Dutch conservative MEP demands EU investigation into citizenship scheme

MEP David Casa says scheme is an embarrassment for Malta and a security headache for Schengen countries

David Casa
David Casa

A Dutch conservative MEP has demanded an investigation into the sale of Maltese citizenship for €650,000 a passport.

"This scheme is contrary to EU principles and more specifically at odds with the Schengen rules. There is a clear lack of transparency if the names of those persons buying citizenship are not published. If Malta needs money, this is not the way to go about it. An EU investigation is warranted," MEP Wim Van de Camp, of the European Peoples' Party, said.

Van de Camp was reacting to the adoption of the controversial Bill to amend the Maltese Citizenship Act, that now allows the naturalisation of citizens on payment of €650,000 through the Individual Investor Programme.

The head of the PN Delegation, MEP David Casa, said Malta is falling in disrepute internationally.

"The introduction of this scheme is highly embarrassing for Malta and for the Maltese also because acquisition of a Maltese passport does not stop there. Malta forms part of a free movement area, called the Schengen area.

"If non-EU nationals buy Maltese citizenship, these non-EU nationals do not just acquire Maltese citizenship but also EU citizenship. This means that these people will be able to travel on Schengen territory without border checks and they can also settle down in a Schengen country, like the Netherlands. This is bound to be interpreted as an abuse of the privileges we have gained through accession as well as disrespect towards our partner member states."

Casa said the IIP was raising eyebrows in the European Parliament. "Not only because the thick cloud of secrecy surrounding the scheme runs counter to EU principles, but more pertinently, the fact that these names will remain under wraps is bound to attract questionable non-EU nationals wishing to gain a foothold into EU countries such as the Netherlands."

The only embarrassment for Malta is David Casa.
David Casa imissu jkun aktar up-to-date. Probabbli dan id-Dutch MEP imqabbad minn Casa biex jitlob investigazzjoni biex imbaghad Casa jirkeb il-karettun. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-24940012
So if a terrorist comes to Malta as an illegal emigrant and manage to marry a Maltese woman, after 5 years married, he will be a Maltese Citizen and an EU citizen as well and travel also settle down in a Schengen country . If I were you David I try to immigrate to East Africa and try to teach your philosophy there.
Whilst he is at it, why didn't he propose Malta run some red-hot-light district like his country? Even marijuana coffee shops perhaps? Casa, why not ask your friend for a helping hand on these two mega projects for when the Nats are returned to power. Strada Stretta is calling (and waiting.)
Wara l-Beirut file issa ghandna il-Europe file? Kif ma jisthux ta Simon jaghmlu hsara lil pajjiz? Ta Simon iridu li immigaranti illegli jinghataw ic-cittadinanza lilhom biss??
Wara l-Beirut file issa ghandna il-Europe file? Kif ma jisthux ta Simon jahgmlu hsara lil pajjiz?
The major difference between PL and PN in foreign forums is that the PL respects Malta's sovereignty and always supports the Country, even in Opposition, outside Malta. The PN has in the past (the Birindelli campaign in 1970/71), (the Formigoni campaigns of 1986/87) and again now (the Casa debaucle) always worked behind the scenes to denigrate the Country. For the use by CASA of the Conservative MEP to hit at Malta is tantamount to the worse form of denigration of one's country and sovereignty. It is shameful and should be condemned by all. It is a continuation of the past when Enrico Mizzi, founder of the PN, was arraigned in a Military Court Martial for sedition against the state during WWI, and interned as a danger to the State during World War II. HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF.!!!!!
I understand and agree that the EU project is also about shared prosperity. But aren't there any frameworks and limits as to when and how much an MP of an EU member country can question the policies and choices of another EU member country? As far as I can recall, recently, it was acknowleded that Malta has full sovereignity (i.e ownership) over the controls of its citizenship. Althoough I believe in globalisation, and I am very critical of narrow nationalismS, I don't agree that there should be any MACISTEX (Malta Citizenship Stock Exchange)!
kompli peclaq casa, daqs kemm hrigt ta ragel bta lemigranti ha tohrog fuq din, baqalek xid dum indanat.
Il Hsara lill pajjiz bdiet Il Vici president qalet li ic citadinanza hija affari tal pajjiz nazzjonali.cara daqs il kristell David.
Casa said the IIP was raising eyebrows in the European Parliament. Veru Sur Casa li din qeghda tqajjem domandi imma mhux fuq l-IIP per se, imma fuq l-agir ta MEP Malti li kemm hilu li inbidel il-gvern qieghed jara kif jipprova jimmina dak kollu lio qieghed jaghmel ghal gid ta Malta. Din it-tieni wahda fi 8 xhursur Casa, aqta x'figura qieghed taqta. Ara issibx xi kopji tal 'Malta is Burning' u qassmu, jew ghadu ftit kmieni.
The PN dirty tricks campaign is in full swing. Bash Malta internationally is in top gear as it was in the Eighties. As in the past, the PN is using surrogates to do their dirty work abroad. Did Wim Van de Camp object to Austria's similar program or is he just reserving his anger against little, weaker Malta? Why doesn't he lobby his national parliament to burden share some of the surfeit of migrants presently in Malta instead of trying to tarnish us to please his PPP fellow travelers? Don't Casa and Van de Camp have internet access to the Austrians' web page regarding citizenship? The "Malta File" is being given a second chance to hurt Malta by a party that, unabashedly, calls itself "Nationalist" when it is everything but that.
Dan David Casa, dardar id-dinja, kemm ilu fil-gvern il-partit laburista hlief ixewwex lil barranin mhux jaghmel. Dak gid li qed jaghmel lil MAlta, mohhu aktar biex jiddistruggi mill biex jikreja u jkun jostruttiv. Jekk l-inteligenza tieghu s'hemm biss twassal, chimpanzee intelligenti aktar minnu. Vera morna lura ghat-tmeninijiet.
imma hemm huma indanadti dawn tal-PN, Ghet jurru min kollox biex jiprofikaw jamlu hsara lil Malta hu il Gvern! iktar tkunnu nagattivi iktar tililfu voti kulljum. Hu il-labour jisahhah !!iktar u iktar, komplu sejrin u ghamlu hekk ,gass down ghal gol- hajt
The PN is at it again. Not able to establish good understandable policies...so going to moan elsewhere so that some unknown Dutch MEP might give them something to lean on. So what, if this scheme is a success for Malta, and a headache for Europe?
The double standards within the EU surprise me so much and nearly make me vomit. So they are worried about the citizenship scheme and schengen rules but then they do not give a dam about the people entering the EU illegally. Aren't they worried about people coming from Libya and Somalia who we do not know anything about them ?!?!?!? I think the dutch are only worried about Malta taking business from them !!!!
the european commission already expressed its opinion that it is up soleley to Malta.... which is the truth?? so the embarressment caused to metsola was not enough!? it is as if hell will broke out! come on be more realistic! and now the member states as our partners? but when illegal immigration is in question our partner member states turn their heads away!!!!! silly and patetic
Micheal Bonanno
This is a repeat of the 80's when the PN used the "Malta File" to deter foreign investment from coming to Malta. Shame on them!