Busuttil ready to form ‘national alliance’ if citizenship scheme is not amended

Opposition leader ‘giving government its last chance’, says he's ready to form national alliance for an abrogative referendum.

Opposition leader Simon Busuttil's stark warning to government: 'Change citizenship scheme or we'll go after an abrogative referendum'.
Opposition leader Simon Busuttil's stark warning to government: 'Change citizenship scheme or we'll go after an abrogative referendum'.

Additional reporting by Daniel Mizzi

Opposition leader Simon Busuttil has given government "another chance" to amend the Individual Investor Programme, suggesting that failing to change the citizenship scheme would see the PN seeking a national alliance for an abrogative referendum.

An abrogative referendum was first proposed by Alternattiva Demokratika when it called on civil society to unite against the amendments to the Maltese Citizenship Act.

The Nationalist Party leader has since said that he "would not exclude anything".

But addressing the PN general council, Busuttil made it clear that he was ready to seek and form a national alliance if the government were to refuse to amend the law.

"I know you're expecting me to announce that I'll be collecting signatures for an abrogative referendum. Instead, I'm going to urge the government to reconsider and amend the regulations. It is my final appeal to the government. I want to give seeking consensus another chance," Busuttil said.

At the eleventh hour, the government agreed to remove a secrecy clause prohibiting the publication of names of individuals granted citizenship under the IIP. According to the Opposition, it was its insistence that forced government's hands.

"And now we will continue insisting that this scheme should be tied to investment and a residence period. If the government doesn't want to reach consensus, then the Opposition will not rule anything out. We are ready to turn to the civil society and seek a national alliance," he said.

Meanwhile, Busuttil said, the PN will continue militating and fighting against the selling of the citizenship.

"As soon as the legal notice with the regulations is published, we will present a motion to fight the legal validity of the scheme," he said.

In a message to the Labour government, Busuttil warned that "the more you attack our identity, the more you strengthen us".

"Everyone stand up and be counted, every Maltese citizen is obliged to defend their identity. Malta will not be isolated and its citizenship and name will not be wiped on the floor."

Accusing the government of hypocrisy, Busuttil argued the government was conveying a negative message in its threat to repatriate migrants on the basis of lack of sustainability when at the same time it is opening its doors for deep pocketed individuals who are willing to pay €650,000.

"If I was in the European parliament and heard Malta's call for the burden sharing of migrants, I would throw their call out of the window and inform them that if they have room for beneficiaries of the IIP scheme, they also have room for migrants and the poor," Busuttil said.

Greeted by a rapturous applause and the Maltese national anthem, Busuttil slammed the "abhorrent and incompetent" Labour government for destroying Malta's reputation.

"The PN government worked hard to make Malta among the best in Europe, but in just eight months of a Labour government, Joseph Muscat managed to turn Malta among the worst in the world."

While admitting that the Opposition did not expect the government to do everything during its first eight months, the PN leader said that he did not expect Joseph Muscat to destroy everything Malta had worked so hard for during its first year.

Likening the sale of the Maltese citizenship to a "sale of a piece of furniture", Busuttil insisted that Malta's dignity and identity would not be thrown away for any price.

"The government had initially rejected the Opposition's call to waive the secrecy clause, yet upon Joseph Muscat realising that the names would be disclosed by myself, his left hand man Louis Grech announced the revocation of the clause."

Bemoaning the international media for "turning Malta into a laughing stock", Busuttil stressed that he will not let the government harm Malta's reputation.

Meanwhile, the PN leader reiterated his call for a consensus with the government and insisted that the PN is ready to extend a hand of cooperation.

Turning his attention on the pillar of jobs, he slammed the government for its lack of job creation schemes and argued that the government is already giving up to create employment.

"While those involved in the inner circle were offered a piece of Malta's financial coffers, the government has not implemented any job measures, and consequently, those who during the PN legislature had their jobs safeguarded, are now worried that they will lose their job."

On the maxim of seriousness, Busuttil dubbed the recent "awarding of a €10 million property" as a travesty and a scandal. He also bemoaned the Commissioner of Police who, in light of losing a case in court, had called the Magistrates' courts "the lowest of the lowest of courts."

On the power station, Busuttil said that the government had initially called it as a cancer factory due to its use of heavy fuel oil (HFO), yet eight months down the line, it is still using the HFO.

He also slammed the government for selling a "considerable chunk of Enemalta to China" and in reference to the IVF treatments, Busuttil argued that as a Labour government, Joseph Muscat and his parliamentary members, did not disappoint from turning the healthcare into an expense for Maltese citizens. 


Hekk ghamel Simon. Gib il-buffu sieheb taljan Berlusconi u ghamlu allejanza bejnietkom. It-tnejn li intom pezza wahda. Jew kif irid jien jew inkisser.
Is Simon the Boy Blunder for real? Malta lost its identity and soul when Gonzi signed the Dublin treaty. How many Al-Shaabab and Al-Qaida members do we have lurking around Malta thanks to this treaty which makes Malta take in and keep every illegal who lands on our shores and claims asylum? The same can be said of eastern European crime syndicate members, plus other assorted European mafiosi, who can come and go at their pleasure. This problem will be further exacerbated when Albania becomes a full EU member. Unlike any citizenship law, this particular abomination cannot be abrogated, nor even amended, by ANY Maltese parliament or referendum. Busuttil and his ilk shackled Malta with these gross inequities permanently. Worse of all, it happened while Simon was an MEP frolicking in Brussels, supposedly defending Malta's best interest! Simon is pandering to the Neanderthals in his ranks. They're hankering to recreate the Eighties where the PN manufactured problems then offered to "solve" them, if only the legitimate government acquiesced to all their demands. Does Simon really take the majority of Maltese for simpletons? Does he actually believe that we'll succumb to his threats and blackmail?
Busuttil can form his National Alliance of disgrunted, corrupt and corruptible Maltese who have failed this country so miserably. The final outcome of the referendum will still be 57% against and 43% in favour. The PN has changed its surface image but not its soul and they are doomed to the opposition for years and years to come because their very fibre is still corrupt and they will not admit it.
Simple Simon is at it again, a whole bunch of proto-ideas, and statements, that stop short of reality, and are taking him, and unfortunately his party (the one I used to support)to cookooland.
Dalwaqt naghmel tahti bit-theddid tieghu. Call his bluff!!
With regards to signatures to force abrogative referenda, I hope that when signatures are passed to the Authorities these are scrutinised and verified that are real and authentic. Anyone can put a signature and an ID card Number without being the real person. I can obtain a list of 30 people and their Id and sign falsly in their name.A sample of these Id Cards holders has to be comunicated with and are verified if they are real.
Is super clown bussuloti jaqra it times, http://www.timesofmalta.com/articles/view/20131118/local/the-draw-of-foreign-passports.495185#.Uom893W3Uls.email
Jekk wiehed jaqra x'qalet "Reuters" fuq artikolu tat-Times, kif Spanja u l-Portugal qed isiru sinjuri bil-biegh ta' Passaporti, ma tantx jista' Dr. Busuttil jabbuza bir-Referendum treathening.Nemmen li d-dahka tieghu fir-ritratt hi innocenti imma ahjar jistudja lil dak id-dahk ta' madwaru. Nemmen li jigbor il-35,000 firma ghal referendum fi ftit jiem imma maggioranza kbira jivvutaw favur din l-iskema ta' investiment invisibli ghal Malta, u it- 3 miljun euro ghal referendum se jkunu mormija.
Lil klandestini wkoll ghandna naghtuhom ic-cittadinanza qal Simon. Bhal ma naghtu lis-sinjur naghtu lil-fqir qalilna Simon. Naqbel mieghu. Issa li qed joqrob il-Milied lil-klandestini bhala rigal ghandna naghtuhom il-passaport u one way ticket ghal belt sabiha ta' Brussels. Hekk ikun kuntent Simon, Casa u Metsola. Din kienet it-tieni l-ikbar idea li hareg bija Simon wara dak il-hsieb nobbli li jaghmel id-dar centrali kafetterija.
Usual blizzard of nonsense and bollocks .
I am all for democracy. But this banal banter, and huge covert efforts by behind the scenes Xmun-puppeting masters, trying their damndest to damage Malta's reputation to spite the Administration is getting on my nerves. The PN has been disowned by the vast majority; so these covert and overt losers (that have lost access to hordes and loads of monies) are paying back the nation by damaging its reputation by any means possible. SHAME! SHAME! SHAME!
WE need money to pay the debt that SimonPn for as a legacy for our kids! Issa saru aktar maltin milli Ewropej f'daqqa wahda?
Isabelle Borg
Go Simon,go, seek a referendum, it will be the final nail in your coffin. Just be careful, boy scouts (like you) can't do a soldiers job.
David Bongailas
If i had to sum up Busutill's speech i would say.......dejection, rolled in despair and wrapped in hysteria,
X'gara l-ahwa? rebhu l-elezzjoni??
'considerable' chunk - meaning 'major, astronomical, extensive'. Much less than 50% certainly does not mean major, astronomical or extensive. Not impressive at all dear Simon.
Tista' tghidilna aktar dwar dak il-kumment iffirmat minn Tonio Fenech? U dwar l-applikazzjoni ghall-kuntratt tac-cittadinanza minn Francis Zammit Dimech u Comodini Cachia??
Tista' tghidilna aktar dwar dak il-kumment iffirmat minn Tonio Fenech? U dwar l-applikazzjoni ghall-kuntratt tac-cittadinanza minn Francis Zammit Dimech u Comodini Cachia??
Dr Busuttil et al I suggest you go ahead seeking a national alliance for an abrogative referendum right now because I guarantee you that The present government is not going to back down completely on the Passport for Sale Scheme. On the other hand the Maltese people would vote against the Scheme. You and I both know that Mr Joe is to stubborn and will never back down. On the other hand if you must hold a referendum also ask the people of Malta, Maltese born of course, if they would agree with Mr Joe's pushback and if the government should send those illegal immigrants already here back to where they came from? I think that both these questions will be answers with a YES response. Both initiatives will ask the people what they want and not what the government wants. Both the Passport for Sale Scheme and the illegal immigrants will slowly take away our dignity and our National Pride and as one can already see, the illegal immigrants are doing a good job of stripping us out of our Livelihood.
The repeal of the secrecy clause removes the element which has created most public concern and should be commended. Public perception is that irrespective of the many safeguards of due diligence introduced by Government , the Individual Investor Programme would still have been open to abuse with the secrecy clause in the Act.With this announcement from Deputy Prime Minister Louis Grech and statement from Minister Edward Zammit Lewis another objection to the Act is removed, namely that the Government has some pre-set plan for Malta which it is not ready to divulge and that it will not amend the Citizenship Act at all, even if it is shown that it is appropriate to do so. However since it is reported today that the original advice from Henley and Partners was to make investment in Malta a condition of the scheme, I believe a compromise can be found which is acceptable to government , opposition and civil society while at the same time utilising the expertise of Henley and Partners.Such a compromise would unite our political and social forces to face possible speculative attacks on our reputation as a financial Centre from our competitors , namely Luxembourg, Ireland and the UK. as well as sanctions from the European Union, while ensuring the success of the scheme. Is it possible to reduce substantially the donation of eur 650,000 - with the reduced donation still being paid upfront - while introducing instead investment in Malta as a condition - similar to Investor schemes in other European countries - and a period of residence in Malta for a period of time , for example 5 years , before the applicant would be eligibile for citizenship? This after all is what consultation is all about – that a compromise is found within society which would not create a chasm which would take a decade or more to heal - as was the case in Malta during the late 1970’s and early 1980’s - while satisfying the needs and aspirations of both the majority and the minority. Malta’s history is rich in such compromises and is the main reason for the political stability which we have enjoyed since independence and the reason that such a scheme would be attractive to so many foreigners .On the other hand if we do not find a solution to our differences, such a chasm may become a distinct division - as happened for example in Cyprus – another Mediterranean island - where ethnic differences have resulted in the division of the country for the last 39 years.
Our country does not have money to spare,but Mr Busuttil if you do the Referendum,include the push back of the illegal Emigrants with it.
What flippen alliagance is this clown ready to form and with whom, AD? This soap opera seems not to have an end. @pass pass naslu you'll eat your words.
Iddumx ma taghmila halli ssammar l-ahhar musmar fit tebut tieghek u tal-klikka
Oh yes. We are peeing in our pants. Last chance, how terrifying. And than? Hallina man!!
All 760 non-Maltese MEPs have received the following online petition and are, therefore, informed of the systemic price discrimination against and institutional abuse of their compatriots in Malta. And then the Maltese authorities have the brazen gall to bemoan how friendless Malta is in Europe: http://www.change.org/petitions/eu-commission-stop-the-discrimination-of-eu-nationals-in-malta
At first I was skeptical about the scheme. But seeing that other EU countries like Austria, Bulgaria, Hungary, Spain, Portugal, Cyprus and Ireland are offering something similar why not embarking on something that could be fruitful after all. What difference would it make having another 100 Maltese passports when last year alone 111 emigrants acquired Maltese citizenship under the PN government.
This time Simon have send the PL shivering with fear. This is only the beginning.Simon,those tal-Barrani events in which your PN was an expert instigator are over for ever.
Abdi D
Se nibdew bhall-80ijiet, disobidjenza civili, tixwix u nkwiet, nispera mhux se nibdew naraw xi bombi ukoll.
Either simple simon has zero idea about how the world of HNI works, or he's just trying to be populist. Probably both. Citizenship at a price gives a HNI (high net-worth individual) a certain legal standing within the EU. These people do not necesicarily wish to 'reside', and if they did so for 5 years, as he suggests, they could apply for citizenship with NO payment, so what's the point of that anyway? That only leaves his call for a 'required investment'. Does he REALLY think that a HNI is going to buy a passport to collect it?? No. They would do so to conduct business in the EU (and probably Malta), thus the 'investment' is a natural byproduct which will come without any need for a beurocratic rule. Removing the secrecy clause was an intelligent move by the government which makes the process fully transparent and it's beneficiaries subject to public investigation and oversight. Other EU countries have similar programmes, and it's about time we did as well. The idiotic notion of 'identity' he tries to postulate is a relic of the past.
One asks all Maltese of good-will who are impartial and unbiased to ruminate over what our dear Malta had gone through during the past twenty five years under the PN administrations, which were brought to an end only eight months ago by Labour's landslide victory. He who lives in glass houses should not throw stones.
Din id darba ser tghodd hafna aktar Minn 36.000 differenza. Il poplu induna li din kollha ghira u kilba ghal poter, ghad hemm hafna aktar x jinkixef li kellek x taqsam mieghu int u dawk li poggewk fejn int, u qed tibza, reazzjoni isterika ghal proposta ohra ta gid ghal proposta pajjiz