Malta's inflation rate down to 0.5%
Malta has the tenth lowest annual rate from all the Member States.
Malta’s inflation rate continued decreasing, with October’s annual rate diminishing to 0.5%.
Together with Lithuania, Malta has the tenth lowest annual rate from all the Member States.
In the same period of last year, Malta had an annual inflation rate of 3.2%.
In October 2013, the lowest annual rates were observed in Greece (-1.9%), Bulgaria (-1.1%) and Cyprus (-0.5%) while both the United Kingdom and Estonia registered the highest annual rates of 2.2%.
Apart from Malta, annual inflation fell in 22 Member States when compared with September 2013. Four countries registered an increase and one remained stable.
According to figures released by Eurostat, the EU’s annual inflation was 0.9% in October, down from 1.3% in September. A year earlier, the rate was 2.6%.
The eurozone also registered a 0.4% decrease.
The largest upward impacts to the eurozone’s annual inflation came from electricity, accommodation services and tobacco.