Supertanker heading for shipyards as Palumbo slashes workers wages

A supertanker is scheduled to enter the newly privatised Malta Shipyards within days for a substantial refit, as workers are being asked to work more for less pay.

Some 60 former Malta Drydocks workers who were re-employed by Neapolitan firm Palumbo, are reportedly earning up to 1,500 less in wages, and have been politely advised to ‘stay away’ affiliating themselves with any trade union.

MaltaToday is informed that two months since the yards’ were privatised, a sub-contractor engaged by Palumbo has employed a complement of just over 100 workers.

A number of Italians, namely Sicilians, Calabrians and Neapolitans have been engaged to monitor the works being done by the Maltese currently underway in Docks 4, 5 and 6, where a total of four ships are being serviced.

Palumbo’s engagement philosophy is to ‘hire and fire’ personnel, and so far two people have been fired on the spot when their work was said not to be satisfactory.

Sources explained that the new shipyard owners are intent on developing Malta’s yards as a ‘small scale’ yard, where costs can be contained, but many are asking how could such a small complement cope with the load being put onto them.

Even managers – so far all Maltese – have been seen working on the ships alongside their juniors, and they too have seen drastic cuts in their wages in the region of 4,000 to 6,000 euros a year.

The General Workers Union has become a non-existent entity inside the yards, as Pulumbo has ensured that not even a representative office is opened inside the yard.

Before coming to Malta, managing director Antonio Palumbo had complained to the Italian government on “too much obstructionism” by trade unions in Italy.

Meanwhile, trade union militant Sammy Meilaq is expected to retire today as President of the GWU metal section.

Meilaq – known for his long years of militancy within the Shipyards – will be saluted by the union chiefs and activists during an activity,  that will also see former Malta Shipbuilding worker-director Jesmond Tanti take over as the new metal section President.

Sammy Meilaq will retire from his post, but is set to stay on at the GWU as a right hand man to secretary general Tony Zarb, and within the pensioners section of the union.

Known for his strong leftist beliefs, Sammy Meilaq is still regarded as very close to former socialist Prime Ministers Dom Mintoff and  Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici.

As usual Joe South I think that daily bread is garantite that's why uou talk like that if you don't have trouble with you finances there are no problemx for you but ask the small businessman or families that they eat what they earned every week and the money they earn isn't enough what do you say about the fee to obtain a tank of GAS less than a year how it's PRICE has EXPLODED some families are saying that they cannot ust the OVEN more than once a week is that GOOD for you Joe South I've told you if you don't have problems with MONEY it's ok 4 YOU
Alfred Galea
Same old, same old. Tit for tat. You're, you're bad. We never learn to move ahead, always stuck in the same rut.
Ghax ma tmurx taqbes Is Sewwa Jirbah Zgur trid twahhal f-Alfred Sant li kien ghalih la id dockyard u lanqas xejn ma kien ibghieh lil barrani l-ewwl QASSATA li ghamel dan il gvern kien li biegh il Mid Med Bank lil HSBC u vera hadu bxejn dawk l-affarjiet li in nazjon kien jaqla il flus minnhom dan il gvern kollha qeridhom ghandek tghid li naqra naqra gejjin fdak li kien jippridka Alfred Sant kemm qalilna li l-UE mhix tajba ghalina u kellu ragun ghax min hawn u ftit iehor anki il munita EWRO trid tghaddi min TROUBLE fejnu Fenech Adami dak dabbar Rasu ghaddej sewwa min fuqna igawdi xi 4 penzjonijiet
Alfred Galea
The closing of the dockyard happened twenty years too late. And those who say that the PN was on some kind of a vendetta don't know what they're talking about, remember there were hundreds of PN supporters working there. It was a srain on Malta's finances, as are other entities and the civil service. As for "working more and getting paid less", it's happening all over.
Patrick Calleja
PN has achieved its long life "vendetta" of nibbing and sipping the marrow from the bone off the Maltese organized Labour Movement. This has been done under the nose of the GWU, whose present leadership lack the proper theoretical and strategic theories that are only learned at Tertiary institutions. In Italy the Unions employ the elite; economists and managers to lead them In Malta the workers get people with pasionate hearts but with small brains. The Maltese have become again foreigners in their own country; all profits flowing out at a fast pace whilst the Maltese fight for the crumbs accepting new humiliating and colonial conditions. Yes, "is-sewwa" kienet biss "nasba" and the truth is now hitting us in a shocking and fearful manner; workers and local entrepreneurs included. PN has left a legacy of parched earth, empty pockets and a mountainous debt.
Phillip Martin Micallef
all this thanks to alfred sant!.........the first legislation passed through parliament when he was pm was to literally abolois the workers' elected council. this would have not happened today