmel li jrid biha? Mela din jaħseb li weritha minn xi ħadd tal-Familja? U l-kumplament tal-poplu minn fejn ser jgħaddi biex imur jgħum? Ħalluna ħall! Fl-oppożizzjoni ngħidu mod. Meta nkunu fil gvern nagħmlu mod ieħor! Fejn hi l-irġulija?
how about an official naturist beach?!
Luke Camilleri
What i would like to know,how much Mr Stivala is going to pay for all this land in a prime area.
What a joke? If this goes through and Mepa really approves the plan for a private beach on public land, then every houseboat owner has a right to stay where they are. Also I think that any Maltese citizen that ever wanted to build a houseboat on Public Land is entitled to build one. Or maybe the government is using two weights and two measures. After all the MLP was the one to allow permits to proceed with the Armier Village Project. What else is the PL Government willing to sell besides 35% of Enemalta and our Nationality and Livelihood of the Maltese People for thirty pieces of silver?