Global Residence Programme ‘receives good feedback’ in Miami

Government ‘committed to continue promoting residence and citizenship programmes internationally’.

Parliamentary secretary for economic growth Edward Zammit Lewis has received "very good feedback" for the Global Residence Programme, the government said today.

Zammit Lewis is accompanying the Prime Minister in Miami, Florida for the Henley & Partners, 7th Global Residence & Citizenship Conference.

The junior minister is representing the government in promoting Malta's Global Residence Program. According to a government statement, this conference is considered to be "the world's leading investor immigration and citizenship event".

"The conference provided a good platform to promote Malta's attractive international residence and citizenship programmes, in the presence of leading experts in this expanding field," the government said.

"Our lead is that Malta can provide investors with a comprehensive package as a highly reputable international business and financial jurisdiction, especially if the investors are involved in sectors relating to Malta's focus industries such as ICT, Shared Services, Financial Services, Advanced Manufacturing, Life Sciences and Health Services, International Educational Services, Tourism, Transportation and Logistics."

The conference is designed for private client advisors, tax lawyers, immigration specialists, relationship managers of private banks, family officers and advisers of high net worth individuals and families in relation to residence and citizenship.

Zammit Lewis also participated in the conference panel to discuss the latest developments in this sector.

The statement concluded that government was "committed to continue promoting Malta's Residence & Citizenship programmes internationally to continue attracting investment and talent towards our jurisdiction".

Aktar se jipprova XMUN buzullotti jfixkel mela ghax jaf li l-anqas fil holm ma jsir PM ta Malta juhekk din l-iskema isehh. Dak il BURDEN SHARING bellalna hawn Malta u hsara lil pajjiz iparla fil vojt fuq ir RAI u ma erba gurnali internazzjonali hbieb tal partit mahmug li jiraprezenta ghamel sa issa.XMUN FWICCEK SE JIBQA . u l-ewwel tkaxkira se tlaqqata fil elezzjoni tal MEP . Il hmerija li umbghad il partit fallut li ghandkom jaqtawlek rasek,ghax bik hemm is 36 k differenza jizdiedu kuljum !
Good show!
I am sure that both schemes will attract net worth foreign investors to Malta. I augur the Labour administration to keep up the sterling work
And when will the promised legal notice concerning EU citizens be published?