New ARMS chief executive was chairman’s business partner

ARMS chief executive James Davies enjoyed business relationship with outgoing chairman of Water Services and ARMS, Tony Meilaq – company records

The former business partner of the outgoing chairman of the Water Services Corporation, was employed as chief executive of the WSC's billing company ARMS to take over acting chief Henry Attard earlier in summer.

MaltaToday understands that there was no public call for the post of ARMS's (Automated Revenue Management Services) chief executive, which is today occupied by James Davies.

According to company records, Davies was a company secretary and shareholder in a number of companies in which ARMS and WSC chairman Tony Meilaq also had a controlling interest.

Meilaq was appointed ARMS chairman in July 2013, replacing Xghajra mayor Anthony Valvo who had been appointed as chairman of the billing company in April, upon Labour's election.

But Meilaq will no longer be occupying the post of chairman, a government source told MaltaToday. Meilaq himself refused to comment on, or deny the reports of his resignation.

Although there is no inkling as to why Meilaq will not be retained as chairman, Davies could have been appointed without a public call and ostensibly drafted in because of his former business relationship with the politically-appointed Meilaq.

There is no confirmation that Davies's employment is connected to Meilaq's resignation. But Davies appears listed as a company secretary in several companies in which Tony Meilaq had a shareholding, and which have now been struck off the company register.

Davies was a company secretary in Comtel International, CJTV Holdings, Management Outsourcing Co Ltd, and in the case of Traveltek he was also a shareholder with Meilaq.

And another common name is that of WSC deputy chairman Saviour Zammit, who was a director in Comtel, Traveltek, and Management Outsourcing before these companies were struck off the company register.

Suspensions and resignations

Tony Meilaq was appointed chairman of the WSC in April, and chairman of ARMS in June 2013. Meilaq's resignation would be the second one for ARMS, which was recently chaired by Anthony Valvo. ARMS also recently appointed James Davies, to take over acting CEO Henry Attard after the suspension of Wilfred Borg. Borg was suspended by ARMS's new board of directors after he refused to resign his post when the energy ministry issued a statement demanding that he step down over an IT error that affected over 3,000 energy benefits.

Meilaq formerly served as chairman of state telecommunications corporation Telemalta, the forerunner of GO plc, during the Sant administration between 1996 and 1998.

@Tono Borg ... Int qed tghix fuq dil-gzira jew le? Jew ghandek xi amnesija u nsejt kif kienu l-ARMS u WSC sena, sentejn ilu?? Insejt il-kontijiet fenominali li kienu jircievu nies li jaqilghuha u jikluha? Insejt kjuws bla tmiem biex jipprovaw jifhmu l-kontijiet u x'inhu jigri? U xi nghidu mbaghad ghall-pressjoni zejda li dan kollu holoq fuq il-haddiema? Qum mir-raqda li rieqed u hares harsa madwarek. Jekk forsi ma ndunajtx, tmin xhur ilu nbiddel il-gvern u qed jipprova jirranga l-hnizrijiet li hallew warajhom il-gvern ta qabel.
@Cindirella Kumment patetiku bhal tieghek ghadt irridt nara! What mess was ARMS in? and if now it is out, what has changed for the better??? Intom laqwa li jkunu lejburisti...issa jfarkux jew jirrangawx limprtanti li jdoqqu trumbetta laburista! capcap gahan
What's the point of this article? As the saying goes ... Malta zghira u n-nies maghrufa. If you look in each and every one's family tree, I'm pretty sure that at the end of the day we realize that we are all somehow related to each other. If these two were business partners good luck to them. What's important is that they get both ARMS and WSC out from the mess these two companies were left in thanks to the previous administration.