The chronicles of Richard Cachia Caruana

MaltaToday reveals the exasperating attention to detail of the man who for years was the power behind the throne in 25 years of almost uninterrupted Nationalist Party rule.

Richard Cachia Caruana was at the centre of power for just under three decades. He started off in the secretariat of former Prime Minister Eddie Fenech Adami in 1987.  He positioned himself as the personal assistant of the PN leader, replacing all other prominent assistants. 

He wouldn't simply organise and coordinate Fenech Adami's prime ministerial duties for nearly two decades, but also pilot his policies and possibly influence them. Later, he would head the Brussels office from Dar Malta fl-Ewropa as the permanent representative in Brussels.

He was renowned for his work ethic, dedication, bad temper, obsession with detail and a controlling attitude, and the documents revealed by MaltaToday confirm that perception. 

Read more in today's edition of MaltaToday