English language schools say citizenship sale ‘negative on Maltese economy’

Federation of language schools says government must reach consensus over sale of citizenship

The Federation of English Language Teaching Organisations in Malta (FELTOM) has expressed its concern with the way the proposed citizenship scheme has been handled, and the resulting negative feedback in foreign media.

“Malta’s success as a regional centre of excellence in the global Teaching of English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) sector, is largely based on the reputation we have managed to build together as a country. But the citizenship scheme as proposed by Government has drawn significant negative international attention to Malta,” FELTOM said in a statement.

The federation believed that the citizenship scheme would impinge negatively on Malta’s reputation, which will also affect numerous economic sectors Malta has a stake in.

FELTOM called for more discussions to take place and appealed to the government to reach consensus over this issue, “in Malta’s best interest.”

On Tuesday, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat said he was ready for the public's verdict on the citizenship scheme if consensus failed to be reached in parliament over the Individual Investor Programme.

Speaking in parliament, Muscat said he wanted to allow more time for discussion on the controversial citizenship scheme.

Muscat urged the House to reach a consensus, but Opposition leader Simon Busuttil already pointed out he was not ruling out seeking national aliiance for an abrogative referendum.

FELTOM are not an official agency. It is a self promoting organization owned by a handful of the biggest language schools in Malta. They should be quiet - they are only publishing any sort of opinion to make themselves look more like "authorities" which they truly aren't. I own a language school and want nothing to do with FELTOM. The fact that this article gives them any form of credibility is a joke. And it's misleading. If you want to keep the revenue generated by language tourism then clean up Paceville, clean up all the little bottle shops and the corruption which enables them to bang out their music without a license, stop listening to people like FELTOM, and sort out your licensing of "host families". I'd also look into these cheap nasty (big) hotels all over st Julian's which are basically just slums for underage drinking every summer. It's a total shame that an industry which brings so much revenue into Malta is being put at such risk of international condemnation through poor regulation and allowing Paceville bosses to cut deals with truly reckless schools the way they have. V
These comments from Feltom remind me of the ridiculous billboards the church authorities put up during the weeks before the Divorce referendum. Perhaps the Feltom organisation is employing the same publicity agency ! If they are, well then on their own reputation be it. I would have thought that Feltom would be welcoming this development, as it's just possible that the people who may become future fellow citizens, may also be inclined to sponsor others from their homelands to come to Malta to attend our excellent range of English language courses. Food for thought you might say.....
''Malta’s success as a regional centre of excellence in the global Teaching of English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) sector, is largely based on the reputation we have managed to build together as a country'' - with due respect FELTOM do you know what reputation malta has especially to learning english??? they come here only to drink alcohol, sleep with girls/boys and party all night long at paceville not to learn english! and what about revenue?? we do not get millions from such type of tourism! foreigners wanting to impose on us - ridiculous!
Ahjar il-Felton taghmel due diligence tal-istudenti barranin li jigi biex 'suppost' jistudjaw l-ingliz hawn Malta, ghax kull fejn tara dawn l-istudenti fis-sajf hlief hamallagni u hmieg ma tarax.
Cannot understand why FELTON has to do with this.You know whats good for the Economy when they contract hotels for €12 half board daily and they charge thousands. If one has to read the sites on internet with negative comments by students Fe. lton will be shocked. Years ago a big company had a meeting with than Minister of tourism when they wanted to introduce him to their boss. minister told him your students are causing a lot of problems and bad publicity. Is FELTON going to be part of the Alliance Simon is trying to built?
Why? So in Feltom's learned opinion attracting talented, learned entrepreneurs would lower our standard of the English language? Don't they know from where the majority of their better clients hail from?
What is this FELTOM??!!!! why don't they just roll up their sleeves.