PN says government handed the Labour €10m gift

Government's decision to drop court case instituted by the Commissioner of Lands in 2010 amounted to a €10 million gift to Labour, PN says.

The government's decision to drop the court case instituted by the Commissioner of Lands in 2010 amounted to a €10 million gift to the Labour Party the Nationalist Party said today.

In 2010, Commissioner of Lands instituted a case to take Australia Hall back from the Labour Party because the property was not well maintained. The property, valued at €10 million, was originally handed over to the Labour Party in 1979 along with two other properties in compensation for the requisition of Freedom Press in Marsa.

Speaking outside the property in Pembroke, PN deputy leader Beppe Fenech Adami said that the current Labour government led by Joseph Miuscat had gifted Australia Hall to the Labour Party led by Joseph Muscat.  

Accusing the government of favoring the Labour Party, Fenech Adami explained that the party was contractually obliged to maintain the building in a good state. However, the PN deputy leader said that Australia Hall, a historic and protected building, had been allowed to fall into a dilapidated state leading to the law case in itiatred by the Commissioner of Land.

MP Ryan Callus also reminded that Labour did not pay any rent for Australia Hall, at least until 1997, when former Labour Prime Minister Alfred Sant waived Lm250,000 which were due. 

spionkop u qered id-dockyards, is-Sea Malta, industriji ohra, fabbriki u Alla biss jaf x'iktar. U kmbinazzjon din ma kinitx inqerdet b'xi nar fi zmien li kienu qed isiru l-bombi li kienu waqfu hesrem malli tela fil-gvern il-Partit Nazzjonalista? Tghid hemm xi konnessjoni bejniethom?
U PN biegh il MID MED Bank lil HSBC bis soldi, u l poplu kulhadd jaf minn kien prim ministru meta saret din it tranaction!!!!
The PN gave the government a €10M "gift"? They also gave a "gift" of a €4Bn debt. Will the PN never learn to keep it's stupid mouth shut where it needs to, or does it really think that we have no memories and/or that we are stupid?
It's amazing how the old PN wants to take credit for anything positive done by the current government. First it was Mario Demarco who conveniently 'forgot' the criticisms his collegue Tonio Fenech had of the PL's energy road map when he had equated it to an Alice in Wonderland fiction. Mario Demarco last week insisted that Labour was able to reduce utility bills only thanks to BWSC and to how the PN ran Enemalta (obviously he didn't mention any oil scandals, commissions, no mention of Powerplan etc). And now this. And I predict that not before long, when we start reaping benefits from the Individual Investors' Scheme, they will be inventing some reason that it had also been thanks to the old PN, even after all the hullabaloo and 'bsaten fir-roti'. I mean come on, they even pimped Roberta Metsola Triccas to play snitch with the EU? It's just laughable. Any lower? They can't go.
It's amazing how the old PN wants to take credit for anything positive done by the current government. First it was Mario Demarco who conveniently 'forgot' the criticisms his collegue Tonio Fenech had of the PL's energy road map when he had equated it to an Alice in Wonderland fiction. Mario Demarco last week insisted that Labour was able to reduce utility bills only thanks to BWSC and to how the PN ran Enemalta (obviously he didn't mention any oil scandals, commissions, no mention of Powerplan etc). And now this. And I predict that not before long, when we start reaping benefits from the Individual Investors' Scheme, they will be inventing some reason that it had also been thanks to the old PN, even after all the hullabaloo and 'bsaten fir-roti'. I mean come on, they even pimped Roberta Metsola Triccas to play snitch with the EU? It's just laughable. Any lower? They can't go.