Memorandum uncovers civil service transfers under 1987 PN government

1996 Injustices tribunal uncovers 500 cases of unwarranted work transfers within civil service under Nationalist government

PN headquarters in Pieta
PN headquarters in Pieta

One week after PN leader Simon Busuttil slammed the "vindictive transfers" within the civil service sector, Sunday newspaper Illum published a copy of a memorandum uncovering numerous promotions within the public departments by the 1987 Nationalist government.

The report states how the then Nationalist administration, in light of numerous transfers given by parliamentary members and head of departments, had warned officials to adhere to the rules and procedures regulating work transfers of civil service members.

Published by the Office of the Prime Minister, the memorandum also ordered all the heads of civil departments to consult with Alfred Chetcuti, a member within the prime minister's private secretariat, prior to handing transfers.

Illum also uncovered that the Tribunal of Injustices, which was established in 1996 by a Labour government, had uncovered 500 cases of unjustified promotions between 1987 and 1995.

Read more in today's edition of Illum

Ma nafx hux qed nifem sew. It means that Alfred Chetcuti gave his consent about the transfers that were given in 1987? Can someone tell us now that the memorandum is public, who were responsible for those vindictive transfers?
Dr. E. Fenech Adami wieghedni li meta ikun fil-gvern, missieri, Karm Grima , dak li kien gie iffrejmjat minn Dr. Guido de Marco biex ma joqtluhx il-marmalja Laburista ta' Lorry Sant,se johorgu minn Monte Carmeli l-ghada li jitla fil-gvern. Ghamel l-Inkjesta ohra, Mus. Azz. li kixfet kollox imma hbija fl-istrong room tal-Parlament!U li wara insterqet minn dR. sANT! Ma nafx kif nies bhal dawn jistghu jirrikonciljaw id-dnubiet taghhom mat-tqarbin li jibilghu ta' kuljum.
Fejn hu il-Paladin tal- gustizzja ta Birkirkara, ghandu wicc jiftah halqu ibnu?
May those suffering from crocodile tears syndrome about any transfers recently taken,can make their presence please?
HA ha ha ha ara fejn hi il cafeteria !
Umbghad iridu jigu bil wick tost kollhu u arroganzi illum jindahlu min jigi appuntat kif u min fejn ghandu jigi u min ghandu jkun u dan wara li il poplu tkellem u warrabhom b 36 elf vot . u dan li qed naraw mhux biss fil gvernijiet ta 1987 imma lil tal qalba baqaw sa l-ahhar granet qabel l-elezzjoniji ta 2013 ipaxxuwhom .bizzejjet taraw il mod moqzies u min kien qed imixxi il PBS .stazzjon u programme jrewhu lil GONZIPN iqallawlek l-istonku .x ma warrabkhomx darba gahl dejjem il poplu,mela hsibtuh ghadu mazzun jew ?
Umbghad iridu jigu bil wick tost kollhu u arroganzi illum jindahlu min jigi appuntat kif u min fejn ghandu jigi u min ghandu jkun u dan wara li il poplu tkellem u warrabhom b 36 elf vot . u dan li qed naraw mhux biss fil gvernijiet ta 1987 imma lil tal qalba baqaw sa l-ahhar granet qabel l-elezzjoniji ta 2013 ipaxxuwhom .bizzejjet taraw il mod moqzies u min kien qed imixxi il PBS .stazzjon u programme jrewhu lil GONZIPN iqallawlek l-istonku .x ma warrabkhomx darba gahl dejjem il poplu,mela hsibtuh ghadu mazzun jew ?
Lino Camilleri
Prosit Malta To Day. Ghandhom ghalfejn jaghjruhom lill laburisti ghax qalu xi transfer lhemm u l hawn