MEP asks whether organised crime could abuse of citizenship scheme

MEP Roberta Metsola asks European Commission whether it was concerned with possibility of citizenship scheme being abused of by crime networks.

MEP Roberta Metsola has asked the European Commission whether it was concerned over the possibility of the crime networks abusing of the Individual Investor Programme (IIP) pushed through Parliament yesterday.

Nationalist MEP Roberta Metsola submitted an official Parliamentary Question to the European Commission questioning whether the amendments to the Citizenship Act pushed through Parliament yesterday are in line with European rules and the spirit of European Treaties.

She also asked about the implications of such a scheme on the fight against organised crime, money laundering and terrorism at an EU level and asked the Commission to clarify whether it was concerned that schemes that sell Maltese, which automatically grants EU citizenship, could be abused of by crime networks.

"I understand that the issue is one of national competence, however this new law creates a concept of hundreds of 'secret citizens' which will lead to a different level of citizenship in Malta and the European Union. This goes contrary to the spirit of what it means to be a citizen of Europe," Metsola said.

"The concept of secret citizens raises a number of questions particularly as the Treaty on the European Union makes it clear that decision must be taken as openly as possible,"Metsola added.

The MEP also asked for clarification on international media reports that stated that when Montenegro - as an EU candidate country - attempted a similar scheme, EU officials reportedly warned that if it proceeds with such a passports scheme, its citizens may lose their right to visa-free travel in the Schengen zone. MEP Metsola asked for reassurance that Maltese citizens would not face any such restrictions due to this scheme.

"I am disappointed that the Government has once again run roughshod over public opinion and near total opposition but I am sadly not surprised. This scheme is evidence that the Government has already lost sight of the bigger picture and is simply interested in earning a quick buck to help prop up its election budget. As was said in the Parliamentary debate, it knows the price of our identity but the value of nothing," Metsola said.

The European Commission is expected to give its reply in writing within the next weeks.

Maybe Ms. Metsola should have asked AND SHOWED HER CONCERN if the ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION HITTING MALTA is an abuse of CRIME NETWORKS ;) Who is she trying to kid?
I'm sure Ms Metsola knows that during the past 6 years approximately 6000 foreigners gained Maltese citizenships without even being scrutinised. She should have asked her government how many crimes were committed during the PN's last years of governance by such citizens.
Mark Fenech
Imma kif ma jinbidlux dawn in-nies, lesti li jagħmlu ħsara lill-Malta, akkost ta' kollox. Dawn iridu jagħmlu ħsara lill-Malta għax jafu li minn din l-iskema jista joħroġ ġid kbir għall-Pajjiżna, u allura ċ-ċans tagħhom li jerġgħu jaraw il-gvern jonqsilhom ħafna. B'xejn lesti li jagħtu ċ-ċittadinanza u ħadd ma jaf min huma sa issa. Jista' jiġi wieħed terrorist u jiżżewweġ waħda Maltija u wara ċertu żmien isir ċittadin Malti, imma din il-possibilita ma jarawiex, u ħadd ma jiċċekkja, imma fejn sejjer isiru diversi verifikazzjonijiet huwa ħażin. Jista xi avukat bravu jfehmili din is-sitwazzjoni??????
Din Roberta Metsola intelligenti hafna tafux. Il-problema li ghandha hi li titkellem wisq mill-warrani.
Abdi D
Back to the 70s and 80s when the PN did their best to drag the MLP government through the mud, to score political points. Shame on you Roberta, instead of working in the country's interest you are working in for your personal and your party's political interest. Shame on you! Tal-PN ma jimbidlu qatt!
Its incredible the type of persons we Maltese elect to represent us in the EU Parliament!
so isn't miss metsola concerned about organized crime already present in malta... has she to be reminded of all those thousands of people that were given free maltese citizenship in the last years of pn administration? a foreign man killed his maltese lawyer wife! just an example!the pn just does not want the good to be done in our country! they are the traitors! so what happens if the EU is not against? What does she think that non-eu citizens are not present and have a high profile in the eu community? what about the chinese that bought manchester airport in the uk???
better a 100 citizens vetted by a serious company, who pay good money for what they receive, rather than 7,000 who get citizenship for free I am more concerned about EU citizens who come to hang out in Malta for months, without spending much, being a general nuisance and not contributing much
Metsola is after some publicity with PN voters fearing that Norman "Wisdom" Vella might replace her in the EU parliament !
If organized crime can abuse of the system, when any applicant will be subjected to RIGOROUS DUE DILIGENCE carried out by THREE different entities, including Henley & Partners, which Tonio Fenech has described as being "UNRIVALLED" in this field, how much more organized crime can do whatever they like when criminals from all over the EU can come to Malta and elsewhere without there being even a record of their movement !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Igor P. Shuvalov
It is clear that the Nationalist Party is doing it best to stop the Citizenship scheme as its success would mean less taxes, the implementation of a budget termed as 'good' even by the leader of the Opposition which would give the Government a boost and of course make it more difficult for the Nationalist Party to recuperate from the heavy loss in the last general election.
First, the EU seems quite at ease with a similar scheme in Austria. Or is she suffering from an inferiority complex that says the Northern European countries are far more intelligent than little Malta? What she should be asking is if the dictates of the Dublin treaty are allowing a possible multitude of potential terrorists into our island. She should also keep in mind that the Dublin treaty cannot be abrogated by any present or future Maltese government. Maybe she can lobby to get the EU parliament to give Malta an exception to certain rules that have been of enormous hardship and unfairness to our island.
Bhal Allejev li gibtu intom hawn?
Staqsejt Roberta jekk hemmx kriminali, terroristi u nies ohra ta karatru dubjuz meta l-gvern tieghek ta 7000 cittadinanza B'XEJN f'dawn lahhar 10 snin?