Greens say Malta should reconsider hosting CHOGM 2015
Alternattiva Demokratika request withdrawal of CHOGM invitation, argues Malta’s acceptance ‘could be interpreted as condoning human rights abuse in Sri Lanka’.
Alternattiva Demokratika has requested Malta to withdraw its invitation to host the meeting of the Commonwealth heads of government in 2015, citing the abuse of human rights going on in Sri Lanka.
Malta was approached to host the CHOGM in 2015 after Mauritius, who was to act as host, dropped out. The country boycotted this year's CHOGM, held in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka is accused of committing widespread human rights violations.
According to Sky News, tradition has it that the head of government who wants to host the next CHOGM should be present in the country actually holding the CHOGM.
"Can Prime Minister Muscat please inform the Maltese citizens about the Maltese government's attitude to these serious accusations of human rights violations on the part of the Sri Lankan government?" AD chairman Arnold Cassola said.
AD deputy chairman Carmel Cacopardo said that Malta's acceptance to host CHOGM 2015 could be interpreted as condoning the abuse of human rights in Sri Lanka.
"AD considers it appropriate to have the invitation reconsidered and withdrawn in solidarity with Sri Lanka's human rights victims," he said.