Notes reveal how Joe Saliba was in receipt of Cabinet papers

In part 2 from Richard Cachia Caruna’s notes from inside Castille, MaltaToday reveals the direct link with PN secretary-general Joe Saliba.

Richard Cachia Caruana.
Richard Cachia Caruana.

[CLICK HERE] for Part 1

The micro-detail to which Richard Cachia Caruana's secretary details his routine discloses an obsession of Fenech Adami's personal assistant with the little aspects of his personal needs, but also the extent to which his staff served his personal needs.

From a haircut, to golf at the Marsa Sports Club, Cachia Caruana's day was planned with odd precision. His concern over his diet is manifested in his insistence in eating salads, specifically demanding "no dressing" from McDonalds.

I recall a tantrum of his when an Air Malta steward in club class failed to serve him some 'fat-free' meal. No amount of apologies could extinguish his anger. Later that evening, I saw him eat a steak with chips and béarnaise sauce at the Quick fast-food chain in Brussels where he treated me and his staff.

An interesting revelation in these notes are his friends, many of which are no longer as close as they might have been: publicist Godfrey Grima, former chief justice Noel Arrigo and entrepreneurs Joe Gasan, Paul Hili and Philip Toledo.

The direct link with PN secretary-general Joe Saliba is evident, with clear instructions on how Cabinet notes should be addressed to PN HQ.

On buying gifts for weddings, there were clear instructions to involve a Mrs Strickland in the purchase of the gifts. The notes say: "When calling her never leave a message. Speak directly to her. When Mrs Strickland buys the gift she will tell you when you are to send it."

Even the protocol of condolences is spelt out: instead of a condolence card, a simple business card was to be sent out, with Condolences written and signed by Richard Cachia Caruana.



Notes from inside Castille | Part 2

The document is being published in its entirety.


Richard always has to be reminded about his meetings by calling him 30 minutes before the first meeting and 15 minutes before every other meeting if not at Auberge de Castille. He is not reminded about Prime Minister's meetings if he is already with the Prime Minister. If he is in a meeting you send in a note when the participants for the next meeting are all here with the messengers.


Hair Cut - schedule every five weeks with Mark Navarro in Sliema

Dentist - Dr Robert Sammut, St Lucia Str, Valletta

When appointments are scheduled and confirmed by Mr Cachia Caruana the Private Secretary is to call all participants while the day before the meeting she is to reconfirm with the participants. Always keep the name of the person you speak to.


Ms Carmen Ruggier voluntarily prepares a salad for PA to PM when he is in office during lunchtime therefore she is to be informed of any lunches Richard is going to on a weekly basis so that she can buy the vegetables.

In case of an EMERGENCY, order a GARDEN SALAD without olives and onion and no dressing from Mac Donald's (send a messenger)



All other invitations received are inserted immediately in diary and preview. PA to PM to be informed of any clashes. Details as to dress code and RSVP or RO are to be inserted in preview. PA to PM to be reminded to confirm/regret invitation. Invitations are NOT to be inserted in preview ONLY when PA to PM is travelling abroad. In such instances, PA to PM is to be notified verbally of invitation.

When accepting or regretting an invitation, person's name and date of phone call must be indicated on the invitation in pencil.


Cabinet Documents are received either on Thursday or Friday and are to be opened IMMEDIATELY AND DISTRIBUTED ON THE SAME DAY UNLESS RECIPIENTS ARE ABROAD. First check if all memos on agenda are attached. Memos marked 'ALREADY DISTRIBUTED' should be found filed at Myriam's end. After Cabinet meeting always give the documents to Myriam for Filing. Please liaise with Myriam.

Distribution of documents as follows:

PM's Copy (marked The Prime Minister) to wherever the PM is - ask Peter for directions. Envelope to be addressed 'THE PRIME MINISTER'

RCC's in a sealed envelope marked Cabinet docs personal and sent to the car or if PA to PM not in office check with the security and send to the most practical destination. Before sending the envelope you should ask Richard if you can send it to the car. RCC's copy is sometimes kept at his private secretary if Cabinet is scheduled for the future eg If for example cabinet documents are received on Friday 16 and on Monday 19 there is no Cabinet these should not be sent to the car the on Friday 16 but on Friday 23 for Cabinet on Monday 26.

The third set of docs marked EXTRA COPY is to be sent to Mr Joe Saliba at Stamperija marked PERSONAL, BY HAND. (You are not to indicate to Mr Saliba that you know what is in the envelope. You may contact to see his whereabouts ONLY in order to obtain dispatch instructions.).

On Monday morning when sending the pen to cabinet send in Monday's appointments and the first page of the telephone list in an A3 white folder. If there are any changes in the day's appointments send them in to cabinet together with the front page of the telephone list (if there are any changes to it).

Give The Chief Messenger a notepad and PA to PM's PEN (the brown one) first thing in the morning on Cabinet day. Make sure that pen is full with ink!! These are to be placed in front of PA to PM's seat in Cabinet Room at Castille. When Cabinet is held at Girgenti or Parliament, these instructions are not applicable.


Same procedure for distribution as in CABINET DOCS but there is NO EXTRA COPY - ie in all TWO SETS OF DOCS one for PM and one for PA to PM.


PA to PM usually signs a business card PA to PM. Use white personal envelope/stamp.


PM's meetings with Ministers, Parliamentary Secretaries, Permanent Secretary, Commander AFM, Cabinet Secretary - Richard always attends unless obviously he is abroad. No other meetings should clash with such meetings unless we have Richard's authorisation. Such meetings are to in italics.


PM's meetings with oreign Dignitaries (Ambassadors etc) - any briefing material is to be forwarded by Foreign Affairs, photocopy passed on to Cynthia for PM's attachments. Such meetings are to in italics.

A full programme of the programme is to be given to Mr Cachia Caruana either personally or sent to the car the day before the visit.


When Richard is travelling both alone or with the Prime Minister the Private Secretary is to inform Assistant Commissioner Andrew Seychell and Superintendent Godfrey Scicluna with both the departure and the arrival Flight details ie date, time and Flight number (or private aircraft). She is also to inform Richard's Security who will be on duty on both the departure date and arrival date. She is to send the logistics to his family - parents, his brothers Francis Cachia Caruana and Edward Cachia Caruana and his sister Dr Louise Ellul Cachia Caruana. Before sending the logistics always call them before.

On the day of return a set of the day's appointments, the following days appointments, attachments, preview and telephone list is to be sent to the airport with the security who will collect the envelop. Always call the security to ask him to come for the envelope.


Incoming Correspondence is to be inputted in a REGISTER. All incoming correspondence is to be dated (using the rubber stamp), numbered (using rubber stamp) and an immediate copy is to be taken and passed on to Myriam in a pink A3 folder. Folder to be marked 'PA to PM's Incoming Correspondence'. Movement of original document is to be indicated in pencil on the first page, at the bottom right hand side of the document. Before any photocopies are done Mr Albani is to be shown the correspondence. He decides if the correspondence is for his register (non-EU register) or for Claudine's register (EU register). If for Claudine's register the correspondence should be stamped with the red stamp.

Correspondence Seen by PA to PM. These documents are to be passed on to Myriam in a yellow A3 folder. Folder to be marked 'Seen by PA to PM'. Documents are to be marked in pencil as 'seen by PA to PM' on the first page of each doc at the bottom right hand side.


Bills for payment sent out as out tray with Richard's instructions (always keep a photocopy of his notes for the box file which can be found near the Private Secretary's assistant) are to be settled directly with PA to PM. The Private Secretary is to write out the cheque and passed on to Mr Cachia Caruana for his signature.

Telephone number 4XXXXX (residence) Bill is to be certified correct by Peter Portelli and sent to Mr Alex Magro - Accounts OPM. (By Hand) to settle. This bill is not settled by PA to PM. A photocopy is to be retained for file.

Telephone numbers: 4XXXXX and 45XXXX (Mdina). Bills are to be settled by PA to PM personally. Remind PA to PM to bring cheque from home.

Entertainment Bills. When PA to PM is lunching/dining out, restaurant to be informed to forward bill to OPM Secretariat. Original bill is passed to Mr Alex Magro - Accounts OPM to settle directly with restaurant. Keep copy for file.

Payments made obo Richard by any member of staff for vegetables or salad are to give receipt to either Richard's private secretary or her assistant who leaves it attached to the appointments (on top of the appointments)


Mrs Jacqui Strickland (sometimes she buys gifts for wedding invitations and also informs of any personal invitations to be inserted in diary. Always speak to her personally ie never leave any messages with her family members)

Mr Paul Hili, Mr Joe Gasan, Mr Peter Toledo, Judge Noel Arrigo, Godfrey Grima


The private secretary is given the out tray by the messengers. She is to go through them and follow any instructions given by Richard. Such instructions are to be photocopied and filed together with any actions carried out in the box file near the assistant. Any papers which are thorn in half are to be shredded unless there is a registration number. In such cases these are to be passed on to Myriam in a yellow folder


Always inform Richard of invitations which involve gifts. Seek instructions from Richard. Sometimes Mrs Strickland buys the gifts. When calling her never leave a message. Speak directly to her. When Mrs Strickland buys the gift she will tell you when you are to send it. If Richard asks you to buy the gift send it always two to three days before the wedding.


If you are calling a journalist which is not from Media Link (PN) never show from where you are calling. Just give your name only.


If Mr Cachia Caruana is not hosting inform the person hosting lunch or dinner that an extra table has to be booked for the security. The security has to have his back to the wall, face Mr Cachia Caruana and the entrance at the same time. Always ask the person hosting whether he would like you to take care of the booking.

17. GOLF

Mr Cachia Caruana normally plays golf with Mr Victor Callus. If Mr Callus is not available inform him so that he can choose another partner to play golf with him.

Golf is played once a week on a Wednesday from October to May and twice a week on a Monday and a Wednesday from June to September; Mondays from June to September at 1630 hrs; Wednesdays from October to February at 1330 hrs, from March to May at 1415 hrs and June to September at 1630 hrs.

@ SM are you unsure of what I said? If you have a citizenship from China AND A SECRET ONE OF MALTA, what would you have? Not two? It is quite simple. You are a rather poorly guised red clad suldat tal-azzar.
@ el kajboj - tieghek isbah min ta jason azzopardi u is-secret agents! 2 passaporti! laughing out loudly!
Why not MaltaToday investigate the property permits being handed left right and centre, just months after the former LP deputy leader stated that the LP was best of friends with the contractors? Why dont they investigate the real reason for the secrecy clause? Chinese can only have one legitimate passport...hence having two would have made they virtually indistructable, moving through all of China and Europe at will with China having no idea of this flouting of their mainland law. That is real journalism mela toqod tfittex fuq has been. Personal vendettas!
Mario Pace
How about Malta Today investigate more on a said "JS List"
So much for separation of State and political party, huh! And these people want to teach us democratic workings! I would add this official's whole department (visible and hidden) costs to the overall Ministerial costs for comparison's sake. Moreover, it seems he is still costing the taxpayer around €5,000 each and every month! How does the administration allow this, when we are informed, there are many people near to the poverty line.
il gvern indiddel u dan ghadu jgawdi kollox skorta,perkacci,paga,beneficji etc etc.!
I really like this paper because it has really raised the bar in terms of reporting in Malta HOWEVER this article, or series of articles cause you seem to go on and on, about it, betrays an obvious bone you have to grind with RCC. And why should we care? Like many, I hate reading malicious blogs such as Daphne's. I love reading this paper... I hope it stays that way! Also, your overzealousness in attacking RCC has led you to write some clear lies; your article is immediately discredited when you say that you were treated you to steak and fries at Quick, the local burger joint (equivalent of McDs) in Belgium... do you get steak and fries at McDonalds? No. Cause they don't serve it. And Quick doesn't either. It never has, and never will. Keep up the good work but try and resist the urge to get bogged down in nonsense.
...u min kien inaddaflu pattatu, ilibsu u jaghtuh il-halib minn gol-bottle?
@ juan / quixotic. What do you mean pathetic? Of course all the above is news value. He was being served from our hard earned money. Haseb li hu xi Re jew, b'dawk il-paggi kollha? Kompli ghidilna Sur Salv, ghandna kull dritt nkunu nafu min u kif kien qed iberqu flus il-poplu. Ma ahniex se nisimugh minghand it-TOM zgur u lanqas min dik id-dardira tal-Bidnija.
U min kien ihallas ghall- gifts, ghall-ikliet, ghal golf u is-servitu li kellu mieghu? Mhux ta b'xejn li SimonPN hu daqshekk negattiv! Ara x'tilfu dinja bil-perks li anqas Obama m'ghandu! X'ma kinenx jahseb li hu alla ta Malta; x'ma jahsbux li huma biss ghandhom dritt imexxxu biex inemimxu! Ghalhemm kontra kull skema ta Muscat ghax issa kemm fl-iskandli taz-zejt u kemm bil-lifestyle tal-barunijiet, they were caught with their pants down? Nispera li il-gazzetti l-ohra bl-ingliz se igibu din l-informazzjoni? Hemm cans li is-sindikajra tal-Bidnija iggib xi haga fuq dawn l-iskandli?
And then we used to be surprised with Gaddaffi attitude ,and unfortunately some new big heads are adjusting them self's to this mention attitude
Pathetic, Saviour. Next will we hear about Gonzi's bathroom-break timetable at Castille?
U min ihallas? u l-haddiem jaqtawlu l-overtime. Lil poplu joghlulu il-kontijiet. Il-penzonjant ma jsibx il-pilloli. Nixtieq inkun naf jekk hemmx infern ?
Mela kemm kellu servi jahdmu mieghu u iseftrulu minn fuq daharna? Mhux ta b'xejn li hawn min qal li kien jghix bhal kardinal Rechelieu! Hemm xi cans li Jason Azzopardi jaghmel xi konferenza stampa fuq dawn il-ksuhat li anqas ir-regina ma taghmilhom?
What's the news value of Mr Cachia'a Caruana's iteniary and dietary menu?
I think you will get in trouble with this organisation: for bringing this article.
Fejn hu Simon Busuttil, Beppe u Mario Demarco issa?????? Fejn hu Tonio Fenech, e bella compania? Fejn hu Aust, AG, u x'ix xjaten jaghtulu? Dan ghamel lilu inniffsu ALLA. X'ser jghidu issa tal-PN jew ghalihom dan kollu mhux disgrace ghal principju demokratiku ta' Malta?? X' hinu ta misthijja, li taghti cittadinanza ghal prezz ta' $650,000 ghal kaxxa ta' Malta jew li l-arroganza assoluta u l-korruzzjoni kienet issuperat kull limitu f' Malta taht Gonzi u l-klikka b' Simon Busuttil bhala Deputat Kap.
Taraw in-negattivita u d-dwejjaq kollha li ghandhom certu nies minn fejn gejja. Inti ara x'kienu jgawdu? Ara x'tilfu! Dawn kienu jghixu fil-genna tal-art minn fuq darhna. Il-poplu qatt immagina x'rikba kienu jirkbuh dawn in-nies vili. Bilhaqq ma qattulniex min kien jidliklu t-terra tat-tixwit wara l-loghba golf.
Lino Camilleri
Hawn huma l-untouchables.