Citizenship should not be for sale - Council of Women

The National Council of Women calls for abrogative referendum on citizenship

The National Council of Women has condemned the selling of Maltese citizenship, saying that it does not agree with any scheme whose sole aim was to raise immediate revenue.

The scheme will allow for foreign investors to buy Maltese citizenship for €650,000, as part of an Individual Investor Programme in new amendments to the Citizenship Act.

Last week, the bill to amend the Citizenship Act was approved in parliament, with 37 votes in favour and 30 against.

And on Tuesday this week, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat said that he was ready to listen to the public's verdict on the citizenship scheme if consensus failed to be reached in parliament.

However, the Council's vice-president, Grace Attard, said that the matter was deserving of an abrogative referendum, in which all Maltese citizens can put forward their opinions.

"The granting of Maltese citizenship should remain a process according to measures that Malta has put in place and developed over the years, thus guaranteeing the dignity it deserves and at the same time encouraging integrity of the individual to whom it is granted," she said.

Attard said that the Council was very concerned with the possible repercussions of such a scheme, highlighting the possible negative effects on Malta's strong and competitive financial services.

Furthermore, she said that Malta's relations with the European Union could be jeopardised, as well as any VISA agreements with countries outside the EU.

"This is not just a question of reputation, but rather a question of trust and credibility, which has been one of Malta's major assets," she said.

On the possibility of Malta raising additional revenue from the scheme, Attard said that "the means do not always justify the end", adding that this was a "dangerous attitude" for a government to adhere to.

"Ethics might not be a written law, but they are undoubtedly an important and mature safeguard against irresponsible and quick decisions," she said.

"It is not enough to state that no law is being broken. Decisions taken on the basis of ethical considerations are what raise the status of any country. Ignoring them and acting without ethical principles will not only make Malta a laughing stock but also a pawn for all those who would be tempted to abuse of the country's vulnerability," she said.

Council of What????? Why don`t you go play bridge and drink pink gins like you are used to!!!!!! and leave serious talk to the women who perform the common tasks, the great elementary and anonymous work of day to day life. These common women are not tempted to think themselves as a superior race, because their work is not signed. They are plain people who understand plain language. They are not people of upright judgement and free from instincts, but they are free from the tragic sophism of reactionaries that act within legal frameworks of legitimate institutions to confound the behaviour of free people
Din Gracie ma tafx x'qed jigri madwara ahseb u ara x'qed jigri fl-Ewropa u d-dinja. Dawk l-artikli kollha li dehru fl-istampa internazzjonali m'huma xejn hlieb kitba ta gurnalist Malti li nafu min hu. Mela toqghodx timla rasek li l-barranin huma kontra l-iskema. Anzi jekk int tifhem nitfa fl-advertising taf li bad publicity is good advertising. Din Gracie qatt ma harqitha qalbha ghal dawk in nisa li xi hadd barrani jizzewighom ghal konvenjenza biex jiehu ic-cittadinanza? Qatt semmajt lehnek Gracie. Dawn il-barranin qatt gew skrutinati qabel ma naghtaw ic-cittadinanza Maltija. Nistennewk twegibna Gracie
Il-korijiet diga bdew. Kulhadd qed iqajjem il-gwienah issa. Ma nafx xi hsara qed jirreferu ghaliha. Il-hsara minn naha wahda qed naraha gejja jien, propju minn dawk li qed ifixxklu. Kollu gheneb qares dan.
what kind of harm are you referreing to with regards to our economy? the scheme will only help us! you are only concerened with the illegal immigrants and nothing else! and haven't you heared that the EU already gave her thought! the EU will not interfere!however the council never soke with regards to igaming such a huge sector that renders money to malta and the effects it has on the families as it promotes gambling! you are only afraid of the benefits that it can leave!and you are scared of things that are non-existent beacuse in the article there is written nothign about tangile examples! have ever the council express their concern on all those women who sell themselves to foreigners to get a citizenship via marriage????
Kunsill tan nisa bir rispett kollu lil Ms. Attard jekk trid referendum thallsu int? €4miljuni jigi lil pajjiz biex imbghad ir-risultat ikun altru kif tixtieq int, x'nghamlu, nergaw nghamlu xi referendum iehor, Gvern jigi mtella ghal hames snin. Ghalhekk ivvotajna biex mhux kull abboz ta ligi nghamlu referendum